Change Log ======= All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( The [milestone]( list yields a list of all related PRs for each release. # [unreleased] - Unify and move Syrlinks module, some bugfixes - Add/Re-enable handling for SUS temp packets # [v2.3.0] and [v2.3.1] 18.01.2023 - Bumped `tmtccmd` version to new alpha release, use some new features and fix the breaking changes # [v2.2.0] 16.01.2023 - A lot of consistency renaming: Single name for enums which are not flag enums, e.g `ActionId` instead of `ActionIds` - Updated required Python version to 3.10 # [v2.1.1] 12.01.2023 - Typo in `setup.cfg`, missing version prefix `v` for `tmtccmd` # [v2.1.0] 12.01.2023 - Various refactoring and tweaks to allow easier integration into `eive-mib`. - Handle ACS CTRL HK sets. - Add reboot commands for PCDU modules. - Extend MPSoC commands. - Starting from now, more regular releases, especially on breaking changes. This is because this is now also a library with dependents. # [v2.0.2] 01.12.2022 - Bumped dependencies, small fix to allow working script if PyQt is not installed # [v2.0.1] 29.11.2022 - Minor bugfix # [v2.0.0] 29.11.2022 - The tmtc program is installable now, which allow re-using it in other Python applications - Bugfixes for IMTQ TM handling - Updates S/A deployment command PR: # [v1.13.0] 13.10.2022 - CFDP integration PR: - Major Update for `tmtccmd` and `spacepackets` dependencies which improves user API significantly. PR: - Add commands to request MGM HK or enable/disable periodic HK for it - Update power commands: Extend param get and set to all gomspace devices. PR: - Update PLOC supervisor commands PR: # [v1.12.0] 05.07.2022 - Update GPS HK Parsing PR: - PL PCDU HK Parsing PR: - Add full regular reboot command PR: - Add Rad Sensor HK parsing PR: - Add procedures, parser functions and general application functionalities for the thermal-vacuum test. This includes daemon functionality to poll all Telemetry even when there is no operator present PR: - Add ACU HK parsing PR: # [v1.11.0] - Add `setup.cfg` and `` file, allowing package installation - New ploc commands - Removed commands related to obsolete ploc updater component - Adds ``, which allows receiving TMs continously while being able to send TCs at will. - Added more RW HK handling and RW Assembly commands - Pack additional parameter which identifiers whether heater is commanded externally or internally PR: ## Added - Helper printout for heater commands # [v1.10.0 and before] - Add additional heater commands to command health states - Extended heater commands for more informative output which component is heated See [milestones]( and [releases](