#include "obsw.h" #include <pwd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <filesystem> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include "OBSWConfig.h" #include "bsp_q7s/core/WatchdogHandler.h" #include "commonConfig.h" #include "core/scheduling.h" #include "fsfw/tasks/TaskFactory.h" #include "fsfw/version.h" #include "mission/acsDefs.h" #include "mission/comDefs.h" #include "mission/system/tree/system.h" #include "q7sConfig.h" #include "watchdog/definitions.h" static constexpr int OBSW_ALREADY_RUNNING = -2; #if OBSW_Q7S_EM == 0 static const char* DEV_STRING = "Xiphos Q7S FM"; #else static const char* DEV_STRING = "Xiphos Q7S EM"; #endif WatchdogHandler WATCHDOG_HANDLER; int obsw::obsw(int argc, char* argv[]) { using namespace fsfw; std::cout << "-- EIVE OBSW --" << std::endl; std::cout << "-- Compiled for Linux (" << DEV_STRING << ") --" << std::endl; std::cout << "-- OBSW v" << common::OBSW_VERSION << " | FSFW v" << fsfw::FSFW_VERSION << " --" << std::endl; std::cout << "-- " << __DATE__ << " " << __TIME__ << " --" << std::endl; #if Q7S_CHECK_FOR_ALREADY_RUNNING_IMG == 1 std::error_code e; // Check special file here. This file is created or deleted by the eive-watchdog application // or systemd service! if (std::filesystem::exists(watchdog::RUNNING_FILE_NAME, e)) { sif::warning << "File " << watchdog::RUNNING_FILE_NAME << " exists so the software might " "already be running. Check if obsw systemd service has been stopped." << std::endl; return OBSW_ALREADY_RUNNING; } #endif // Delay the boot if applicable. bootDelayHandling(); bool initWatchFunction = false; std::string fullExecPath = argv[0]; if (fullExecPath.find("/usr/bin") != std::string::npos) { initWatchFunction = true; } ReturnValue_t result = WATCHDOG_HANDLER.initialize(initWatchFunction); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { std::cerr << "Initiating EIVE watchdog handler failed" << std::endl; } scheduling::initMission(); // Command the EIVE system to safe mode #if OBSW_COMMAND_SAFE_MODE_AT_STARTUP == 1 commandComSubsystemRxOnly(); commandEiveSystemToSafe(); #else announceAllModes(); #endif for (;;) { WATCHDOG_HANDLER.periodicOperation(); TaskFactory::delayTask(2000); } return 0; } void obsw::bootDelayHandling() { const char* homedir = nullptr; homedir = getenv("HOME"); if (homedir == nullptr) { homedir = getpwuid(getuid())->pw_dir; } std::filesystem::path bootDelayFile = std::filesystem::path(homedir) / "boot_delay_secs.txt"; std::error_code e; // Init delay handling. if (std::filesystem::exists(bootDelayFile, e)) { std::ifstream ifile(bootDelayFile); std::string lineStr; unsigned int bootDelaySecs = 0; unsigned int line = 0; // Try to reas delay seconds from file. while (std::getline(ifile, lineStr)) { std::istringstream iss(lineStr); if (!(iss >> bootDelaySecs)) { break; } line++; } if (line == 0) { // If the file is empty, assume default of 6 seconds bootDelaySecs = 6; } std::cout << "Delaying OBSW start for " << bootDelaySecs << " seconds" << std::endl; TaskFactory::delayTask(bootDelaySecs * 1000); } } void obsw::commandEiveSystemToSafe() { auto sysQueueId = satsystem::EIVE_SYSTEM.getCommandQueue(); CommandMessage msg; ModeMessage::setCmdModeMessage(msg, acs::AcsMode::SAFE, 0); ReturnValue_t result = MessageQueueSenderIF::sendMessage(sysQueueId, &msg, MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE, false); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::error << "obsw: Sending safe mode command to EIVE system failed" << std::endl; } } void obsw::commandComSubsystemRxOnly() { auto* comSs = ObjectManager::instance()->get<HasModesIF>(objects::COM_SUBSYSTEM); if (comSs == nullptr) { sif::error << "obsw: Could not retrieve COM subsystem object" << std::endl; return; } CommandMessage msg; ModeMessage::setCmdModeMessage(msg, com::RX_ONLY, 0); ReturnValue_t result = MessageQueueSenderIF::sendMessage(comSs->getCommandQueue(), &msg, MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE, false); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::error << "obsw: Sending RX_ONLY mode command to COM subsystem failed" << std::endl; } } void obsw::announceAllModes() { auto sysQueueId = satsystem::EIVE_SYSTEM.getCommandQueue(); CommandMessage msg; ModeMessage::setModeAnnounceMessage(msg, true); ReturnValue_t result = MessageQueueSenderIF::sendMessage(sysQueueId, &msg, MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE, false); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::error << "obsw: Sending safe mode command to EIVE system failed" << std::endl; } }