/* * OutputValues.h * * Created on: 30 Mar 2022 * Author: rooob */ #ifndef OUTPUTVALUES_H_ #define OUTPUTVALUES_H_ namespace ACS { class OutputValues { public: OutputValues(); virtual ~OutputValues(); double magFieldEst[3]; // sensor fusion (G) bool magFieldEstValid; double magFieldModel[3]; //igrf (IJK) bool magFieldModelValid; double magneticFieldVectorDerivative[3]; bool magneticFieldVectorDerivativeValid; bool mgmUpdated; double sunDirEst[3]; // sensor fusion (G) bool sunDirEstValid; double sunDirModel[3]; //sun model (IJK) bool sunDirModelValid; double quatMekfBJ[4]; //mekf bool quatMekfBJValid; double satRateEst[3]; bool satRateEstValid; double satRateMekf[3]; // after mekf with correction of bias bool satRateMekfValid; double sunVectorDerivative[3]; bool sunVectorDerivativeValid; double gcLatitude; // geocentric latitude, radian double gdLongitude; // Radian longitude }; } #endif /*OUTPUTVALUES_H_*/