#include "PlocSupervisorHandler.h" #include #include #include #include #include "OBSWConfig.h" #include "eive/definitions.h" #include "fsfw/datapool/PoolReadGuard.h" #include "fsfw/globalfunctions/CRC.h" #include "fsfw/ipc/QueueFactory.h" #include "fsfw/timemanager/Clock.h" PlocSupervisorHandler::PlocSupervisorHandler(object_id_t objectId, object_id_t uartComIFid, CookieIF* comCookie, Gpio uartIsolatorSwitch, power::Switch_t powerSwitch, PlocSupvHelper* supvHelper) : DeviceHandlerBase(objectId, uartComIFid, comCookie), uartIsolatorSwitch(uartIsolatorSwitch), hkset(this), bootStatusReport(this), latchupStatusReport(this), loggingReport(this), adcReport(this), powerSwitch(powerSwitch), supvHelper(supvHelper) { if (comCookie == NULL) { sif::error << "PlocSupervisorHandler: Invalid com cookie" << std::endl; } eventQueue = QueueFactory::instance()->createMessageQueue(EventMessage::EVENT_MESSAGE_SIZE * 5); } PlocSupervisorHandler::~PlocSupervisorHandler() {} ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::initialize() { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; result = DeviceHandlerBase::initialize(); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } uartComIf = dynamic_cast(communicationInterface); if (uartComIf == nullptr) { sif::warning << "PlocSupervisorHandler::initialize: Invalid uart com if" << std::endl; return ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED; } #ifndef TE0720_1CFA sdcMan = SdCardManager::instance(); #endif /* TE0720_1CFA */ if (supvHelper == nullptr) { sif::warning << "PlocSupervisorHandler::initialize: Invalid supervisor helper" << std::endl; return ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED; } result = supvHelper->setComIF(uartComIf); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED; } supvHelper->setComCookie(comCookie); result = eventSubscription(); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } return result; } void PlocSupervisorHandler::performOperationHook() { EventMessage event; for (ReturnValue_t result = eventQueue->receiveMessage(&event); result == RETURN_OK; result = eventQueue->receiveMessage(&event)) { switch (event.getMessageId()) { case EventMessage::EVENT_MESSAGE: handleEvent(&event); break; default: sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::performOperationHook: Did not subscribe to this event" << " message" << std::endl; break; } } } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::executeAction(ActionId_t actionId, MessageQueueId_t commandedBy, const uint8_t* data, size_t size) { using namespace supv; ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; switch (actionId) { case TERMINATE_SUPV_HELPER: { supvHelper->stopProcess(); return EXECUTION_FINISHED; } default: break; } if (plocSupvHelperExecuting) { return SupvReturnValuesIF::SUPV_HELPER_EXECUTING; } switch (actionId) { case PERFORM_UPDATE: { if (size > config::MAX_PATH_SIZE + config::MAX_FILENAME_SIZE) { return SupvReturnValuesIF::FILENAME_TOO_LONG; } std::string file = ""; uint8_t memoryId = 0; uint32_t startAddress = 0; result = extractUpdateCommand(data, size, &file, &memoryId, &startAddress); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } result = supvHelper->startUpdate(file, memoryId, startAddress); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } plocSupvHelperExecuting = true; return EXECUTION_FINISHED; } case LOGGING_REQUEST_EVENT_BUFFERS: { if (size > config::MAX_PATH_SIZE) { return SupvReturnValuesIF::FILENAME_TOO_LONG; } result = supvHelper->startEventbBufferRequest( std::string(reinterpret_cast(data), size)); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } plocSupvHelperExecuting = true; return EXECUTION_FINISHED; } default: break; } return DeviceHandlerBase::executeAction(actionId, commandedBy, data, size); } void PlocSupervisorHandler::doStartUp() { setMode(_MODE_TO_ON); uartIsolatorSwitch.pullHigh(); } void PlocSupervisorHandler::doShutDown() { setMode(_MODE_POWER_DOWN); uartIsolatorSwitch.pullLow(); } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::buildNormalDeviceCommand(DeviceCommandId_t* id) { return NOTHING_TO_SEND; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::buildTransitionDeviceCommand(DeviceCommandId_t* id) { return NOTHING_TO_SEND; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::buildCommandFromCommand(DeviceCommandId_t deviceCommand, const uint8_t* commandData, size_t commandDataLen) { using namespace supv; ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_FAILED; switch (deviceCommand) { case GET_HK_REPORT: { sif::warning << "PlocSupervisorHandler::buildCommandFromCommand: Housekeeping report is " << "faulty. Needs to be fixed in vorago software" << std::endl; prepareEmptyCmd(APID_GET_HK_REPORT); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case START_MPSOC: { prepareEmptyCmd(APID_START_MPSOC); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case SHUTDOWN_MPSOC: { prepareEmptyCmd(APID_SHUTWOWN_MPSOC); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case SEL_MPSOC_BOOT_IMAGE: { prepareSelBootImageCmd(commandData); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case RESET_MPSOC: { prepareEmptyCmd(APID_RESET_MPSOC); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case SET_TIME_REF: { result = prepareSetTimeRefCmd(); break; } case SET_BOOT_TIMEOUT: { prepareSetBootTimeoutCmd(commandData); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case SET_MAX_RESTART_TRIES: { prepareRestartTriesCmd(commandData); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case DISABLE_PERIOIC_HK_TRANSMISSION: { prepareDisableHk(); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case GET_BOOT_STATUS_REPORT: { prepareEmptyCmd(APID_GET_BOOT_STATUS_RPT); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case ENABLE_LATCHUP_ALERT: { result = prepareLatchupConfigCmd(commandData, deviceCommand); break; } case DISABLE_LATCHUP_ALERT: { result = prepareLatchupConfigCmd(commandData, deviceCommand); break; } case SET_ALERT_LIMIT: { result = prepareSetAlertLimitCmd(commandData); break; } case SET_ADC_ENABLED_CHANNELS: { prepareSetAdcEnabledChannelsCmd(commandData); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case SET_ADC_WINDOW_AND_STRIDE: { prepareSetAdcWindowAndStrideCmd(commandData); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case SET_ADC_THRESHOLD: { prepareSetAdcThresholdCmd(commandData); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case GET_LATCHUP_STATUS_REPORT: { prepareEmptyCmd(APID_GET_LATCHUP_STATUS_REPORT); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case COPY_ADC_DATA_TO_MRAM: { prepareEmptyCmd(APID_COPY_ADC_DATA_TO_MRAM); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case REQUEST_ADC_REPORT: { prepareEmptyCmd(APID_REQUEST_ADC_REPORT); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case RUN_AUTO_EM_TESTS: { result = prepareRunAutoEmTest(commandData); break; } case WIPE_MRAM: { result = prepareWipeMramCmd(commandData); break; } case FIRST_MRAM_DUMP: case CONSECUTIVE_MRAM_DUMP: result = prepareDumpMramCmd(commandData); break; case SET_GPIO: { prepareSetGpioCmd(commandData); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case READ_GPIO: { prepareReadGpioCmd(commandData); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case RESTART_SUPERVISOR: { prepareEmptyCmd(APID_RESTART_SUPERVISOR); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case FACTORY_RESET_CLEAR_ALL: { FactoryReset packet(FactoryReset::Op::CLEAR_ALL); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case FACTORY_RESET_CLEAR_MIRROR: { FactoryReset packet(FactoryReset::Op::MIRROR_ENTRIES); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case FACTORY_RESET_CLEAR_CIRCULAR: { FactoryReset packet(FactoryReset::Op::CIRCULAR_ENTRIES); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case START_MPSOC_QUIET: { prepareEmptyCmd(APID_START_MPSOC_QUIET); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case SET_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT: { prepareSetShutdownTimeoutCmd(commandData); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case FACTORY_FLASH: { prepareEmptyCmd(APID_FACTORY_FLASH); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case ENABLE_AUTO_TM: { EnableAutoTm packet; packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case DISABLE_AUTO_TM: { DisableAutoTm packet; packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case LOGGING_REQUEST_COUNTERS: { RequestLoggingData packet(RequestLoggingData::Sa::REQUEST_COUNTERS); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case LOGGING_CLEAR_COUNTERS: { RequestLoggingData packet(RequestLoggingData::Sa::CLEAR_COUNTERS); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); result = RETURN_OK; break; } case LOGGING_SET_TOPIC: { uint8_t tpc = *(commandData); RequestLoggingData packet(RequestLoggingData::Sa::SET_LOGGING_TOPIC, tpc); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); result = RETURN_OK; break; } default: sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::buildCommandFromCommand: Command not implemented" << std::endl; result = DeviceHandlerIF::COMMAND_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; } if (result == RETURN_OK) { /** * Flushing the receive buffer to make sure there are no data left from a faulty reply. */ uartComIf->flushUartRxBuffer(comCookie); } return result; } void PlocSupervisorHandler::fillCommandAndReplyMap() { using namespace supv; this->insertInCommandMap(GET_HK_REPORT); this->insertInCommandMap(START_MPSOC); this->insertInCommandMap(SHUTDOWN_MPSOC); this->insertInCommandMap(SEL_MPSOC_BOOT_IMAGE); this->insertInCommandMap(SET_BOOT_TIMEOUT); this->insertInCommandMap(SET_MAX_RESTART_TRIES); this->insertInCommandMap(RESET_MPSOC); this->insertInCommandMap(SET_TIME_REF); this->insertInCommandMap(DISABLE_PERIOIC_HK_TRANSMISSION); this->insertInCommandMap(GET_BOOT_STATUS_REPORT); this->insertInCommandMap(ENABLE_LATCHUP_ALERT); this->insertInCommandMap(DISABLE_LATCHUP_ALERT); this->insertInCommandMap(SET_ALERT_LIMIT); this->insertInCommandMap(SET_ADC_ENABLED_CHANNELS); this->insertInCommandMap(SET_ADC_WINDOW_AND_STRIDE); this->insertInCommandMap(SET_ADC_THRESHOLD); this->insertInCommandMap(GET_LATCHUP_STATUS_REPORT); this->insertInCommandMap(COPY_ADC_DATA_TO_MRAM); this->insertInCommandMap(REQUEST_ADC_REPORT); this->insertInCommandMap(RUN_AUTO_EM_TESTS); this->insertInCommandMap(WIPE_MRAM); this->insertInCommandMap(PRINT_CPU_STATS); this->insertInCommandMap(SET_GPIO); this->insertInCommandMap(READ_GPIO); this->insertInCommandMap(RESTART_SUPERVISOR); this->insertInCommandMap(FACTORY_RESET_CLEAR_ALL); this->insertInCommandMap(FACTORY_RESET_CLEAR_MIRROR); this->insertInCommandMap(FACTORY_RESET_CLEAR_CIRCULAR); this->insertInCommandMap(START_MPSOC_QUIET); this->insertInCommandMap(SET_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT); this->insertInCommandMap(FACTORY_FLASH); this->insertInCommandMap(ENABLE_AUTO_TM); this->insertInCommandMap(DISABLE_AUTO_TM); this->insertInCommandMap(LOGGING_REQUEST_COUNTERS); this->insertInCommandMap(LOGGING_CLEAR_COUNTERS); this->insertInCommandMap(LOGGING_SET_TOPIC); this->insertInCommandAndReplyMap(FIRST_MRAM_DUMP, 3); this->insertInCommandAndReplyMap(CONSECUTIVE_MRAM_DUMP, 3); this->insertInReplyMap(ACK_REPORT, 3, nullptr, SIZE_ACK_REPORT); this->insertInReplyMap(EXE_REPORT, 3, nullptr, SIZE_EXE_REPORT); this->insertInReplyMap(HK_REPORT, 3, &hkset, SIZE_HK_REPORT); this->insertInReplyMap(BOOT_STATUS_REPORT, 3, &bootStatusReport, SIZE_BOOT_STATUS_REPORT); this->insertInReplyMap(LATCHUP_REPORT, 3, &latchupStatusReport, SIZE_LATCHUP_STATUS_REPORT); this->insertInReplyMap(LOGGING_REPORT, 3, &loggingReport, SIZE_LOGGING_REPORT); this->insertInReplyMap(ADC_REPORT, 3, &adcReport, SIZE_ADC_REPORT); } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::enableReplyInReplyMap(DeviceCommandMap::iterator command, uint8_t expectedReplies, bool useAlternateId, DeviceCommandId_t alternateReplyID) { using namespace supv; ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; uint8_t enabledReplies = 0; switch (command->first) { case GET_HK_REPORT: { enabledReplies = 3; result = DeviceHandlerBase::enableReplyInReplyMap(command, enabledReplies, true, HK_REPORT); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::enableReplyInReplyMap: Reply with id " << HK_REPORT << " not in replyMap" << std::endl; } break; } case GET_BOOT_STATUS_REPORT: { enabledReplies = 3; result = DeviceHandlerBase::enableReplyInReplyMap(command, enabledReplies, true, BOOT_STATUS_REPORT); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::enableReplyInReplyMap: Reply with id " << BOOT_STATUS_REPORT << " not in replyMap" << std::endl; } break; } case GET_LATCHUP_STATUS_REPORT: { enabledReplies = 3; result = DeviceHandlerBase::enableReplyInReplyMap(command, enabledReplies, true, LATCHUP_REPORT); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::enableReplyInReplyMap: Reply with id " << LATCHUP_REPORT << " not in replyMap" << std::endl; } break; } case LOGGING_REQUEST_COUNTERS: { enabledReplies = 3; result = DeviceHandlerBase::enableReplyInReplyMap(command, enabledReplies, true, LOGGING_REPORT); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::enableReplyInReplyMap: Reply with id " << LOGGING_REPORT << " not in replyMap" << std::endl; } break; } case REQUEST_ADC_REPORT: { enabledReplies = 3; result = DeviceHandlerBase::enableReplyInReplyMap(command, enabledReplies, true, ADC_REPORT); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::enableReplyInReplyMap: Reply with id " << ADC_REPORT << " not in replyMap" << std::endl; } break; } case FIRST_MRAM_DUMP: { enabledReplies = 2; // expected replies will be increased in handleMramDumpPacket result = DeviceHandlerBase::enableReplyInReplyMap(command, enabledReplies, true, FIRST_MRAM_DUMP); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::enableReplyInReplyMap: Reply with id " << FIRST_MRAM_DUMP << " not in replyMap" << std::endl; } break; } case CONSECUTIVE_MRAM_DUMP: { enabledReplies = 2; // expected replies will be increased in handleMramDumpPacket result = DeviceHandlerBase::enableReplyInReplyMap(command, enabledReplies, true, CONSECUTIVE_MRAM_DUMP); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::enableReplyInReplyMap: Reply with id " << CONSECUTIVE_MRAM_DUMP << " not in replyMap" << std::endl; } break; } case START_MPSOC: case SHUTDOWN_MPSOC: case SEL_MPSOC_BOOT_IMAGE: case SET_BOOT_TIMEOUT: case SET_MAX_RESTART_TRIES: case RESET_MPSOC: case SET_TIME_REF: case ENABLE_LATCHUP_ALERT: case DISABLE_LATCHUP_ALERT: case SET_ALERT_LIMIT: case SET_ADC_ENABLED_CHANNELS: case SET_ADC_WINDOW_AND_STRIDE: case SET_ADC_THRESHOLD: case COPY_ADC_DATA_TO_MRAM: case RUN_AUTO_EM_TESTS: case WIPE_MRAM: case PRINT_CPU_STATS: case SET_GPIO: case READ_GPIO: case RESTART_SUPERVISOR: case FACTORY_RESET_CLEAR_ALL: case FACTORY_RESET_CLEAR_MIRROR: case FACTORY_RESET_CLEAR_CIRCULAR: case DISABLE_PERIOIC_HK_TRANSMISSION: case START_MPSOC_QUIET: case SET_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT: case FACTORY_FLASH: case ENABLE_AUTO_TM: case DISABLE_AUTO_TM: case LOGGING_CLEAR_COUNTERS: case LOGGING_SET_TOPIC: enabledReplies = 2; break; default: sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::enableReplyInReplyMap: Unknown command id" << std::endl; break; } /** * Every command causes at least one acknowledgment and one execution report. Therefore both * replies will be enabled here. */ result = DeviceHandlerBase::enableReplyInReplyMap(command, enabledReplies, true, ACK_REPORT); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::enableReplyInReplyMap: Reply with id " << ACK_REPORT << " not in replyMap" << std::endl; } result = DeviceHandlerBase::enableReplyInReplyMap(command, enabledReplies, true, EXE_REPORT); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::enableReplyInReplyMap: Reply with id " << EXE_REPORT << " not in replyMap" << std::endl; } return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::scanForReply(const uint8_t* start, size_t remainingSize, DeviceCommandId_t* foundId, size_t* foundLen) { using namespace supv; if (nextReplyId == FIRST_MRAM_DUMP) { *foundId = FIRST_MRAM_DUMP; return parseMramPackets(start, remainingSize, foundLen); } else if (nextReplyId == CONSECUTIVE_MRAM_DUMP) { *foundId = CONSECUTIVE_MRAM_DUMP; return parseMramPackets(start, remainingSize, foundLen); } ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; uint16_t apid = (*(start) << 8 | *(start + 1)) & APID_MASK; switch (apid) { case (APID_ACK_SUCCESS): *foundLen = SIZE_ACK_REPORT; *foundId = ACK_REPORT; break; case (APID_ACK_FAILURE): *foundLen = SIZE_ACK_REPORT; *foundId = ACK_REPORT; break; case (APID_HK_REPORT): *foundLen = SIZE_HK_REPORT; *foundId = HK_REPORT; break; case (APID_BOOT_STATUS_REPORT): *foundLen = SIZE_BOOT_STATUS_REPORT; *foundId = BOOT_STATUS_REPORT; break; case (APID_LATCHUP_STATUS_REPORT): *foundLen = SIZE_LATCHUP_STATUS_REPORT; *foundId = LATCHUP_REPORT; break; case (APID_DATA_LOGGER_DATA): *foundLen = SIZE_LOGGING_REPORT; *foundId = LOGGING_REPORT; break; case (APID_ADC_REPORT): *foundLen = SIZE_ADC_REPORT; *foundId = ADC_REPORT; break; case (APID_EXE_SUCCESS): *foundLen = SIZE_EXE_REPORT; *foundId = EXE_REPORT; break; case (APID_EXE_FAILURE): *foundLen = SIZE_EXE_REPORT; *foundId = EXE_REPORT; break; default: { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::scanForReply: Reply has invalid apid" << std::endl; *foundLen = remainingSize; return SupvReturnValuesIF::INVALID_APID; } } return result; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::getSwitches(const uint8_t** switches, uint8_t* numberOfSwitches) { if (powerSwitch == power::NO_SWITCH) { return DeviceHandlerBase::NO_SWITCH; } *numberOfSwitches = 1; *switches = &powerSwitch; return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::interpretDeviceReply(DeviceCommandId_t id, const uint8_t* packet) { using namespace supv; ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; switch (id) { case ACK_REPORT: { result = handleAckReport(packet); break; } case (HK_REPORT): { result = handleHkReport(packet); break; } case (BOOT_STATUS_REPORT): { result = handleBootStatusReport(packet); break; } case (LATCHUP_REPORT): { result = handleLatchupStatusReport(packet); break; } case (LOGGING_REPORT): { result = handleLoggingReport(packet); break; } case (ADC_REPORT): { result = handleAdcReport(packet); break; } case (FIRST_MRAM_DUMP): case (CONSECUTIVE_MRAM_DUMP): result = handleMramDumpPacket(id); break; case (EXE_REPORT): { result = handleExecutionReport(packet); break; } default: { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::interpretDeviceReply: Unknown device reply id" << std::endl; return DeviceHandlerIF::UNKNOWN_DEVICE_REPLY; } } return result; } void PlocSupervisorHandler::setNormalDatapoolEntriesInvalid() {} uint32_t PlocSupervisorHandler::getTransitionDelayMs(Mode_t modeFrom, Mode_t modeTo) { return 500; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::initializeLocalDataPool(localpool::DataPool& localDataPoolMap, LocalDataPoolManager& poolManager) { localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::NUM_TMS, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::TEMP_PS, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::TEMP_PL, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::HK_SOC_STATE, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::NVM0_1_STATE, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::NVM3_STATE, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::MISSION_IO_STATE, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::FMC_STATE, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::NUM_TCS, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::UPTIME, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::CPULOAD, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::AVAILABLEHEAP, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::BR_SOC_STATE, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::POWER_CYCLES, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::BOOT_AFTER_MS, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::BOOT_TIMEOUT_MS, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ACTIVE_NVM, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::BP0_STATE, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::BP1_STATE, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::BP2_STATE, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::LATCHUP_ID, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::CNT0, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::CNT1, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::CNT2, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::CNT3, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::CNT4, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::CNT5, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::CNT6, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::LATCHUP_RPT_TIME_MSEC, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::LATCHUP_RPT_TIME_SEC, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::LATCHUP_RPT_TIME_MIN, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::LATCHUP_RPT_TIME_HOUR, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::LATCHUP_RPT_TIME_DAY, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::LATCHUP_RPT_TIME_MON, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::LATCHUP_RPT_TIME_YEAR, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::LATCHUP_RPT_IS_SET, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::SUPERVISOR_REBOOTS, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::LATCHUP_EVENTS, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_TRIGGERS, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::PS_HEARTBEATS_LOST, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::PL_HEARTBEATS_LOST, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::TC_RECEIVED, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::TM_RECEIVED, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::SOC_BOOTS, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::SOC_BOOT_FAILS, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_RAW_0, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_RAW_1, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_RAW_2, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_RAW_3, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_RAW_4, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_RAW_5, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_RAW_6, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_RAW_7, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_RAW_8, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_RAW_9, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_RAW_10, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_RAW_11, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_RAW_12, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_RAW_13, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_RAW_14, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_RAW_15, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_ENG_0, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_ENG_1, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_ENG_2, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_ENG_3, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_ENG_4, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_ENG_5, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_ENG_6, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_ENG_7, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_ENG_8, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_ENG_9, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_ENG_10, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_ENG_11, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_ENG_12, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_ENG_13, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_ENG_14, new PoolEntry({0})); localDataPoolMap.emplace(supv::ADC_ENG_15, new PoolEntry({0})); return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } void PlocSupervisorHandler::handleEvent(EventMessage* eventMessage) { object_id_t objectId = eventMessage->getReporter(); switch (objectId) { case objects::PLOC_SUPERVISOR_HELPER: { plocSupvHelperExecuting = false; break; } default: sif::debug << "PlocMPSoCHandler::handleEvent: Did not subscribe to this event" << std::endl; break; } } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::verifyPacket(const uint8_t* start, size_t foundLen) { uint16_t receivedCrc = *(start + foundLen - 2) << 8 | *(start + foundLen - 1); uint16_t recalculatedCrc = CRC::crc16ccitt(start, foundLen - 2); if (receivedCrc != recalculatedCrc) { return SupvReturnValuesIF::CRC_FAILURE; } return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::handleAckReport(const uint8_t* data) { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; result = verifyPacket(data, supv::SIZE_ACK_REPORT); if (result == SupvReturnValuesIF::CRC_FAILURE) { sif::error << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleAckReport: CRC failure" << std::endl; nextReplyId = supv::NONE; replyRawReplyIfnotWiretapped(data, supv::SIZE_ACK_REPORT); triggerEvent(SUPV_CRC_FAILURE_EVENT); sendFailureReport(supv::ACK_REPORT, SupvReturnValuesIF::CRC_FAILURE); disableAllReplies(); return RETURN_OK; } uint16_t apid = (*(data) << 8 | *(data + 1)) & APID_MASK; switch (apid) { case supv::APID_ACK_FAILURE: { // TODO: Interpretation of status field in acknowledgment report sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleAckReport: Received Ack failure report" << std::endl; DeviceCommandId_t commandId = getPendingCommand(); if (commandId != DeviceHandlerIF::NO_COMMAND_ID) { triggerEvent(SUPV_ACK_FAILURE, commandId); } sendFailureReport(supv::ACK_REPORT, SupvReturnValuesIF::RECEIVED_ACK_FAILURE); disableAllReplies(); nextReplyId = supv::NONE; result = IGNORE_REPLY_DATA; break; } case supv::APID_ACK_SUCCESS: { setNextReplyId(); break; } default: { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleAckReport: Invalid APID in Ack report" << std::endl; result = RETURN_FAILED; break; } } return result; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::handleExecutionReport(const uint8_t* data) { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; result = verifyPacket(data, supv::SIZE_EXE_REPORT); if (result == SupvReturnValuesIF::CRC_FAILURE) { sif::error << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleExecutionReport: CRC failure" << std::endl; nextReplyId = supv::NONE; return result; } uint16_t apid = (*(data) << 8 | *(data + 1)) & APID_MASK; switch (apid) { case (supv::APID_EXE_SUCCESS): { break; } case (supv::APID_EXE_FAILURE): { // TODO: Interpretation of status field in execution report sif::error << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleExecutionReport: Received execution failure report" << std::endl; DeviceCommandId_t commandId = getPendingCommand(); if (commandId != DeviceHandlerIF::NO_COMMAND_ID) { triggerEvent(SUPV_EXE_FAILURE, commandId); } else { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleExecutionReport: Unknown command id" << std::endl; } uint16_t status = *(data + EXE_STATUS_OFFSET) << 8 | *(data + EXE_STATUS_OFFSET + 1); sif::info << "Execution status: 0x" << std::hex << status << std::endl; sendFailureReport(supv::EXE_REPORT, SupvReturnValuesIF::RECEIVED_EXE_FAILURE); disableExeReportReply(); result = IGNORE_REPLY_DATA; break; } default: { sif::error << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleExecutionReport: Unknown APID" << std::endl; result = RETURN_FAILED; break; } } nextReplyId = supv::NONE; return result; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::handleHkReport(const uint8_t* data) { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; result = verifyPacket(data, supv::SIZE_HK_REPORT); if (result == SupvReturnValuesIF::CRC_FAILURE) { sif::error << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleHkReport: Hk report has invalid crc" << std::endl; } uint16_t offset = supv::DATA_FIELD_OFFSET; hkset.tempPs = *(data + offset) << 24 | *(data + offset + 1) << 16 | *(data + offset + 2) << 8 | *(data + offset + 3); offset += 4; hkset.tempPl = *(data + offset) << 24 | *(data + offset + 1) << 16 | *(data + offset + 2) << 8 | *(data + offset + 3); offset += 4; hkset.tempSup = *(data + offset) << 24 | *(data + offset + 1) << 16 | *(data + offset + 2) << 8 | *(data + offset + 3); offset += 4; size_t size = sizeof(hkset.uptime.value); result = SerializeAdapter::deSerialize(&hkset.uptime, data + offset, &size, SerializeIF::Endianness::BIG); offset += 8; hkset.cpuLoad = *(data + offset) << 24 | *(data + offset + 1) << 16 | *(data + offset + 2) << 8 | *(data + offset + 3); offset += 4; hkset.availableHeap = *(data + offset) << 24 | *(data + offset + 1) << 16 | *(data + offset + 2) << 8 | *(data + offset + 3); offset += 4; hkset.numTcs = *(data + offset) << 24 | *(data + offset + 1) << 16 | *(data + offset + 2) << 8 | *(data + offset + 3); offset += 4; hkset.numTms = *(data + offset) << 24 | *(data + offset + 1) << 16 | *(data + offset + 2) << 8 | *(data + offset + 3); offset += 4; hkset.socState = *(data + offset) << 24 | *(data + offset + 1) << 16 | *(data + offset + 2) << 8 | *(data + offset + 3); offset += 4; hkset.nvm0_1_state = *(data + offset); offset += 1; hkset.nvm3_state = *(data + offset); offset += 1; hkset.missionIoState = *(data + offset); offset += 1; hkset.fmcState = *(data + offset); offset += 1; nextReplyId = supv::EXE_REPORT; #if OBSW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 && OBSW_DEBUG_PLOC_SUPERVISOR == 1 sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleHkReport: temp_ps: " << hkset.tempPs << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleHkReport: temp_pl: " << hkset.tempPl << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleHkReport: temp_sup: " << hkset.tempSup << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleHkReport: uptime: " << hkset.uptime << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleHkReport: cpu_load: " << hkset.cpuLoad << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleHkReport: available_heap: " << hkset.availableHeap << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleHkReport: num_tcs: " << hkset.numTcs << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleHkReport: num_tms: " << hkset.numTms << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleHkReport: soc_state: " << hkset.socState << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleHkReport: nvm0_1_state: " << static_cast(hkset.nvm0_1_state.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleHkReport: nvm3_state: " << static_cast(hkset.nvm3_state.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleHkReport: mission_io_state: " << static_cast(hkset.missionIoState.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleHkReport: fmc_state: " << static_cast(hkset.fmcState.value) << std::endl; #endif return result; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::handleBootStatusReport(const uint8_t* data) { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; result = verifyPacket(data, supv::SIZE_BOOT_STATUS_REPORT); if (result == SupvReturnValuesIF::CRC_FAILURE) { sif::error << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleBootStatusReport: Boot status report has invalid" " crc" << std::endl; return result; } uint16_t offset = supv::DATA_FIELD_OFFSET; bootStatusReport.socState = *(data + offset); offset += 1; bootStatusReport.powerCycles = *(data + offset); offset += 1; bootStatusReport.bootAfterMs = *(data + offset) << 24 | *(data + offset + 1) << 16 | *(data + offset + 2) << 8 | *(data + offset + 3); offset += 4; bootStatusReport.bootTimeoutMs = *(data + offset) << 24 | *(data + offset + 1) << 16 | *(data + offset + 2) << 8 | *(data + offset + 3); offset += 4; bootStatusReport.activeNvm = *(data + offset); offset += 1; bootStatusReport.bp0State = *(data + offset); offset += 1; bootStatusReport.bp1State = *(data + offset); offset += 1; bootStatusReport.bp2State = *(data + offset); offset += 1; bootStatusReport.bootState = *(data + offset); offset += 1; bootStatusReport.bootCycles = *(data + offset); nextReplyId = supv::EXE_REPORT; #if OBSW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 && OBSW_DEBUG_PLOC_SUPERVISOR == 1 sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleBootStatusReport: SoC State: " << static_cast(bootStatusReport.socState.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleBootStatusReport: Power Cycles: " << static_cast(bootStatusReport.powerCycles.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleBootStatusReport: BootAfterMs: " << bootStatusReport.bootAfterMs << " ms" << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleBootStatusReport: BootTimeoutMs: " << std::dec << bootStatusReport.bootTimeoutMs << " ms" << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleBootStatusReport: Active NVM: " << static_cast(bootStatusReport.activeNvm.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleBootStatusReport: BP0: " << static_cast(bootStatusReport.bp0State.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleBootStatusReport: BP1: " << static_cast(bootStatusReport.bp1State.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleBootStatusReport: BP2: " << static_cast(bootStatusReport.bp2State.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleBootStatusReport: Boot state: " << static_cast(bootStatusReport.bootState.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleBootStatusReport: Boot cycles: " << static_cast(bootStatusReport.bootCycles.value) << std::endl; #endif return result; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport(const uint8_t* data) { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; result = verifyPacket(data, supv::SIZE_LATCHUP_STATUS_REPORT); if (result == SupvReturnValuesIF::CRC_FAILURE) { sif::error << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: Latchup status report has " << "invalid crc" << std::endl; return result; } uint16_t offset = supv::DATA_FIELD_OFFSET; latchupStatusReport.id = *(data + offset); offset += 1; latchupStatusReport.cnt0 = *(data + offset) << 8 | *(data + offset + 1); offset += 2; latchupStatusReport.cnt1 = *(data + offset) << 8 | *(data + offset + 1); offset += 2; latchupStatusReport.cnt2 = *(data + offset) << 8 | *(data + offset + 1); offset += 2; latchupStatusReport.cnt3 = *(data + offset) << 8 | *(data + offset + 1); offset += 2; latchupStatusReport.cnt4 = *(data + offset) << 8 | *(data + offset + 1); offset += 2; latchupStatusReport.cnt5 = *(data + offset) << 8 | *(data + offset + 1); offset += 2; latchupStatusReport.cnt6 = *(data + offset) << 8 | *(data + offset + 1); offset += 2; uint16_t msec = *(data + offset) << 8 | *(data + offset + 1); latchupStatusReport.isSet = msec >> supv::LatchupStatusReport::IS_SET_BIT_POS; latchupStatusReport.timeMsec = msec & (~(1 << latchupStatusReport.IS_SET_BIT_POS)); offset += 2; latchupStatusReport.timeSec = *(data + offset); offset += 1; latchupStatusReport.timeMin = *(data + offset); offset += 1; latchupStatusReport.timeHour = *(data + offset); offset += 1; latchupStatusReport.timeDay = *(data + offset); offset += 1; latchupStatusReport.timeMon = *(data + offset); offset += 1; latchupStatusReport.timeYear = *(data + offset); nextReplyId = supv::EXE_REPORT; #if OBSW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 && OBSW_DEBUG_PLOC_SUPERVISOR == 1 sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: Latchup ID: " << static_cast(latchupStatusReport.id.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: CNT0: " << latchupStatusReport.cnt0 << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: CNT1: " << latchupStatusReport.cnt1 << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: CNT2: " << latchupStatusReport.cnt2 << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: CNT3: " << latchupStatusReport.cnt3 << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: CNT4: " << latchupStatusReport.cnt4 << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: CNT5: " << latchupStatusReport.cnt5 << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: CNT6: " << latchupStatusReport.cnt6 << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: Sec: " << static_cast(latchupStatusReport.timeSec.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: Min: " << static_cast(latchupStatusReport.timeMin.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: Hour: " << static_cast(latchupStatusReport.timeHour.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: Day: " << static_cast(latchupStatusReport.timeDay.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: Mon: " << static_cast(latchupStatusReport.timeMon.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: Year: " << static_cast(latchupStatusReport.timeYear.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: Msec: " << static_cast(latchupStatusReport.timeMsec.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLatchupStatusReport: isSet: " << static_cast(latchupStatusReport.isSet.value) << std::endl; #endif return result; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLoggingReport(const uint8_t* data) { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; result = verifyPacket(data, supv::SIZE_LOGGING_REPORT); if (result == SupvReturnValuesIF::CRC_FAILURE) { sif::error << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLoggingReport: Logging report has " << "invalid crc" << std::endl; return result; } const uint8_t* dataField = data + supv::DATA_FIELD_OFFSET + sizeof(supv::RequestLoggingData::Sa); result = loggingReport.read(); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } loggingReport.setValidityBufferGeneration(false); size_t size = loggingReport.getSerializedSize(); result = loggingReport.deSerialize(&dataField, &size, SerializeIF::Endianness::BIG); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::warning << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleLoggingReport: Deserialization failed" << std::endl; } loggingReport.setValidityBufferGeneration(true); loggingReport.setValidity(true, true); result = loggingReport.commit(); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } #if OBSW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 && OBSW_DEBUG_PLOC_SUPERVISOR == 1 loggingReport.printSet(); #endif nextReplyId = supv::EXE_REPORT; return result; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::handleAdcReport(const uint8_t* data) { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; result = verifyPacket(data, supv::SIZE_ADC_REPORT); if (result == SupvReturnValuesIF::CRC_FAILURE) { sif::error << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleAdcReport: ADC report has " << "invalid crc" << std::endl; return result; } const uint8_t* dataField = data + supv::DATA_FIELD_OFFSET; result = adcReport.read(); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } adcReport.setValidityBufferGeneration(false); size_t size = adcReport.getSerializedSize(); result = adcReport.deSerialize(&dataField, &size, SerializeIF::Endianness::BIG); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::warning << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleAdcReport: Deserialization failed" << std::endl; } adcReport.setValidityBufferGeneration(true); adcReport.setValidity(true, true); result = adcReport.commit(); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } #if OBSW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 && OBSW_DEBUG_PLOC_SUPERVISOR == 1 adcReport.printSet(); #endif nextReplyId = supv::EXE_REPORT; return result; } void PlocSupervisorHandler::setNextReplyId() { switch (getPendingCommand()) { case supv::GET_HK_REPORT: nextReplyId = supv::HK_REPORT; break; case supv::GET_BOOT_STATUS_REPORT: nextReplyId = supv::BOOT_STATUS_REPORT; break; case supv::GET_LATCHUP_STATUS_REPORT: nextReplyId = supv::LATCHUP_REPORT; break; case supv::FIRST_MRAM_DUMP: nextReplyId = supv::FIRST_MRAM_DUMP; break; case supv::CONSECUTIVE_MRAM_DUMP: nextReplyId = supv::CONSECUTIVE_MRAM_DUMP; break; case supv::LOGGING_REQUEST_COUNTERS: nextReplyId = supv::LOGGING_REPORT; break; case supv::REQUEST_ADC_REPORT: nextReplyId = supv::ADC_REPORT; break; default: /* If no telemetry is expected the next reply is always the execution report */ nextReplyId = supv::EXE_REPORT; break; } } size_t PlocSupervisorHandler::getNextReplyLength(DeviceCommandId_t commandId) { size_t replyLen = 0; if (nextReplyId == supv::NONE) { return replyLen; } if (nextReplyId == supv::FIRST_MRAM_DUMP || nextReplyId == supv::CONSECUTIVE_MRAM_DUMP) { /** * Try to read 20 MRAM packets. If reply is larger, the packets will be read with the * next doSendRead call. The command will be as long active as the packet with the sequence * count indicating the last packet has not been received. */ replyLen = supv::MAX_PACKET_SIZE * 20; return replyLen; } DeviceReplyIter iter = deviceReplyMap.find(nextReplyId); if (iter != deviceReplyMap.end()) { if (iter->second.delayCycles == 0) { /* Reply inactive */ return replyLen; } replyLen = iter->second.replyLen; } else { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::getNextReplyLength: No entry for reply with reply id " << std::hex << nextReplyId << " in deviceReplyMap" << std::endl; } return replyLen; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::doSendReadHook() { // Prevent DHB from polling UART during commands executed by the supervisor helper task if (plocSupvHelperExecuting) { return RETURN_FAILED; } return RETURN_OK; } void PlocSupervisorHandler::handleDeviceTM(const uint8_t* data, size_t dataSize, DeviceCommandId_t replyId) { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; if (wiretappingMode == RAW) { /* Data already sent in doGetRead() */ return; } DeviceReplyMap::iterator iter = deviceReplyMap.find(replyId); if (iter == deviceReplyMap.end()) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleDeviceTM: Unknown reply id" << std::endl; return; } MessageQueueId_t queueId = iter->second.command->second.sendReplyTo; if (queueId == NO_COMMANDER) { return; } result = actionHelper.reportData(queueId, replyId, data, dataSize); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleDeviceTM: Failed to report data" << std::endl; } } void PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareEmptyCmd(uint16_t apid) { supv::ApidOnlyPacket packet(apid); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); } void PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareSelBootImageCmd(const uint8_t* commandData) { supv::MPSoCBootSelect packet(*commandData, *(commandData + 1), *(commandData + 2), *(commandData + 3)); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareSetTimeRefCmd() { Clock::TimeOfDay_t time; ReturnValue_t result = Clock::getDateAndTime(&time); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::warning << "PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareSetTimeRefCmd: Failed to get current time" << std::endl; return SupvReturnValuesIF::GET_TIME_FAILURE; } supv::SetTimeRef packet(&time); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); return RETURN_OK; } void PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareDisableHk() { supv::DisablePeriodicHkTransmission packet; packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); } void PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareSetBootTimeoutCmd(const uint8_t* commandData) { uint32_t timeout = *(commandData) << 24 | *(commandData + 1) << 16 | *(commandData + 2) << 8 | *(commandData + 3); supv::SetBootTimeout packet(timeout); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); } void PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareRestartTriesCmd(const uint8_t* commandData) { uint8_t restartTries = *(commandData); supv::SetRestartTries packet(restartTries); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareLatchupConfigCmd(const uint8_t* commandData, DeviceCommandId_t deviceCommand) { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; uint8_t latchupId = *commandData; if (latchupId > 6) { return SupvReturnValuesIF::INVALID_LATCHUP_ID; } switch (deviceCommand) { case (supv::ENABLE_LATCHUP_ALERT): { supv::LatchupAlert packet(true, latchupId); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); break; } case (supv::DISABLE_LATCHUP_ALERT): { supv::LatchupAlert packet(false, latchupId); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); break; } default: { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareLatchupConfigCmd: Invalid command id" << std::endl; result = RETURN_FAILED; break; } } return result; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareSetAlertLimitCmd(const uint8_t* commandData) { uint8_t offset = 0; uint8_t latchupId = *commandData; offset += 1; uint32_t dutycycle = *(commandData + offset) << 24 | *(commandData + offset + 1) << 16 | *(commandData + offset + 2) << 8 | *(commandData + offset + 3); if (latchupId > 6) { return SupvReturnValuesIF::INVALID_LATCHUP_ID; } supv::SetAlertlimit packet(latchupId, dutycycle); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); return RETURN_OK; } void PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareSetAdcEnabledChannelsCmd(const uint8_t* commandData) { uint16_t ch = *(commandData) << 8 | *(commandData + 1); supv::SetAdcEnabledChannels packet(ch); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); } void PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareSetAdcWindowAndStrideCmd(const uint8_t* commandData) { uint8_t offset = 0; uint16_t windowSize = *(commandData + offset) << 8 | *(commandData + offset + 1); offset += 2; uint16_t stridingStepSize = *(commandData + offset) << 8 | *(commandData + offset + 1); supv::SetAdcWindowAndStride packet(windowSize, stridingStepSize); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); } void PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareSetAdcThresholdCmd(const uint8_t* commandData) { uint32_t threshold = *(commandData) << 24 | *(commandData + 1) << 16 | *(commandData + 2) << 8 | *(commandData + 3); supv::SetAdcThreshold packet(threshold); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareRunAutoEmTest(const uint8_t* commandData) { uint8_t test = *commandData; if (test != 1 && test != 2) { return SupvReturnValuesIF::INVALID_TEST_PARAM; } supv::RunAutoEmTests packet(test); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareWipeMramCmd(const uint8_t* commandData) { uint32_t start = 0; uint32_t stop = 0; size_t size = sizeof(start) + sizeof(stop); SerializeAdapter::deSerialize(&start, &commandData, &size, SerializeIF::Endianness::BIG); SerializeAdapter::deSerialize(&stop, &commandData, &size, SerializeIF::Endianness::BIG); if ((stop - start) <= 0) { return SupvReturnValuesIF::INVALID_MRAM_ADDRESSES; } supv::MramCmd packet(start, stop, supv::MramCmd::MramAction::WIPE); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareDumpMramCmd(const uint8_t* commandData) { uint32_t start = 0; uint32_t stop = 0; size_t size = sizeof(start) + sizeof(stop); SerializeAdapter::deSerialize(&start, &commandData, &size, SerializeIF::Endianness::BIG); SerializeAdapter::deSerialize(&stop, &commandData, &size, SerializeIF::Endianness::BIG); supv::MramCmd packet(start, stop, supv::MramCmd::MramAction::DUMP); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); if ((stop - start) <= 0) { return SupvReturnValuesIF::INVALID_MRAM_ADDRESSES; } expectedMramDumpPackets = (stop - start) / supv::MAX_DATA_CAPACITY; if ((stop - start) % supv::MAX_DATA_CAPACITY) { expectedMramDumpPackets++; } receivedMramDumpPackets = 0; return RETURN_OK; } void PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareSetGpioCmd(const uint8_t* commandData) { uint8_t port = *commandData; uint8_t pin = *(commandData + 1); uint8_t val = *(commandData + 2); supv::SetGpio packet(port, pin, val); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); } void PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareReadGpioCmd(const uint8_t* commandData) { uint8_t port = *commandData; uint8_t pin = *(commandData + 1); supv::ReadGpio packet(port, pin); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); } void PlocSupervisorHandler::packetToOutBuffer(uint8_t* packetData, size_t fullSize) { memcpy(commandBuffer, packetData, fullSize); rawPacket = commandBuffer; rawPacketLen = fullSize; nextReplyId = supv::ACK_REPORT; } void PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareSetShutdownTimeoutCmd(const uint8_t* commandData) { uint32_t timeout = 0; ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; size_t size = sizeof(timeout); result = SerializeAdapter::deSerialize(&timeout, &commandData, &size, SerializeIF::Endianness::BIG); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::warning << "PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareSetShutdownTimeoutCmd: Failed to deserialize timeout" << std::endl; } supv::SetShutdownTimeout packet(timeout); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::prepareLoggingRequest(const uint8_t* commandData, size_t commandDataLen) { using namespace supv; RequestLoggingData::Sa sa = static_cast(*commandData); uint8_t tpc = *(commandData + 1); RequestLoggingData packet(sa, tpc); packetToOutBuffer(packet.getWholeData(), packet.getFullSize()); return RETURN_OK; } void PlocSupervisorHandler::disableAllReplies() { DeviceReplyMap::iterator iter; /* Disable ack reply */ iter = deviceReplyMap.find(supv::ACK_REPORT); DeviceReplyInfo* info = &(iter->second); info->delayCycles = 0; info->command = deviceCommandMap.end(); DeviceCommandId_t commandId = getPendingCommand(); /* If the command expects a telemetry packet the appropriate tm reply will be disabled here */ switch (commandId) { case supv::GET_HK_REPORT: { iter = deviceReplyMap.find(supv::GET_HK_REPORT); info = &(iter->second); info->delayCycles = 0; info->command = deviceCommandMap.end(); break; } default: { break; } } /* We must always disable the execution report reply here */ disableExeReportReply(); } void PlocSupervisorHandler::sendFailureReport(DeviceCommandId_t replyId, ReturnValue_t status) { DeviceReplyIter iter = deviceReplyMap.find(replyId); if (iter == deviceReplyMap.end()) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::sendFailureReport: Reply not in reply map" << std::endl; return; } DeviceCommandInfo* info = &(iter->second.command->second); if (info == nullptr) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::sendFailureReport: Reply has no active command" << std::endl; return; } if (info->sendReplyTo != NO_COMMANDER) { actionHelper.finish(false, info->sendReplyTo, iter->first, status); } info->isExecuting = false; } void PlocSupervisorHandler::disableExeReportReply() { DeviceReplyIter iter = deviceReplyMap.find(supv::EXE_REPORT); DeviceReplyInfo* info = &(iter->second); info->delayCycles = 0; info->command = deviceCommandMap.end(); /* Expected replies is set to one here. The value will set to 0 in replyToReply() */ info->command->second.expectedReplies = 1; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::parseMramPackets(const uint8_t* packet, size_t remainingSize, size_t* foundLen) { ReturnValue_t result = IGNORE_FULL_PACKET; uint16_t packetLen = 0; *foundLen = 0; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < remainingSize; idx++) { std::memcpy(spacePacketBuffer + bufferTop, packet + idx, 1); bufferTop += 1; *foundLen += 1; if (bufferTop >= supv::SPACE_PACKET_HEADER_LENGTH) { packetLen = readSpacePacketLength(spacePacketBuffer); } if (bufferTop == supv::SPACE_PACKET_HEADER_LENGTH + packetLen + 1) { packetInBuffer = true; bufferTop = 0; return checkMramPacketApid(); } if (bufferTop == supv::MAX_PACKET_SIZE) { *foundLen = remainingSize; disableAllReplies(); bufferTop = 0; return SupvReturnValuesIF::MRAM_PACKET_PARSING_FAILURE; } } return result; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::handleMramDumpPacket(DeviceCommandId_t id) { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_FAILED; // Prepare packet for downlink if (packetInBuffer) { uint16_t packetLen = readSpacePacketLength(spacePacketBuffer); result = verifyPacket(spacePacketBuffer, supv::SPACE_PACKET_HEADER_LENGTH + packetLen + 1); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::warning << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleMramDumpPacket: CRC failure" << std::endl; return result; } handleMramDumpFile(id); if (downlinkMramDump == true) { handleDeviceTM(spacePacketBuffer + supv::SPACE_PACKET_HEADER_LENGTH, packetLen - 1, id); } packetInBuffer = false; receivedMramDumpPackets++; if (expectedMramDumpPackets == receivedMramDumpPackets) { nextReplyId = supv::EXE_REPORT; } increaseExpectedMramReplies(id); return RETURN_OK; } return result; } void PlocSupervisorHandler::increaseExpectedMramReplies(DeviceCommandId_t id) { DeviceReplyMap::iterator mramDumpIter = deviceReplyMap.find(id); DeviceReplyMap::iterator exeReportIter = deviceReplyMap.find(supv::EXE_REPORT); if (mramDumpIter == deviceReplyMap.end()) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::increaseExpectedMramReplies: Dump MRAM reply not " << "in reply map" << std::endl; return; } if (exeReportIter == deviceReplyMap.end()) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::increaseExpectedMramReplies: Execution report not " << "in reply map" << std::endl; return; } DeviceReplyInfo* mramReplyInfo = &(mramDumpIter->second); if (mramReplyInfo == nullptr) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::increaseExpectedReplies: MRAM reply info nullptr" << std::endl; return; } DeviceReplyInfo* exeReplyInfo = &(exeReportIter->second); if (exeReplyInfo == nullptr) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::increaseExpectedReplies: Execution reply info" << " nullptr" << std::endl; return; } DeviceCommandInfo* info = &(mramReplyInfo->command->second); if (info == nullptr) { sif::debug << "PlocSupervisorHandler::increaseExpectedReplies: Command info nullptr" << std::endl; return; } uint8_t sequenceFlags = spacePacketBuffer[2] >> 6; if (sequenceFlags != static_cast(supv::SequenceFlags::LAST_PKT) && (sequenceFlags != static_cast(supv::SequenceFlags::STANDALONE_PKT))) { // Command expects at least one MRAM packet more and the execution report info->expectedReplies = 2; // Wait maximum of 2 cycles for next MRAM packet mramReplyInfo->delayCycles = 2; // Also adapting delay cycles for execution report exeReplyInfo->delayCycles = 3; } else { // Command expects the execution report info->expectedReplies = 1; mramReplyInfo->delayCycles = 0; } return; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::checkMramPacketApid() { uint16_t apid = (spacePacketBuffer[0] << 8 | spacePacketBuffer[1]) & supv::APID_MASK; if (apid != supv::APID_MRAM_DUMP_TM) { return SupvReturnValuesIF::NO_MRAM_PACKET; } return APERIODIC_REPLY; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::handleMramDumpFile(DeviceCommandId_t id) { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; uint16_t packetLen = readSpacePacketLength(spacePacketBuffer); uint8_t sequenceFlags = readSequenceFlags(spacePacketBuffer); if (id == supv::FIRST_MRAM_DUMP) { if (sequenceFlags == static_cast(supv::SequenceFlags::FIRST_PKT) || (sequenceFlags == static_cast(supv::SequenceFlags::STANDALONE_PKT))) { result = createMramDumpFile(); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } } } if (not std::filesystem::exists(activeMramFile)) { sif::warning << "PlocSupervisorHandler::handleMramDumpFile: MRAM file does not exist" << std::endl; return SupvReturnValuesIF::MRAM_FILE_NOT_EXISTS; } std::ofstream file(activeMramFile, std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out); file.write(reinterpret_cast(spacePacketBuffer + supv::SPACE_PACKET_HEADER_LENGTH), packetLen - 1); file.close(); return RETURN_OK; } uint16_t PlocSupervisorHandler::readSpacePacketLength(uint8_t* spacePacket) { return spacePacket[4] << 8 | spacePacket[5]; } uint8_t PlocSupervisorHandler::readSequenceFlags(uint8_t* spacePacket) { return spacePacketBuffer[2] >> 6; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::createMramDumpFile() { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; std::string timeStamp; result = getTimeStampString(timeStamp); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } std::string filename = "mram-dump--" + timeStamp + ".bin"; #ifndef TE0720_1CFA std::string currentMountPrefix = sdcMan->getCurrentMountPrefix(); #else std::string currentMountPrefix("/mnt/sd0"); #endif /* BOARD_TE0720 == 0 */ // Check if path to PLOC directory exists if (not std::filesystem::exists(std::string(currentMountPrefix + "/" + plocFilePath))) { sif::warning << "PlocSupervisorHandler::createMramDumpFile: Ploc path does not exist" << std::endl; return SupvReturnValuesIF::PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST; } activeMramFile = currentMountPrefix + "/" + plocFilePath + "/" + filename; // Create new file std::ofstream file(activeMramFile, std::ios_base::out); file.close(); return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::getTimeStampString(std::string& timeStamp) { Clock::TimeOfDay_t time; ReturnValue_t result = Clock::getDateAndTime(&time); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::warning << "PlocSupervisorHandler::createMramDumpFile: Failed to get current time" << std::endl; return SupvReturnValuesIF::GET_TIME_FAILURE; } timeStamp = std::to_string(time.year) + "-" + std::to_string(time.month) + "-" + std::to_string(time.day) + "--" + std::to_string(time.hour) + "-" + std::to_string(time.minute) + "-" + std::to_string(time.second); return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::extractUpdateCommand(const uint8_t* commandData, size_t size, std::string* file, uint8_t* memoryId, uint32_t* startAddress) { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; if (size > (config::MAX_FILENAME_SIZE + config::MAX_PATH_SIZE + sizeof(*memoryId)) + sizeof(*startAddress)) { sif::warning << "PlocSupervisorHandler::extractUpdateCommand: Data size too big" << std::endl; return SupvReturnValuesIF::INVALID_LENGTH; } *file = std::string(reinterpret_cast(commandData)); if (file->size() > (config::MAX_FILENAME_SIZE + config::MAX_PATH_SIZE)) { sif::warning << "PlocSupervisorHandler::extractUpdateCommand: Filename too long" << std::endl; return SupvReturnValuesIF::FILENAME_TOO_LONG; } *memoryId = *(commandData + file->size() + SIZE_NULL_TERMINATOR); const uint8_t* startAddressPtr = commandData + file->size() + SIZE_NULL_TERMINATOR + sizeof(*memoryId); size_t remainingSize = 4; result = SerializeAdapter::deSerialize(startAddress, startAddressPtr, &remainingSize, SerializeIF::Endianness::BIG); if (result != RETURN_OK) { sif::warning << "PlocSupervisorHandler::extractUpdateCommand: Failed to deserialize start address" << std::endl; return result; } return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t PlocSupervisorHandler::eventSubscription() { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; EventManagerIF* manager = ObjectManager::instance()->get(objects::EVENT_MANAGER); if (manager == nullptr) { #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::error << "PlocSupervisorHandler::eventSubscritpion: Invalid event manager" << std::endl; #endif return ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED; ; } result = manager->registerListener(eventQueue->getId()); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } result = manager->subscribeToEventRange( eventQueue->getId(), event::getEventId(PlocSupvHelper::SUPV_UPDATE_FAILED), event::getEventId(PlocSupvHelper::SUPV_EVENT_BUFFER_REQUEST_TERMINATED)); if (result != RETURN_OK) { #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::warning << "PlocSupervisorHandler::eventSubscritpion: Failed to subscribe to events from " " ploc supervisor helper" << std::endl; #endif return ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED; } return result; }