#ifndef SUPV_RETURN_VALUES_IF_H_ #define SUPV_RETURN_VALUES_IF_H_ #include "fsfw/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h" class SupvReturnValuesIF { public: static const uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = CLASS_ID::SUPV_RETURN_VALUES_IF; //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Space Packet received from PLOC supervisor has invalid CRC static const ReturnValue_t CRC_FAILURE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA0); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received ACK failure reply from PLOC supervisor static const ReturnValue_t RECEIVED_ACK_FAILURE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA1); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received execution failure reply from PLOC supervisor static const ReturnValue_t RECEIVED_EXE_FAILURE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA2); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received space packet with invalid APID from PLOC supervisor static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_APID = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA3); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Failed to read current system time static const ReturnValue_t GET_TIME_FAILURE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA4); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received command with invalid watchdog parameter. Valid watchdogs are 0 //! for PS, 1 for PL and 2 for INT static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_WATCHDOG = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA5); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received watchdog timeout config command with invalid timeout. Valid //! timeouts must be in the range between 1000 and 360000 ms. static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA6); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received latchup config command with invalid latchup ID static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_LATCHUP_ID = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA7); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received set adc sweep period command with invalid sweep period. Must be //! larger than 21. static const ReturnValue_t SWEEP_PERIOD_TOO_SMALL = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA8); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Receive auto EM test command with invalid test param. Valid params are 1 //! and 2. static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_TEST_PARAM = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA9); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Returned when scanning for MRAM dump packets failed. static const ReturnValue_t MRAM_PACKET_PARSING_FAILURE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xAA); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Returned when the start and stop addresses of the MRAM dump or MRAM wipe //! commands are invalid (e.g. start address bigger than stop address) static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_MRAM_ADDRESSES = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xAB); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Expect reception of an MRAM dump packet but received space packet with //! other apid. static const ReturnValue_t NO_MRAM_PACKET = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xAC); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Path to PLOC directory on SD card does not exist static const ReturnValue_t PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xAD); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] MRAM dump file does not exists. The file should actually already have //! been created with the reception of the first dump packet. static const ReturnValue_t MRAM_FILE_NOT_EXISTS = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xAE); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received action command has invalid length static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_LENGTH = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xAF); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Filename too long static const ReturnValue_t FILENAME_TOO_LONG = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xB0); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received update status report with invalid packet length field static const ReturnValue_t UPDATE_STATUS_REPORT_INVALID_LENGTH = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xB1); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Update status report does not contain expected CRC. There might be a bit flip in the update memory region. static const ReturnValue_t UPDATE_CRC_FAILURE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xB2); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Supervisor helper task ist currently executing a command (wait until helper tas has finished or interrupt by sending the terminate command) static const ReturnValue_t SUPV_HELPER_EXECUTING = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xB3); }; #endif /* SUPV_RETURN_VALUES_IF_H_ */