#include "PusTmFunnel.h" #include "eive/definitions.h" #include "eive/objects.h" #include "fsfw/ipc/CommandMessage.h" #include "fsfw/ipc/QueueFactory.h" #include "fsfw/objectmanager.h" #include "fsfw/pus/Service5EventReporting.h" #include "fsfw/tmstorage/TmStoreMessage.h" #include "fsfw/tmtcpacket/pus/tm/PusTmZcWriter.h" #include "tmtc/pusIds.h" PusTmFunnel::PusTmFunnel(TmFunnelBase::FunnelCfg cfg, TimeReaderIF &timeReader, SdCardMountedIF &sdcMan) : TmFunnelBase(cfg), timeReader(timeReader), sdcMan(sdcMan) {} PusTmFunnel::~PusTmFunnel() = default; ReturnValue_t PusTmFunnel::performOperation(uint8_t) { CommandMessage cmdMessage; ReturnValue_t result; /* try { result = okStore.handleCommandQueue(ipcStore, *this); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::error << "PusTmFunnel::performOperation: Issue handling OK store command" << std::endl; } result = notOkStore.handleCommandQueue(ipcStore, *this); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::error << "PusTmFunnel::performOperation: Issue handling NOT OK store command" << std::endl; } result = hkStore.handleCommandQueue(ipcStore, *this); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::error << "PusTmFunnel::performOperation: Issue handling HK store command" << std::endl; } result = miscStore.handleCommandQueue(ipcStore, *this); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::error << "PusTmFunnel::performOperation: Issue handling MISC store command" << std::endl; } } catch (const std::bad_optional_access &e) { sif::error << e.what() << "when handling TM store command" << std::endl; } */ TmTcMessage currentMessage; unsigned int count = 0; result = tmQueue->receiveMessage(¤tMessage); while (result == returnvalue::OK) { result = handleTmPacket(currentMessage); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "TmFunnel packet handling failed" << std::endl; break; } count++; if (count == 500) { sif::error << "PusTmFunnel: Possible message storm detected" << std::endl; break; } result = tmQueue->receiveMessage(¤tMessage); } if (result == MessageQueueIF::EMPTY) { return returnvalue::OK; } return result; } ReturnValue_t PusTmFunnel::handleTmPacket(TmTcMessage &message) { uint8_t *packetData = nullptr; size_t size = 0; store_address_t origStoreId = message.getStorageId(); ReturnValue_t result = tmStore.modifyData(origStoreId, &packetData, &size); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return result; } PusTmZeroCopyWriter packet(timeReader, packetData, size); result = packet.parseDataWithoutCrcCheck(); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::warning << "PusTmFunnel::handlePacket: Error parsing received PUS packet" << std::endl; #endif return result; } packet.setSequenceCount(sourceSequenceCount++); sourceSequenceCount = sourceSequenceCount % ccsds::LIMIT_SEQUENCE_COUNT; packet.updateErrorControl(); // Send to persistent TM store if the packet matches some filter. MessageQueueId_t destination; if (persistentTmMap.packetMatches(packet, destination)) { store_address_t storageId; TmTcMessage msg(storageId); result = tmStore.addData(&storageId, packetData, size); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::error << "PusLiveDemux::handlePacket: Store too full to create data copy" << std::endl; } else { tmQueue->sendMessage(destination, &msg); } } return demultiplexLivePackets(origStoreId, packetData, size); // TODO: Will be moved to own thread. // bool sdcUsable = sdcMan.isSdCardUsable(std::nullopt); // initStoresIfPossible(sdcUsable); // if (sdcUsable) { // miscStore.passPacket(packet); // okStore.passPacket(packet); // notOkStore.passPacket(packet); // hkStore.passPacket(packet); // } } const char *PusTmFunnel::getName() const { return "PUS TM Funnel"; } void PusTmFunnel::initStoresIfPossible(bool sdCardUsable) { // TODO: Those will be moved to own thread. if (not storesInitialized and sdCardUsable and sdcMan.getCurrentMountPrefix() != nullptr) { // miscStore.initializeTmStore(); // okStore.initializeTmStore(); // hkStore.initializeTmStore(); // notOkStore.initializeTmStore(); storesInitialized = true; } } ReturnValue_t PusTmFunnel::initialize() { // initStoresIfPossible(sdcMan.isSdCardUsable(std::nullopt)); return returnvalue::OK; } void PusTmFunnel::addPersistentTmStoreRouting(PusPacketFilter filter, MessageQueueId_t dest) { persistentTmMap.addRouting(filter, dest); }