#include "TestTask.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include TestTask::TestTask(object_id_t objectId_): SystemObject(objectId_), testMode(testModes::A) { IPCStore = objectManager->get(objects::IPC_STORE); } TestTask::~TestTask() { } ReturnValue_t TestTask::performOperation(uint8_t operationCode) { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; if(oneShotAction) { /* Add code here which should only be run once */ performOneShotAction(); oneShotAction = false; } /* Add code here which should only be run once per performOperation */ performPeriodicAction(); /* Add code here which should only be run on alternating cycles. */ if(testMode == testModes::A) { performActionA(); testMode = testModes::B; } else if(testMode == testModes::B) { performActionB(); testMode = testModes::A; } return result; } #include #include /** * @brief Dummy data from GPS receiver. Will be replaced witgh hyperion data later. */ const char gps_rx_data[] = "" "$GPRMC,183729,A,3907.356,N,12102.482,W,000.0,360.0,080301,015.5,E*6F\r\n" "$GPRMB,A,,,,,,,,,,,,V*71\r\n" "$GPGGA,183730,3907.356,N,12102.482,W,1,05,1.6,646.4,M,-24.1,M,,*75\r\n" "$GPGSA,A,3,02,,,07,,09,24,26,,,,,1.6,1.6,1.0*3D\r\n" "$GPGSV,2,1,08,02,43,088,38,04,42,145,00,05,11,291,00,07,60,043,35*71\r\n" "$GPGSV,2,2,08,08,02,145,00,09,46,303,47,24,16,178,32,26,18,231,43*77\r\n" "$PGRME,22.0,M,52.9,M,51.0,M*14\r\n" "$GPGLL,3907.360,N,12102.481,W,183730,A*33\r\n" "$PGRMZ,2062,f,3*2D\r\n" "$PGRMM,WGS84*06\r\n" "$GPBOD,,T,,M,,*47\r\n" "$GPRTE,1,1,c,0*07\r\n" "$GPRMC,183731,A,3907.482,N,12102.436,W,000.0,360.0,080301,015.5,E*67\r\n" "$GPRMB,A,,,,,,,,,,,,V*71\r\n"; ReturnValue_t TestTask::performOneShotAction() { #if OBSW_ADD_TEST_CODE == 1 //performLwgpsTest(); #endif return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t TestTask::performPeriodicAction() { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; return result; } ReturnValue_t TestTask::performActionA() { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; /* Add periodically executed code here */ return result; } ReturnValue_t TestTask::performActionB() { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; /* Add periodically executed code here */ return result; } void TestTask::performLwgpsTest() { /* Everything here will only be performed once. */ etl::vector testVec; lwgps_t gpsStruct; sif::info << "Size of GPS struct: " << sizeof(gpsStruct) << std::endl; lwgps_init(&gpsStruct); /* Process all input data */ lwgps_process(&gpsStruct, gps_rx_data, strlen(gps_rx_data)); /* Print messages */ printf("Valid status: %d\r\n", gpsStruct.is_valid); printf("Latitude: %f degrees\r\n", gpsStruct.latitude); printf("Longitude: %f degrees\r\n", gpsStruct.longitude); printf("Altitude: %f meters\r\n", gpsStruct.altitude); }