#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fsfw/globalfunctions/CRC.h" using std::ofstream; using namespace returnvalue; ScexDeviceHandler::ScexDeviceHandler(object_id_t objectId, ScexUartReader& reader, CookieIF* cookie, SdCardMountedIF& sdcMan) : DeviceHandlerBase(objectId, reader.getObjectId(), cookie), sdcMan(sdcMan), reader(reader) {} ScexDeviceHandler::~ScexDeviceHandler() {} void ScexDeviceHandler::doStartUp() { setMode(MODE_ON); } void ScexDeviceHandler::doShutDown() { reader.reset(); commandActive = false; multiFileFinishOutstanding = false; setMode(_MODE_POWER_DOWN); } ReturnValue_t ScexDeviceHandler::buildNormalDeviceCommand(DeviceCommandId_t* id) { return OK; } ReturnValue_t ScexDeviceHandler::buildTransitionDeviceCommand(DeviceCommandId_t* id) { return OK; } ReturnValue_t ScexDeviceHandler::buildCommandFromCommand(DeviceCommandId_t deviceCommand, const uint8_t* commandData, size_t commandDataLen) { using namespace scex; auto cmdTyped = static_cast(deviceCommand); if (std::find(VALID_CMDS.begin(), VALID_CMDS.end(), deviceCommand) == VALID_CMDS.end()) { return DeviceHandlerIF::COMMAND_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } bool tempCheck = false; if (commandDataLen == 1) { tempCheck = commandData[0]; } if (commandActive) { return DeviceHandlerIF::BUSY; } switch (deviceCommand) { case (PING): { finishCountdown.setTimeout(SHORT_CD); // countdown starten finishCountdown.resetTimer(); prepareScexCmd(cmdTyped, {cmdBuf.data(), cmdBuf.size()}, rawPacketLen, {nullptr, 0}, tempCheck); break; } case (EXP_STATUS_CMD): { finishCountdown.setTimeout(SHORT_CD); // countdown starten finishCountdown.resetTimer(); prepareScexCmd(cmdTyped, {cmdBuf.data(), cmdBuf.size()}, rawPacketLen, {nullptr, 0}, tempCheck); break; } case (ION_CMD): { finishCountdown.setTimeout(SHORT_CD); // countdown starten finishCountdown.resetTimer(); prepareScexCmd(cmdTyped, {cmdBuf.data(), cmdBuf.size()}, rawPacketLen, {nullptr, 0}, tempCheck); break; } case (TEMP_CMD): { finishCountdown.setTimeout(SHORT_CD); // countdown starten finishCountdown.resetTimer(); prepareScexCmd(cmdTyped, {cmdBuf.data(), cmdBuf.size()}, rawPacketLen, {nullptr, 0}, tempCheck); break; } case (FRAM): { finishCountdown.setTimeout(LONG_CD); // countdown starten finishCountdown.resetTimer(); if (debugMode) { uint32_t remainingMillis = finishCountdown.getRemainingMillis(); sif::info << "ScexDeviceHandler::buildCommandFromCommand: RemainingMillis: " << remainingMillis << std::endl; } multiFileFinishOutstanding = true; prepareScexCmd(cmdTyped, {cmdBuf.data(), cmdBuf.size()}, rawPacketLen, {commandData + 1, commandDataLen - 1}, tempCheck); updatePeriodicReply(true, deviceCommand); break; } case (ONE_CELL): { finishCountdown.setTimeout(LONG_CD); // countdown starts finishCountdown.resetTimer(); multiFileFinishOutstanding = true; prepareScexCmd(cmdTyped, {cmdBuf.data(), cmdBuf.size()}, rawPacketLen, {commandData + 1, commandDataLen - 1}, tempCheck); updatePeriodicReply(true, deviceCommand); break; } case (ALL_CELLS_CMD): { finishCountdown.setTimeout(LONG_CD); // countdown starts finishCountdown.resetTimer(); multiFileFinishOutstanding = true; prepareScexCmd(cmdTyped, {cmdBuf.data(), cmdBuf.size()}, rawPacketLen, {commandData + 1, commandDataLen - 1}, tempCheck); updatePeriodicReply(true, deviceCommand); break; } default: { return DeviceHandlerIF::COMMAND_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } } commandActive = true; rawPacket = cmdBuf.data(); return OK; } void ScexDeviceHandler::fillCommandAndReplyMap() { insertInCommandAndReplyMap(scex::Cmds::PING, 5, nullptr, 0, false, false, 0, &finishCountdown); insertInCommandAndReplyMap(scex::Cmds::ION_CMD, 3, nullptr, 0, false, false, 0, &finishCountdown); insertInCommandAndReplyMap(scex::Cmds::TEMP_CMD, 3, nullptr, 0, false, false, 0, &finishCountdown); insertInCommandAndReplyMap(scex::Cmds::EXP_STATUS_CMD, 3, nullptr, 0, false, false, 0, &finishCountdown); insertInCommandAndReplyMap(scex::Cmds::ALL_CELLS_CMD, 0, nullptr, 0, true, false, scex::Cmds::ALL_CELLS_CMD, &finishCountdown); insertInCommandAndReplyMap(scex::Cmds::ONE_CELL, 0, nullptr, 0, true, false, scex::Cmds::ONE_CELL, &finishCountdown); insertInCommandAndReplyMap(scex::Cmds::FRAM, 0, nullptr, 0, true, false, scex::Cmds::FRAM, &finishCountdown); insertInReplyMap(scex::Cmds::ERROR_REPLY, 3); } ReturnValue_t ScexDeviceHandler::scanForReply(const uint8_t* start, size_t remainingSize, DeviceCommandId_t* foundId, size_t* foundLen) { size_t len = remainingSize; ReturnValue_t result = helper.deSerialize(&start, &len); if (result == ScexHelper::INVALID_CRC) { sif::warning << "ScexDeviceHandler::scanForReply: CRC invalid" << std::endl; *foundLen = remainingSize; } else { result = handleValidReply(remainingSize, foundId, foundLen); } return result; } ReturnValue_t ScexDeviceHandler::handleValidReply(size_t remSize, DeviceCommandId_t* foundId, size_t* foundLen) { using namespace scex; ReturnValue_t result = OK; switch (helper.getCmd()) { case (FRAM): { if (debugMode) { uint32_t remainingMillis = finishCountdown.getRemainingMillis(); sif::info << "ScexDeviceHandler::handleValidReply: RemMillis: " << remainingMillis << std::endl; } result = APERIODIC_REPLY; break; } case (ONE_CELL): { result = APERIODIC_REPLY; break; } case (ALL_CELLS_CMD): { result = APERIODIC_REPLY; break; } default: { break; } } if (result == APERIODIC_REPLY and multiFileFinishOutstanding) { finishAction(true, helper.getCmd(), OK); multiFileFinishOutstanding = false; } *foundId = helper.getCmd(); *foundLen = remSize; return result; } ReturnValue_t ScexDeviceHandler::interpretDeviceReply(DeviceCommandId_t id, const uint8_t* packet) { using namespace scex; ReturnValue_t status = OK; auto oneFileHandler = [&](std::string cmdName) { auto activeSd = sdcMan.getActiveSdCard(); if (not activeSd) { return HasFileSystemIF::FILESYSTEM_INACTIVE; } fileId = date_time_string(); std::ostringstream oss; auto prefix = sdcMan.getCurrentMountPrefix(); if (prefix == nullptr) { return returnvalue::FAILED; } oss << prefix << "/scex/scex-" << cmdName << fileId << ".bin"; fileName = oss.str(); ofstream out(fileName, ofstream::binary); if (out.bad()) { sif::error << "ScexDeviceHandler::interpretDeviceReply: Could not open file " << fileName << std::endl; return FAILED; } out << helper; return OK; }; auto multiFileHandler = [&](std::string cmdName) { if ((helper.getPacketCounter() == 1) or (not fileNameSet)) { auto activeSd = sdcMan.getActiveSdCard(); if (not activeSd) { return HasFileSystemIF::FILESYSTEM_INACTIVE; } fileId = date_time_string(); std::ostringstream oss; auto prefix = sdcMan.getCurrentMountPrefix(); if (prefix == nullptr) { return returnvalue::FAILED; } oss << prefix << "/scex/scex-" << cmdName << fileId << ".bin"; fileName = oss.str(); fileNameSet = true; ofstream out(fileName, ofstream::binary); if (out.bad()) { sif::error << "ScexDeviceHandler::handleValidReply: Could not open file " << fileName << std::endl; return FAILED; } out << helper; } else { ofstream out(fileName, ofstream::binary | ofstream::app); // append if (out.bad()) { sif::error << "ScexDeviceHandler::handleValidReply: Could not open file " << fileName << std::endl; return FAILED; } out << helper; } return OK; }; id = helper.getCmd(); switch (id) { case (PING): { status = oneFileHandler("ping_"); break; } case (ION_CMD): { status = oneFileHandler("ion_"); break; } case (TEMP_CMD): { status = oneFileHandler("temp_"); break; } case (EXP_STATUS_CMD): { status = oneFileHandler("exp_status_"); break; } case (FRAM): { status = multiFileHandler("fram_"); break; } case (ONE_CELL): { status = multiFileHandler("one_cell_"); break; } case (ALL_CELLS_CMD): { status = multiFileHandler("multi_cell_"); break; } default: // Unknown DeviceCommand return DeviceHandlerIF::COMMAND_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } if (helper.getPacketCounter() == helper.getTotalPacketCounter()) { reader.finish(); commandActive = false; if (id != PING) { fileNameSet = false; } if (id == FRAM or id == ALL_CELLS_CMD or id == ONE_CELL) { triggerEvent(MULTI_PACKET_COMMAND_DONE, id); updatePeriodicReply(false, id); } } if (debugMode) { uint32_t remainingMillis = finishCountdown.getRemainingMillis(); sif::info << __FILE__ << __func__ << "(" << __LINE__ << ") RemMillis: " << remainingMillis << std::endl; } return status; } void ScexDeviceHandler::performOperationHook() { auto mntPrefix = sdcMan.getCurrentMountPrefix(); if (mntPrefix != nullptr) { std::filesystem::path fullFilePath = mntPrefix; std::error_code e; fullFilePath /= "scex"; bool fileExists = std::filesystem::exists(fullFilePath, e); if (not fileExists) { bool created = std::filesystem::create_directory(fullFilePath, e); if (not created) { sif::error << "Could not create SCEX directory: " << e << std::endl; } } } uint32_t remainingMillis = finishCountdown.getRemainingMillis(); if (commandActive and finishCountdown.hasTimedOut()) { triggerEvent(scex::EXPERIMENT_TIMEDOUT, currCmd, 0); reader.finish(); sif::warning << "ScexDeviceHandler::scanForReply: Reader timeout; RemMillis: " << remainingMillis << std::endl; fileNameSet = false; commandActive = false; } } uint32_t ScexDeviceHandler::getTransitionDelayMs(Mode_t modeFrom, Mode_t modeTo) { return OK; } ReturnValue_t ScexDeviceHandler::getSwitches(const uint8_t** switches, uint8_t* numberOfSwitches) { if (switchId) { *numberOfSwitches = 1; *switches = &switchId.value(); } return OK; } ReturnValue_t ScexDeviceHandler::initializeLocalDataPool(localpool::DataPool& localDataPoolMap, LocalDataPoolManager& poolManager) { return OK; } std::string ScexDeviceHandler::date_time_string() { using namespace std; string date_time; Clock::TimeOfDay_t tod; Clock::getDateAndTime(&tod); ostringstream oss(std::ostringstream::ate); if (tod.hour < 10) { oss << tod.year << tod.month << tod.day << "_0" << tod.hour; } else { oss << tod.year << tod.month << tod.day << "_" << tod.hour; } if (tod.minute < 10) { oss << 0 << tod.minute; } else { oss << tod.minute; } if (tod.second < 10) { oss << 0 << tod.second; } else { oss << tod.second; } date_time = oss.str(); return date_time; } void ScexDeviceHandler::modeChanged() {} void ScexDeviceHandler::setPowerSwitcher(PowerSwitchIF& powerSwitcher, power::Switch_t switchId) { DeviceHandlerBase::setPowerSwitcher(&powerSwitcher); this->switchId = switchId; } ReturnValue_t ScexDeviceHandler::initializeAfterTaskCreation() { return DeviceHandlerBase::initializeAfterTaskCreation(); }