#pragma once

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>

#include "definitions.h"

struct EventInfo {
  // That was just for testing, follow rule of 0
  EventInfo () {}

  EventInfo (const EventInfo& other): event(other.event), p1(other.p1), p2(other.p2) {
        std::cout << "Event info copy ctor called" << std::endl;

  EventInfo &operator= (const EventInfo& other) {
    std::cout << "Event info assignment ctor called" << std::endl;
    this->event = other.event;
    this->p1 = other.p1;
    this->p2 = other.p2;
    return *this;

  EventInfo &operator= (EventInfo&& other) {
    std::cout << "Event info move ctor called" << std::endl;
    this->event = other.event;
    this->p1 = other.p1;
    this->p2 = other.p2;
    return *this;

  uint32_t event = 0;
  uint32_t p1 = 0;
  uint32_t p2 = 0;

void triggerEvent(Event event, uint32_t p1, uint32_t p2);

void eventWasCalled(EventInfo& eventInfo, uint32_t& numEvents);