#ifndef MISSION_DEVICES_DEVICEDEFINITIONS_IMTQDEFINITIONS_H_ #define MISSION_DEVICES_DEVICEDEFINITIONS_IMTQDEFINITIONS_H_ #include #include #include #include class ImtqHandler; namespace imtq { enum class RequestType : uint8_t { MEASURE, ACTUATE }; enum class SpecialRequest : uint8_t { NONE = 0, DO_SELF_TEST_X = 1, DO_SELF_TEST_Y = 2, DO_SELF_TEST_Z = 3, GET_SELF_TEST_RESULT = 4 }; static const uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = CLASS_ID::IMTQ_HANDLER; static constexpr ReturnValue_t INVALID_COMMAND_CODE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0); static constexpr ReturnValue_t MGM_MEASUREMENT_LOW_LEVEL_ERROR = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(1); static constexpr ReturnValue_t ACTUATE_CMD_LOW_LEVEL_ERROR = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(2); static const ReturnValue_t PARAMETER_MISSING = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(3); static const ReturnValue_t PARAMETER_INVALID = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(4); static const ReturnValue_t CC_UNAVAILABLE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(5); static const ReturnValue_t INTERNAL_PROCESSING_ERROR = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(6); static const ReturnValue_t REJECTED_WITHOUT_REASON = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(7); static const ReturnValue_t CMD_ERR_UNKNOWN = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(8); //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] The status reply to a self test command was received but no self test //! command has been sent. This should normally never happen. static const ReturnValue_t UNEXPECTED_SELF_TEST_REPLY = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA7); namespace cmdIds { static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t REQUEST = 0x70; static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t REPLY = 0x71; static const DeviceCommandId_t START_ACTUATION_DIPOLE = 0x2; static const DeviceCommandId_t POS_X_SELF_TEST = 0x7; static const DeviceCommandId_t NEG_X_SELF_TEST = 0x8; static const DeviceCommandId_t POS_Y_SELF_TEST = 0x9; static const DeviceCommandId_t NEG_Y_SELF_TEST = 0xA; static const DeviceCommandId_t POS_Z_SELF_TEST = 0xB; static const DeviceCommandId_t NEG_Z_SELF_TEST = 0xC; static const DeviceCommandId_t GET_SELF_TEST_RESULT = 0xD; } // namespace cmdIds // static const DeviceCommandId_t NONE = 0x0; // static const DeviceCommandId_t GET_ENG_HK_DATA = 0x1; // static const DeviceCommandId_t GET_COMMANDED_DIPOLE = 0x3; ///** Generates new measurement of the magnetic field */ // static const DeviceCommandId_t START_MTM_MEASUREMENT = 0x4; ///** Requests the calibrated magnetometer measurement */ // static const DeviceCommandId_t GET_CAL_MTM_MEASUREMENT = 0x5; ///** Requests the raw values measured by the built-in MTM XEN1210 */ // static const DeviceCommandId_t GET_RAW_MTM_MEASUREMENT = 0x6; static const uint8_t POINTER_REG_SIZE = 1; enum SetIds : uint32_t { ENG_HK_NO_TORQUE = 1, RAW_MTM_NO_TORQUE = 2, ENG_HK_SET_WITH_TORQUE = 3, RAW_MTM_WITH_TORQUE = 4, STATUS_SET = 5, DIPOLES = 6, CAL_MTM_SET = 9, POSITIVE_X_TEST = 10, NEGATIVE_X_TEST = 11, POSITIVE_Y_TEST = 12, NEGATIVE_Y_TEST = 13, POSITIVE_Z_TEST = 14, NEGATIVE_Z_TEST = 15, }; namespace replySize { static constexpr uint8_t GET_TEMP_REPLY_SIZE = 2; static constexpr uint8_t CFGR_CMD_SIZE = 3; static constexpr size_t DEFAULT_MIN_LEN = 2; static constexpr size_t STATUS_REPLY = DEFAULT_MIN_LEN; static constexpr size_t ENG_HK_DATA_REPLY = 24; static constexpr size_t GET_COMMANDED_DIPOLE_REPLY = 8; static constexpr size_t MAX_SET_GET_PARAM_LEN = 12; static constexpr size_t SYSTEM_STATE = 9; static constexpr size_t CAL_MTM_MEASUREMENT = 15; static constexpr size_t RAW_MTM_MEASUREMENT = 15; static constexpr size_t SELF_TEST_RESULTS = 120; static constexpr size_t SELF_TEST_RESULTS_ALL_AXES = 360; } // namespace replySize static const uint16_t MAX_REPLY_SIZE = replySize::SELF_TEST_RESULTS_ALL_AXES; static const uint8_t MAX_COMMAND_SIZE = 16; /** Define entries in IMTQ specific dataset */ static const uint8_t HK_SET_POOL_ENTRIES = 20; static const uint8_t CAL_MTM_POOL_ENTRIES = 4; static const uint8_t SELF_TEST_DATASET_ENTRIES = 104; /** Error codes for interpreting the self test error byte */ static const uint8_t I2C_FAILURE_MASK = 0x1; static const uint8_t SPI_FAILURE_MASK = 0x2; // MTM connectivity static const uint8_t ADC_FAILURE_MASK = 0x4; // Current/Temp measurement static const uint8_t PWM_FAILURE_MASK = 0x8; // Coil actuation static const uint8_t TC_FAILURE_MASK = 0x10; // System failure static const uint8_t MTM_RANGE_FAILURE_MASK = 0x20; // MTM values outside of expected range static const uint8_t COIL_CURRENT_FAILURE_MASK = 0x40; // Coil currents outside of expected range static const uint8_t INVALID_ERROR_BYTE = 0x80; // This is an invalid error byte and should be never replied by the IMTQ static const uint8_t MAIN_STEP_OFFSET = 43; // Command Code namespace CC { /** * Command code definitions. Each command or reply of an IMTQ request will begin with one of * the following command codes. */ enum CC : uint8_t { START_MTM_MEASUREMENT = 0x4, START_ACTUATION_DIPOLE = 0x6, SELF_TEST_CMD = 0x8, GET_SYSTEM_STATE = 0x41, GET_RAW_MTM_MEASUREMENT = 0x42, GET_CAL_MTM_MEASUREMENT = 0x43, GET_COIL_CURRENT = 0x44, GET_COIL_TEMPERATURES = 0x45, GET_COMMANDED_DIPOLE = 0x46, GET_SELF_TEST_RESULT = 0x47, GET_RAW_HK_DATA = 0x49, GET_ENG_HK_DATA = 0x4A, GET_PARAM = 0x81, SET_PARAM = 0x82, SOFTWARE_RESET = 0xAA, PAST_AVAILABLE_RESPONSE_BYTES = 0xff }; } // namespace CC size_t getReplySize(CC::CC cc, size_t* optSecondSize = nullptr); namespace mode { enum Mode : uint8_t { IDLE = 0, SELF_TEST = 1, DETUMBLE = 2 }; } namespace selfTest { enum Axis : uint8_t { ALL = 0x0, X_POSITIVE = 0x1, X_NEGATIVE = 0x2, Y_POSITIVE = 0x3, Y_NEGATIVE = 0x4, Z_POSITIVE = 0x5, Z_NEGATIVE = 0x6, }; namespace step { enum Step : uint8_t { INIT = 0x0, X_POSITIVE = 0x1, X_NEGATIVE = 0x2, Y_POSITIVE = 0x3, Y_NEGATIVE = 0x4, Z_POSITIVE = 0x5, Z_NEGATIVE = 0x6, FINA = 0x7 }; } } // namespace selfTest enum PoolIds : lp_id_t { STATUS_BYTE_MODE, STATUS_BYTE_ERROR, STATUS_BYTE_CONF, STATUS_BYTE_UPTIME, DIGITAL_VOLTAGE_MV, ANALOG_VOLTAGE_MV, DIGITAL_CURRENT, ANALOG_CURRENT, COIL_X_CURRENT, COIL_Y_CURRENT, COIL_Z_CURRENT, COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, MCU_TEMPERATURE, MGM_CAL_NT, ACTUATION_CAL_STATUS, MTM_RAW, ACTUATION_RAW_STATUS, DIPOLES_X, DIPOLES_Y, DIPOLES_Z, CURRENT_TORQUE_DURATION, INIT_POS_X_ERR, INIT_POS_X_RAW_MAG_X, INIT_POS_X_RAW_MAG_Y, INIT_POS_X_RAW_MAG_Z, INIT_POS_X_CAL_MAG_X, INIT_POS_X_CAL_MAG_Y, INIT_POS_X_CAL_MAG_Z, INIT_POS_X_COIL_X_CURRENT, INIT_POS_X_COIL_Y_CURRENT, INIT_POS_X_COIL_Z_CURRENT, INIT_POS_X_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, INIT_POS_X_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, INIT_POS_X_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, INIT_NEG_X_ERR, INIT_NEG_X_RAW_MAG_X, INIT_NEG_X_RAW_MAG_Y, INIT_NEG_X_RAW_MAG_Z, INIT_NEG_X_CAL_MAG_X, INIT_NEG_X_CAL_MAG_Y, INIT_NEG_X_CAL_MAG_Z, INIT_NEG_X_COIL_X_CURRENT, INIT_NEG_X_COIL_Y_CURRENT, INIT_NEG_X_COIL_Z_CURRENT, INIT_NEG_X_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, INIT_NEG_X_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, INIT_NEG_X_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, INIT_POS_Y_ERR, INIT_POS_Y_RAW_MAG_X, INIT_POS_Y_RAW_MAG_Y, INIT_POS_Y_RAW_MAG_Z, INIT_POS_Y_CAL_MAG_X, INIT_POS_Y_CAL_MAG_Y, INIT_POS_Y_CAL_MAG_Z, INIT_POS_Y_COIL_X_CURRENT, INIT_POS_Y_COIL_Y_CURRENT, INIT_POS_Y_COIL_Z_CURRENT, INIT_POS_Y_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, INIT_POS_Y_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, INIT_POS_Y_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, INIT_NEG_Y_ERR, INIT_NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_X, INIT_NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_Y, INIT_NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_Z, INIT_NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_X, INIT_NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_Y, INIT_NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_Z, INIT_NEG_Y_COIL_X_CURRENT, INIT_NEG_Y_COIL_Y_CURRENT, INIT_NEG_Y_COIL_Z_CURRENT, INIT_NEG_Y_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, INIT_NEG_Y_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, INIT_NEG_Y_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, INIT_POS_Z_ERR, INIT_POS_Z_RAW_MAG_X, INIT_POS_Z_RAW_MAG_Y, INIT_POS_Z_RAW_MAG_Z, INIT_POS_Z_CAL_MAG_X, INIT_POS_Z_CAL_MAG_Y, INIT_POS_Z_CAL_MAG_Z, INIT_POS_Z_COIL_X_CURRENT, INIT_POS_Z_COIL_Y_CURRENT, INIT_POS_Z_COIL_Z_CURRENT, INIT_POS_Z_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, INIT_POS_Z_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, INIT_POS_Z_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, INIT_NEG_Z_ERR, INIT_NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_X, INIT_NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_Y, INIT_NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_Z, INIT_NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_X, INIT_NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_Y, INIT_NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_Z, INIT_NEG_Z_COIL_X_CURRENT, INIT_NEG_Z_COIL_Y_CURRENT, INIT_NEG_Z_COIL_Z_CURRENT, INIT_NEG_Z_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, INIT_NEG_Z_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, INIT_NEG_Z_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, POS_X_ERR, POS_X_RAW_MAG_X, POS_X_RAW_MAG_Y, POS_X_RAW_MAG_Z, POS_X_CAL_MAG_X, POS_X_CAL_MAG_Y, POS_X_CAL_MAG_Z, POS_X_COIL_X_CURRENT, POS_X_COIL_Y_CURRENT, POS_X_COIL_Z_CURRENT, POS_X_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, POS_X_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, POS_X_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, NEG_X_ERR, NEG_X_RAW_MAG_X, NEG_X_RAW_MAG_Y, NEG_X_RAW_MAG_Z, NEG_X_CAL_MAG_X, NEG_X_CAL_MAG_Y, NEG_X_CAL_MAG_Z, NEG_X_COIL_X_CURRENT, NEG_X_COIL_Y_CURRENT, NEG_X_COIL_Z_CURRENT, NEG_X_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, NEG_X_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, NEG_X_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, POS_Y_ERR, POS_Y_RAW_MAG_X, POS_Y_RAW_MAG_Y, POS_Y_RAW_MAG_Z, POS_Y_CAL_MAG_X, POS_Y_CAL_MAG_Y, POS_Y_CAL_MAG_Z, POS_Y_COIL_X_CURRENT, POS_Y_COIL_Y_CURRENT, POS_Y_COIL_Z_CURRENT, POS_Y_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, POS_Y_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, POS_Y_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, NEG_Y_ERR, NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_X, NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_Y, NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_Z, NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_X, NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_Y, NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_Z, NEG_Y_COIL_X_CURRENT, NEG_Y_COIL_Y_CURRENT, NEG_Y_COIL_Z_CURRENT, NEG_Y_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, NEG_Y_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, NEG_Y_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, POS_Z_ERR, POS_Z_RAW_MAG_X, POS_Z_RAW_MAG_Y, POS_Z_RAW_MAG_Z, POS_Z_CAL_MAG_X, POS_Z_CAL_MAG_Y, POS_Z_CAL_MAG_Z, POS_Z_COIL_X_CURRENT, POS_Z_COIL_Y_CURRENT, POS_Z_COIL_Z_CURRENT, POS_Z_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, POS_Z_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, POS_Z_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, NEG_Z_ERR, NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_X, NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_Y, NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_Z, NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_X, NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_Y, NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_Z, NEG_Z_COIL_X_CURRENT, NEG_Z_COIL_Y_CURRENT, NEG_Z_COIL_Z_CURRENT, NEG_Z_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, NEG_Z_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, NEG_Z_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, FINA_POS_X_ERR, FINA_POS_X_RAW_MAG_X, FINA_POS_X_RAW_MAG_Y, FINA_POS_X_RAW_MAG_Z, FINA_POS_X_CAL_MAG_X, FINA_POS_X_CAL_MAG_Y, FINA_POS_X_CAL_MAG_Z, FINA_POS_X_COIL_X_CURRENT, FINA_POS_X_COIL_Y_CURRENT, FINA_POS_X_COIL_Z_CURRENT, FINA_POS_X_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, FINA_POS_X_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, FINA_POS_X_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, FINA_NEG_X_ERR, FINA_NEG_X_RAW_MAG_X, FINA_NEG_X_RAW_MAG_Y, FINA_NEG_X_RAW_MAG_Z, FINA_NEG_X_CAL_MAG_X, FINA_NEG_X_CAL_MAG_Y, FINA_NEG_X_CAL_MAG_Z, FINA_NEG_X_COIL_X_CURRENT, FINA_NEG_X_COIL_Y_CURRENT, FINA_NEG_X_COIL_Z_CURRENT, FINA_NEG_X_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, FINA_NEG_X_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, FINA_NEG_X_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, FINA_POS_Y_ERR, FINA_POS_Y_RAW_MAG_X, FINA_POS_Y_RAW_MAG_Y, FINA_POS_Y_RAW_MAG_Z, FINA_POS_Y_CAL_MAG_X, FINA_POS_Y_CAL_MAG_Y, FINA_POS_Y_CAL_MAG_Z, FINA_POS_Y_COIL_X_CURRENT, FINA_POS_Y_COIL_Y_CURRENT, FINA_POS_Y_COIL_Z_CURRENT, FINA_POS_Y_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, FINA_POS_Y_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, FINA_POS_Y_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, FINA_NEG_Y_ERR, FINA_NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_X, FINA_NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_Y, FINA_NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_Z, FINA_NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_X, FINA_NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_Y, FINA_NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_Z, FINA_NEG_Y_COIL_X_CURRENT, FINA_NEG_Y_COIL_Y_CURRENT, FINA_NEG_Y_COIL_Z_CURRENT, FINA_NEG_Y_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, FINA_NEG_Y_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, FINA_NEG_Y_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, FINA_POS_Z_ERR, FINA_POS_Z_RAW_MAG_X, FINA_POS_Z_RAW_MAG_Y, FINA_POS_Z_RAW_MAG_Z, FINA_POS_Z_CAL_MAG_X, FINA_POS_Z_CAL_MAG_Y, FINA_POS_Z_CAL_MAG_Z, FINA_POS_Z_COIL_X_CURRENT, FINA_POS_Z_COIL_Y_CURRENT, FINA_POS_Z_COIL_Z_CURRENT, FINA_POS_Z_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, FINA_POS_Z_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, FINA_POS_Z_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, FINA_NEG_Z_ERR, FINA_NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_X, FINA_NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_Y, FINA_NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_Z, FINA_NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_X, FINA_NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_Y, FINA_NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_Z, FINA_NEG_Z_COIL_X_CURRENT, FINA_NEG_Z_COIL_Y_CURRENT, FINA_NEG_Z_COIL_Z_CURRENT, FINA_NEG_Z_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, FINA_NEG_Z_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, FINA_NEG_Z_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, }; class StatusDataset : public StaticLocalDataSet<4> { public: StatusDataset(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, imtq::SetIds::STATUS_SET) {} // Status byte variables lp_var_t statusByteMode = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, STATUS_BYTE_MODE, this); lp_var_t statusByteError = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, STATUS_BYTE_ERROR, this); lp_var_t statusByteConfig = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, STATUS_BYTE_CONF, this); lp_var_t statusByteUptime = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, STATUS_BYTE_UPTIME, this); }; class HkDataset : public StaticLocalDataSet { public: HkDataset(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner, uint32_t setId) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, setId) {} HkDataset(object_id_t objectId, uint32_t setId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, setId)) {} // Engineering HK variables lp_var_t digitalVoltageMv = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, DIGITAL_VOLTAGE_MV, this); lp_var_t analogVoltageMv = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, ANALOG_VOLTAGE_MV, this); lp_var_t digitalCurrentmA = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, DIGITAL_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t analogCurrentmA = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, ANALOG_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilXCurrentmA = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilYCurrentmA = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilZCurrentmA = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); /** All temperatures in [�C] */ lp_var_t coilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t coilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t coilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t mcuTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, MCU_TEMPERATURE, this); }; class HkDatasetNoTorque : public HkDataset { public: HkDatasetNoTorque(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : HkDataset(owner, imtq::SetIds::ENG_HK_NO_TORQUE) {} }; class HkDatasetWithTorque : public HkDataset { public: HkDatasetWithTorque(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : HkDataset(owner, imtq::SetIds::ENG_HK_SET_WITH_TORQUE) {} }; /** * * @brief This dataset holds the last calibrated MTM measurement. */ class CalibratedMtmMeasurementSet : public StaticLocalDataSet { public: CalibratedMtmMeasurementSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, imtq::SetIds::CAL_MTM_SET) {} CalibratedMtmMeasurementSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, imtq::SetIds::CAL_MTM_SET)) {} /** The unit of all measurements is nT */ lp_vec_t mgmXyz = lp_vec_t(sid.objectId, MGM_CAL_NT, this); /** 1 if coils were actuating during measurement otherwise 0 */ lp_var_t coilActuationStatus = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, ACTUATION_CAL_STATUS, this); }; /** * @brief This dataset holds the raw MTM measurements. */ class RawMtmMeasurementSet : public StaticLocalDataSet { public: RawMtmMeasurementSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner, uint32_t setId) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, setId) {} RawMtmMeasurementSet(object_id_t objectId, uint32_t setId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, setId)) {} /** The unit of all measurements is nT */ lp_vec_t mtmRawNt = lp_vec_t(sid.objectId, MTM_RAW, this); /** 1 if coils were actuating during measurement otherwise 0 */ lp_var_t coilActuationStatus = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, ACTUATION_RAW_STATUS, this); }; class RawMtmMeasurementNoTorque : public RawMtmMeasurementSet { public: RawMtmMeasurementNoTorque(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : RawMtmMeasurementSet(owner, imtq::SetIds::RAW_MTM_NO_TORQUE) {} RawMtmMeasurementNoTorque(object_id_t objectId) : RawMtmMeasurementSet(objectId, imtq::SetIds::RAW_MTM_NO_TORQUE) {} }; class RawMtmMeasurementWithTorque : public RawMtmMeasurementSet { public: RawMtmMeasurementWithTorque(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : RawMtmMeasurementSet(owner, imtq::SetIds::RAW_MTM_WITH_TORQUE) {} RawMtmMeasurementWithTorque(object_id_t objectId) : RawMtmMeasurementSet(objectId, imtq::SetIds::RAW_MTM_WITH_TORQUE) {} }; /** * @brief This class can be used to ease the generation of an action message commanding the * IMTQHandler to configure the magnettorquer with the desired dipoles. * * @details Deserialize the packet, write the deserialized data to the ipc store and store the * the ipc store address in the action message. */ class CommandDipolePacket : public SerialLinkedListAdapter { public: CommandDipolePacket() { setLinks(); } SerializeElement xDipole; SerializeElement yDipole; SerializeElement zDipole; SerializeElement duration; private: /** * @brief Constructor * * @param xDipole The dipole of the x coil in 10 ^ -4 * Am^2 * @param yDipole The dipole of the y coil in 10 ^ -4 * Am^2 * @param zDipole The dipole of the z coil in 10 ^ -4 * Am^2 * @param duration The duration in milliseconds the dipole will be generated by the coils. * When set to 0, the dipole will be generated until a new dipole actuation * command is sent. */ CommandDipolePacket(uint16_t xDipole, uint16_t yDipole, uint16_t zDipole, uint16_t duration) : xDipole(xDipole), yDipole(yDipole), zDipole(zDipole), duration(duration) {} void setLinks() { setStart(&xDipole); xDipole.setNext(&yDipole); yDipole.setNext(&zDipole); zDipole.setNext(&duration); } }; class DipoleActuationSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<4> { friend class ::ImtqHandler; public: DipoleActuationSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF& owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(&owner, imtq::SetIds::DIPOLES) {} DipoleActuationSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, imtq::SetIds::DIPOLES)) {} // Refresh torque command without changing any of the set dipoles. void refreshTorqueing(uint16_t durationMs_) { currentTorqueDurationMs = durationMs_; } void setDipoles(int16_t xDipole_, int16_t yDipole_, int16_t zDipole_, uint16_t currentTorqueDurationMs_) { if (xDipole.value != xDipole_) { xDipole = xDipole_; } if (yDipole.value != yDipole_) { yDipole = yDipole_; } if (zDipole.value != zDipole_) { zDipole = zDipole_; } currentTorqueDurationMs = currentTorqueDurationMs_; } void getDipoles(int16_t& xDipole_, int16_t& yDipole_, int16_t& zDipole_) { xDipole_ = xDipole.value; yDipole_ = yDipole.value; zDipole_ = zDipole.value; } private: lp_var_t xDipole = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, DIPOLES_X, this); lp_var_t yDipole = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, DIPOLES_Y, this); lp_var_t zDipole = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, DIPOLES_Z, this); lp_var_t currentTorqueDurationMs = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, CURRENT_TORQUE_DURATION, this); }; /** * @brief This dataset can be used to store the self test results of the +X self test. * * @details Units of measurements: * Raw magnetic field: [nT] * Calibrated magnetic field: [nT] * Coil currents: [mA] * Temperature: [C] * The +X self test generates a positive dipole in X direction and measures the magnetic * field with the built-in MTM. The procedure of the test is as follows: * 1. All coils off (INIT step) * 2. +X actuation * 3. All coils off (FINA step) */ class PosXSelfTestSet : public StaticLocalDataSet { public: PosXSelfTestSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, imtq::SetIds::POSITIVE_X_TEST) {} PosXSelfTestSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, imtq::SetIds::POSITIVE_X_TEST)) {} /** INIT block */ lp_var_t initErr = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_X_ERR, this); lp_var_t initRawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_X_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t initRawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_X_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t initRawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_X_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t initCalMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_X_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t initCalMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_X_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t initCalMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_X_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t initCoilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_X_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_X_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_X_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_X_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t initCoilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_X_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t initCoilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_X_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); /** +X block */ lp_var_t err = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_X_ERR, this); lp_var_t rawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_X_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t rawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_X_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t rawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_X_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t calMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_X_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t calMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_X_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t calMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_X_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t coilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_X_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_X_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_X_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_X_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t coilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_X_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t coilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_X_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); /** FINA block */ lp_var_t finaErr = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_X_ERR, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_X_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_X_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_X_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_X_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_X_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_X_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t finaCoilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_X_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_X_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_X_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_X_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t finaCoilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_X_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t finaCoilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_X_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); }; /** * @brief This dataset can be used to store the self test results of the -X self test. * * @details Units of measurements: * Raw magnetic field: [nT] * Calibrated magnetic field: [nT] * Coil currents: [mA] * Temperature: [C] * The -X self test generates a negative dipole in X direction and measures the magnetic * field with the built-in MTM. The procedure of the test is as follows: * 1. All coils off (INIT step) * 2. -X actuation * 3. All coils off (FINA step) */ class NegXSelfTestSet : public StaticLocalDataSet { public: NegXSelfTestSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, imtq::SetIds::NEGATIVE_X_TEST) {} NegXSelfTestSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, imtq::SetIds::NEGATIVE_X_TEST)) {} /** INIT block */ lp_var_t initErr = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_X_ERR, this); lp_var_t initRawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_X_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t initRawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_X_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t initRawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_X_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t initCalMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_X_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t initCalMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_X_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t initCalMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_X_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t initCoilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_X_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_X_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_X_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_X_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t initCoilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_X_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t initCoilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_X_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); /** -X block */ lp_var_t err = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_X_ERR, this); lp_var_t rawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_X_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t rawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_X_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t rawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_X_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t calMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_X_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t calMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_X_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t calMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_X_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t coilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_X_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_X_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_X_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_X_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t coilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_X_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t coilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_X_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); /** FINA block */ lp_var_t finaErr = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_X_ERR, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_X_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_X_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_X_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_X_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_X_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_X_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t finaCoilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_X_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_X_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_X_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_X_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t finaCoilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_X_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t finaCoilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_X_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); }; /** * @brief This dataset can be used to store the self test results of the +Y self test. * * @details Units of measurements: * Raw magnetic field: [nT] * Calibrated magnetic field: [nT] * Coil currents: [mA] * Temperature: [C] * The +Y self test generates a positive dipole in y direction and measures the magnetic * field with the built-in MTM. The procedure of the test is as follows: * 1. All coils off (INIT step) * 2. +Y actuation * 3. All coils off (FINA step) */ class PosYSelfTestSet : public StaticLocalDataSet { public: PosYSelfTestSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, imtq::SetIds::POSITIVE_Y_TEST) {} PosYSelfTestSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, imtq::SetIds::POSITIVE_Y_TEST)) {} /** INIT block */ lp_var_t initErr = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Y_ERR, this); lp_var_t initRawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Y_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t initRawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Y_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t initRawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Y_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t initCalMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Y_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t initCalMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Y_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t initCalMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Y_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t initCoilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Y_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Y_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Y_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Y_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t initCoilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Y_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t initCoilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Y_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); /** +Y block */ lp_var_t err = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Y_ERR, this); lp_var_t rawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Y_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t rawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Y_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t rawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Y_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t calMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Y_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t calMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Y_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t calMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Y_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t coilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Y_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Y_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Y_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Y_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t coilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Y_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t coilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Y_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); /** FINA block */ lp_var_t finaErr = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Y_ERR, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Y_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Y_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Y_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Y_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Y_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Y_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t finaCoilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Y_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Y_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Y_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Y_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t finaCoilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Y_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t finaCoilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Y_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); }; /** * @brief This dataset can be used to store the self test results of the -Y self test. * * @details Units of measurements: * Raw magnetic field: [nT] * Calibrated magnetic field: [nT] * Coil currents: [mA] * Temperature: [C] * The -Y self test generates a negative dipole in y direction and measures the magnetic * field with the built-in MTM. The procedure of the test is as follows: * 1. All coils off (INIT step) * 2. -Y actuation * 3. All coils off (FINA step) */ class NegYSelfTestSet : public StaticLocalDataSet { public: NegYSelfTestSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, imtq::SetIds::NEGATIVE_Y_TEST) {} NegYSelfTestSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, imtq::SetIds::NEGATIVE_Y_TEST)) {} /** INIT block */ lp_var_t initErr = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Y_ERR, this); lp_var_t initRawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t initRawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t initRawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t initCalMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t initCalMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t initCalMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t initCoilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Y_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Y_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Y_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Y_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t initCoilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Y_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t initCoilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Y_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); /** -Y block */ lp_var_t err = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Y_ERR, this); lp_var_t rawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t rawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t rawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t calMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t calMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t calMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t coilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Y_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Y_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Y_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Y_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t coilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Y_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t coilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Y_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); /** FINA block */ lp_var_t finaErr = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Y_ERR, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Y_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Y_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t finaCoilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Y_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Y_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Y_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Y_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t finaCoilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Y_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t finaCoilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Y_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); }; /** * @brief This dataset can be used to store the self test results of the +Z self test. * * @details Units of measurements: * Raw magnetic field: [nT] * Calibrated magnetic field: [nT] * Coil currents: [mA] * Temperature: [C] * The +Z self test generates a positive dipole in z direction and measures the magnetic * field with the built-in MTM. The procedure of the test is as follows: * 1. All coils off (INIT step) * 2. +Z actuation * 3. All coils off (FINA step) */ class PosZSelfTestSet : public StaticLocalDataSet { public: PosZSelfTestSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, imtq::SetIds::POSITIVE_Z_TEST) {} PosZSelfTestSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, imtq::SetIds::POSITIVE_Y_TEST)) {} /** INIT block */ lp_var_t initErr = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Z_ERR, this); lp_var_t initRawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Z_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t initRawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Z_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t initRawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Z_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t initCalMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Z_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t initCalMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Z_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t initCalMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Z_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t initCoilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Z_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Z_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Z_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Z_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t initCoilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Z_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t initCoilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_POS_Z_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); /** +Z block */ lp_var_t err = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Z_ERR, this); lp_var_t rawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Z_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t rawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Z_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t rawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Z_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t calMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Z_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t calMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Z_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t calMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Z_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t coilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Z_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Z_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Z_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Z_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t coilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Z_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t coilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, POS_Z_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); /** FINA block */ lp_var_t finaErr = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Z_ERR, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Z_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Z_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Z_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Z_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Z_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Z_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t finaCoilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Z_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Z_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Z_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Z_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t finaCoilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Z_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t finaCoilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_POS_Z_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); }; /** * @brief This dataset can be used to store the self test results of the -Z self test. * * @details Units of measurements: * Raw magnetic field: [nT] * Calibrated magnetic field: [nT] * Coil currents: [mA] * Temperature: [C] * The -Z self test generates a negative dipole in z direction and measures the magnetic * field with the built-in MTM. The procedure of the test is as follows: * 1. All coils off (INIT step) * 2. -Z actuation * 3. All coils off (FINA step) */ class NegZSelfTestSet : public StaticLocalDataSet { public: NegZSelfTestSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, imtq::SetIds::NEGATIVE_Z_TEST) {} NegZSelfTestSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, imtq::SetIds::NEGATIVE_Z_TEST)) {} /** INIT block */ lp_var_t initErr = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Z_ERR, this); lp_var_t initRawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t initRawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t initRawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t initCalMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t initCalMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t initCalMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t initCoilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Z_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Z_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Z_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t initCoilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Z_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t initCoilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Z_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t initCoilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, INIT_NEG_Z_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); /** +Z block */ lp_var_t err = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Z_ERR, this); lp_var_t rawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t rawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t rawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t calMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t calMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t calMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t coilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Z_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Z_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Z_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t coilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Z_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t coilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Z_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t coilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, NEG_Z_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); /** FINA block */ lp_var_t finaErr = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Z_ERR, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t finaRawMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Z_RAW_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagX = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_X, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagY = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_Y, this); lp_var_t finaCalMagZ = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Z_CAL_MAG_Z, this); lp_var_t finaCoilXCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Z_COIL_X_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilYCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Z_COIL_Y_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilZCurrent = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Z_COIL_Z_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t finaCoilXTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Z_COIL_X_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t finaCoilYTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Z_COIL_Y_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t finaCoilZTemperature = lp_var_t(sid.objectId, FINA_NEG_Z_COIL_Z_TEMPERATURE, this); }; } // namespace imtq struct ImtqRequest { friend class ImtqHandler; public: static constexpr size_t REQUEST_LEN = 10; ImtqRequest(const uint8_t* data, size_t maxSize) : rawData(const_cast(data)), maxSize(maxSize) {} imtq::RequestType getRequestType() const { return static_cast(rawData[0]); } void setMeasureRequest(imtq::SpecialRequest specialRequest) { rawData[0] = static_cast(imtq::RequestType::MEASURE); rawData[1] = static_cast(specialRequest); } void setActuateRequest(int16_t dipoleX, int16_t dipoleY, int16_t dipoleZ, uint16_t torqueDuration) { size_t dummy = 0; rawData[0] = static_cast(imtq::RequestType::ACTUATE); rawData[1] = static_cast(imtq::SpecialRequest::NONE); uint8_t* serPtr = rawData + 2; SerializeAdapter::serialize(&dipoleX, &serPtr, &dummy, maxSize, SerializeIF::Endianness::MACHINE); SerializeAdapter::serialize(&dipoleY, &serPtr, &dummy, maxSize, SerializeIF::Endianness::MACHINE); SerializeAdapter::serialize(&dipoleZ, &serPtr, &dummy, maxSize, SerializeIF::Endianness::MACHINE); SerializeAdapter::serialize(&torqueDuration, &serPtr, &dummy, maxSize, SerializeIF::Endianness::MACHINE); } uint8_t* startOfActuateDataPtr() { return rawData + 2; } int16_t* getDipoles() { return reinterpret_cast(rawData + 2); } uint16_t getTorqueDuration() { uint8_t* data = rawData + 2 + 6; uint16_t value = 0; size_t dummy = 0; SerializeAdapter::deSerialize(&value, data, &dummy, SerializeIF::Endianness::MACHINE); return value; } void setSpecialRequest(imtq::SpecialRequest specialRequest) { rawData[1] = static_cast(specialRequest); } imtq::SpecialRequest getSpecialRequest() const { return static_cast(rawData[1]); } private: ImtqRequest(uint8_t* rawData, size_t maxLen) : rawData(rawData) { if (rawData != nullptr) { rawData[0] = static_cast(imtq::RequestType::MEASURE); } } uint8_t* rawData; size_t maxSize = 0; }; struct ImtqRepliesDefault { friend class ImtqPollingTask; public: static constexpr size_t BASE_LEN = imtq::replySize::DEFAULT_MIN_LEN + 1 + imtq::replySize::SYSTEM_STATE + 1 + +imtq::replySize::DEFAULT_MIN_LEN + 1 + imtq::replySize::RAW_MTM_MEASUREMENT + 1 + imtq::replySize::ENG_HK_DATA_REPLY + 1 + imtq::replySize::CAL_MTM_MEASUREMENT + 1; ImtqRepliesDefault(const uint8_t* rawData) : rawData(const_cast(rawData)) { initPointers(); } uint8_t* getCalibMgmMeasurement() const { return calibMgmMeasurement + 1; } bool wasCalibMgmMeasurementRead() const { return calibMgmMeasurement[0]; }; uint8_t* getEngHk() const { return engHk + 1; } bool wasEngHkRead() const { return engHk[0]; }; uint8_t* getRawMgmMeasurement() const { return rawMgmMeasurement + 1; } bool wasGetRawMgmMeasurementRead() const { return rawMgmMeasurement[0]; }; uint8_t* getSpecialRequest() const { return specialRequestReply + 1; } bool wasSpecialRequestRead() const { return specialRequestReply[0]; } uint8_t* getStartMtmMeasurement() const { return startMtmMeasurement + 1; } bool wasStartMtmMeasurementRead() const { return startMtmMeasurement[0]; } uint8_t* getSwReset() const { return swReset + 1; } uint8_t* getSystemState() const { return systemState + 1; } bool wasGetSystemStateRead() const { return systemState[0]; } private: void initPointers() { swReset = rawData; systemState = swReset + imtq::replySize::DEFAULT_MIN_LEN + 1; startMtmMeasurement = systemState + imtq::replySize::SYSTEM_STATE + 1; rawMgmMeasurement = startMtmMeasurement + imtq::replySize::DEFAULT_MIN_LEN + 1; engHk = rawMgmMeasurement + imtq::replySize::RAW_MTM_MEASUREMENT + 1; calibMgmMeasurement = engHk + imtq::replySize::ENG_HK_DATA_REPLY + 1; specialRequestReply = calibMgmMeasurement + imtq::replySize::CAL_MTM_MEASUREMENT + 1; } uint8_t* rawData; uint8_t* swReset; uint8_t* systemState; uint8_t* startMtmMeasurement; uint8_t* rawMgmMeasurement; uint8_t* engHk; uint8_t* calibMgmMeasurement; // Share this to reduce amount of copied code for each transfer. uint8_t* specialRequestReply; }; struct ImtqRepliesWithTorque { friend class ImtqPollingTask; public: static constexpr size_t BASE_LEN = imtq::replySize::DEFAULT_MIN_LEN + 1 + imtq::replySize::ENG_HK_DATA_REPLY + 1 + imtq::replySize::DEFAULT_MIN_LEN + 1 + imtq::replySize::RAW_MTM_MEASUREMENT + 1; ImtqRepliesWithTorque(const uint8_t* rawData) : rawData(const_cast(rawData)) { initPointers(); } uint8_t* getDipoleActuation() const { return dipoleActuation + 1; } bool wasDipoleActuationRead() const { return dipoleActuation[0]; } uint8_t* getEngHk() const { return engHk + 1; } bool wasEngHkRead() const { return engHk[0]; }; uint8_t* getRawMgmMeasurement() const { return rawMgmMeasurement + 1; } bool wasGetRawMgmMeasurementRead() const { return rawMgmMeasurement[0]; }; private: void initPointers() { dipoleActuation = rawData; engHk = dipoleActuation + imtq::replySize::DEFAULT_MIN_LEN + 1; startMtmMeasurement = engHk + imtq::replySize::ENG_HK_DATA_REPLY + 1; rawMgmMeasurement = startMtmMeasurement + imtq::replySize::DEFAULT_MIN_LEN + 1; } uint8_t* rawData; uint8_t* dipoleActuation; uint8_t* engHk; uint8_t* startMtmMeasurement; uint8_t* rawMgmMeasurement; }; #endif /* MISSION_DEVICES_DEVICEDEFINITIONS_IMTQDEFINITIONS_H_ */