#pragma once #include #include #include #include "SdCardManager.h" #include "definitions.h" namespace xsc { enum Chip : int { CHIP_0, CHIP_1, NO_CHIP, SELF_CHIP, ALL_CHIP }; enum Copy : int { COPY_0, COPY_1, NO_COPY, SELF_COPY, ALL_COPY }; } // namespace xsc struct RebootFile { static constexpr uint8_t DEFAULT_MAX_BOOT_CNT = 10; bool enabled = true; size_t maxCount = DEFAULT_MAX_BOOT_CNT; uint32_t img00Cnt = 0; uint32_t img01Cnt = 0; uint32_t img10Cnt = 0; uint32_t img11Cnt = 0; bool img00Lock = false; bool img01Lock = false; bool img10Lock = false; bool img11Lock = false; uint32_t* relevantBootCnt = &img00Cnt; bool bootFlag = false; xsc::Chip lastChip = xsc::Chip::CHIP_0; xsc::Copy lastCopy = xsc::Copy::COPY_0; xsc::Chip mechanismNextChip = xsc::Chip::NO_CHIP; xsc::Copy mechanismNextCopy = xsc::Copy::NO_COPY; }; class SdCardManager; class CoreController { public: static constexpr char REBOOT_FILE[] = "/conf/reboot.txt"; //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] The reboot mechanism was triggered. //! P1: First 16 bits: Last Chip, Last 16 bits: Last Copy, //! P2: Each byte is the respective reboot count for the slots static constexpr Event REBOOT_MECHANISM_TRIGGERED = 1; static xsc::Chip CURRENT_CHIP; static xsc::Copy CURRENT_COPY; static constexpr ActionId_t SWITCH_REBOOT_FILE_HANDLING = 5; static constexpr ActionId_t RESET_REBOOT_COUNTERS = 6; static constexpr ActionId_t SWITCH_IMG_LOCK = 7; static constexpr ActionId_t SET_MAX_REBOOT_CNT = 8; CoreController(); static void setCurrentBootCopy(xsc::Chip chip, xsc::Copy copy); ReturnValue_t executeAction(ActionId_t actionId, MessageQueueId_t commandedBy, const uint8_t* data, size_t size); void performRebootFileHandling(bool recreateFile); void determineAndExecuteReboot(RebootFile& rf, bool& needsReboot, xsc::Chip& tgtChip, xsc::Copy& tgtCopy); void setRebootMechanismLock(bool lock, xsc::Chip tgtChip, xsc::Copy tgtCopy); void resetRebootCount(xsc::Chip tgtChip, xsc::Copy tgtCopy); bool parseRebootFile(std::string path, RebootFile& file); void rewriteRebootFile(RebootFile file); private: struct SdFsmParams { sd::SdCard active = sd::SdCard::NONE; sd::SdState activeState = sd::SdState::OFF; sd::SdCard other = sd::SdCard::NONE; sd::SdState otherState = sd::SdState::OFF; } sdInfo; SdCardManager* sdcMan = nullptr; RebootFile rebootFile = {}; bool doPerformRebootFileHandling = true; };