#include <fsfw/objectmanager/SystemObject.h>
#include <fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceCommunicationIF.h>

#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>

#include "UartCookie.h"

 * @brief 	This is the communication interface to access serial ports on linux based operating
 *          systems.
 * @details The implementation follows the instructions from https://blog.mbedded.ninja/programming/
 *          operating-systems/linux/linux-serial-ports-using-c-cpp/#disabling-canonical-mode
 * @author 	J. Meier
class UartComIF: public DeviceCommunicationIF, public SystemObject {
	UartComIF(object_id_t objectId);

	virtual ~UartComIF();

	ReturnValue_t initializeInterface(CookieIF * cookie) override;
	ReturnValue_t sendMessage(CookieIF *cookie,const uint8_t *sendData,
			size_t sendLen) override;
	ReturnValue_t getSendSuccess(CookieIF *cookie) override;
	ReturnValue_t requestReceiveMessage(CookieIF *cookie,
	        size_t requestLen) override;
	ReturnValue_t readReceivedMessage(CookieIF *cookie, uint8_t **buffer,
			size_t *size) override;


	using UartDeviceFile_t = std::string;

	typedef struct UartElements {
	    int fileDescriptor;
		std::vector<uint8_t> replyBuffer;
		/** Number of bytes read will be written to this variable */
		size_t replyLen;
	} UartElements_t;

	using UartDeviceMap = std::unordered_map<UartDeviceFile_t, UartElements_t>;
	using UartDeviceMapIter = UartDeviceMap::iterator;

	 * The uart devie map stores informations of initialized uart ports.
	UartDeviceMap uartDeviceMap;

	 * @brief	This function opens and configures a uart device by using the information stored
	 *          in the uart cookie.
	 * @param uartCookie    Pointer to uart cookie with information about the uart. Contains the
	 *                      uart device file, baudrate, parity, stopbits etc.
	 * @return  The file descriptor of the configured uart.
	int configureUartPort(UartCookie* uartCookie);

	 * @brief   This function adds the parity settings to the termios options struct.
	 * @param options   Pointer to termios options struct which will be modified to enable or disable
	 *                  parity checking.
	 * @param uartCookie    Pointer to uart cookie containing the information about the desired
	 *                      parity settings.
	void setParityOptions(struct termios* options, UartCookie* uartCookie);

	void setStopBitOptions(struct termios* options, UartCookie* uartCookie);

	 * @brief   This function sets options which are not configurable by the uartCookie.
	void setFixedOptions(struct termios* options);

	 * @brief   With this function the datasize settings are added to the termios options struct.
	void setDatasizeOptions(struct termios* options, UartCookie* uartCookie);

	 * @brief   This functions adds the  baudrate specified in the uartCookie to the termios options
	 *          struct.
	void configureBaudrate(struct termios* options, UartCookie* uartCookie);