#include "PDU2Handler.h" #include #include #include "devices/powerSwitcherList.h" PDU2Handler::PDU2Handler(object_id_t objectId, object_id_t comIF, CookieIF *comCookie, FailureIsolationBase *customFdir) : GomspaceDeviceHandler(objectId, comIF, comCookie, customFdir, PDU::MAX_CONFIGTABLE_ADDRESS, PDU::MAX_HKTABLE_ADDRESS, PDU::HK_TABLE_REPLY_SIZE), coreHk(this), auxHk(this) {} PDU2Handler::~PDU2Handler() {} ReturnValue_t PDU2Handler::buildNormalDeviceCommand(DeviceCommandId_t *id) { *id = GomspaceCommands::REQUEST_HK_TABLE; return requestHkTableAction.handle(); } void PDU2Handler::letChildHandleHkReply(DeviceCommandId_t id, const uint8_t *packet) { parseHkTableReply(packet); /** * Hk table will be sent to the commander if hk table request was not triggered by the * PDU2Handler itself. */ handleDeviceTM(&coreHk, id, true); } void PDU2Handler::assignChannelHookFunction(GOMSPACE::ChannelSwitchHook hook, void *args) { this->channelSwitchHook = hook; this->hookArgs = args; } LocalPoolDataSetBase *PDU2Handler::getDataSetHandle(sid_t sid) { if (sid == coreHk.getSid()) { return &coreHk; } else if (sid == auxHk.getSid()) { return &auxHk; } return nullptr; } void PDU2Handler::parseHkTableReply(const uint8_t *packet) { GomspaceDeviceHandler::parsePduHkTable(coreHk, auxHk, packet); } ReturnValue_t PDU2Handler::initializeLocalDataPool(localpool::DataPool &localDataPoolMap, LocalDataPoolManager &poolManager) { initializePduPool(localDataPoolMap, poolManager, pcdu::INIT_SWITCHES_PDU2); poolManager.subscribeForPeriodicPacket(coreHk.getSid(), false, 10.0, true); poolManager.subscribeForPeriodicPacket(auxHk.getSid(), false, 30.0, false); return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t PDU2Handler::printStatus(DeviceCommandId_t cmd) { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; switch (cmd) { case (GomspaceCommands::PRINT_SWITCH_V_I): { PoolReadGuard pg(&coreHk); result = pg.getReadResult(); if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { break; } printHkTableSwitchVI(); break; } case (GomspaceCommands::PRINT_LATCHUPS): { PoolReadGuard pg(&auxHk); result = pg.getReadResult(); if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { break; } printHkTableLatchups(); break; } default: { return DeviceHandlerIF::COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { sif::warning << "Reading PDU1 HK table failed!" << std::endl; } return result; } void PDU2Handler::printHkTableSwitchVI() { using namespace PDU2; sif::info << "PDU2 Info:" << std::endl; sif::info << "Boot Cause: " << auxHk.bootcause << " | Boot Count: " << std::setw(4) << std::right << coreHk.bootcount << std::endl; sif::info << "Reset Cause: " << auxHk.resetcause << " | Battery Mode: " << static_cast(coreHk.battMode.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SwitchState, Currents [mA], Voltages [mV]: " << std::endl; auto printerHelper = [&](std::string channelStr, Channels idx) { sif::info << std::setw(30) << std::left << channelStr << std::dec << "| " << unsigned(coreHk.outputEnables[idx]) << ", " << std::setw(4) << std::right << coreHk.currents[idx] << ", " << std::setw(4) << coreHk.voltages[idx] << std::endl; }; printerHelper("Q7S", Channels::Q7S); printerHelper("PL PCDU CH1", Channels::PAYLOAD_PCDU_CH1); printerHelper("Reaction Wheels", Channels::RW); printerHelper("TCS Board Heater Input", Channels::TCS_HEATER_IN); printerHelper("SUS Redundant", Channels::SUS_REDUNDANT); printerHelper("Deployment Mechanism", Channels::DEPY_MECHANISM); printerHelper("PL PCDU CH6", Channels::PAYLOAD_PCDU_CH6); printerHelper("ACS Board B Side", Channels::ACS_B_SIDE); printerHelper("Payload Camera", Channels::PAYLOAD_CAMERA); } void PDU2Handler::printHkTableLatchups() { using namespace PDU2; sif::info << "PDU2 Latchup Information" << std::endl; auto printerHelper = [&](std::string channelStr, Channels idx) { sif::info << std::setw(MAX_CHANNEL_STR_WIDTH) << std::left << "TCS Board" << std::dec << "| " << std::setw(4) << std::right << auxHk.latchups[idx] << std::endl; }; printerHelper("Q7S", Channels::Q7S); printerHelper("PL PCDU CH1", Channels::PAYLOAD_PCDU_CH1); printerHelper("Reaction Wheels", Channels::RW); printerHelper("TCS Board Heater Input", Channels::TCS_HEATER_IN); printerHelper("SUS Redundant", Channels::SUS_REDUNDANT); printerHelper("Deployment Mechanism", Channels::DEPY_MECHANISM); printerHelper("PL PCDU CH6", Channels::PAYLOAD_PCDU_CH6); printerHelper("ACS Board B Side", Channels::ACS_B_SIDE); printerHelper("Payload Camera", Channels::PAYLOAD_CAMERA); } ReturnValue_t PDU2Handler::setParamCallback(uint16_t address, uint32_t value, uint8_t valueBytes, bool afterExecution) { using namespace PDU2; GOMSPACE::Pdu pdu = GOMSPACE::Pdu::PDU2; if (not afterExecution) { return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } if (channelSwitchHook != nullptr and valueBytes == 1) { switch (address) { case (CONFIG_ADDRESS_OUT_EN_Q7S): { channelSwitchHook(pdu, 0, value, hookArgs); break; } case (CONFIG_ADDRESS_OUT_EN_PAYLOAD_PCDU_CH1): { channelSwitchHook(pdu, 1, value, hookArgs); break; } case (CONFIG_ADDRESS_OUT_EN_RW): { channelSwitchHook(pdu, 2, value, hookArgs); break; } case (CONFIG_ADDRESS_OUT_EN_TCS_BOARD_HEATER_IN): { channelSwitchHook(pdu, 3, value, hookArgs); break; } case (CONFIG_ADDRESS_OUT_EN_SUS_REDUNDANT): { channelSwitchHook(pdu, 4, value, hookArgs); break; } case (CONFIG_ADDRESS_OUT_EN_DEPLOYMENT_MECHANISM): { channelSwitchHook(pdu, 5, value, hookArgs); break; } case (CONFIG_ADDRESS_OUT_EN_PAYLOAD_PCDU_CH6): { channelSwitchHook(pdu, 6, value, hookArgs); break; } case (CONFIG_ADDRESS_OUT_EN_ACS_BOARD_SIDE_B): { channelSwitchHook(pdu, 7, value, hookArgs); break; } case (CONFIG_ADDRESS_OUT_EN_PAYLOAD_CAMERA): { channelSwitchHook(pdu, 8, value, hookArgs); break; } } } return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; }