import logging

from eive_tmtc.config.definitions import CFDP_APID
from spacepackets.ccsds import SPACE_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE
from spacepackets.cfdp import PduFactory, PduType, DirectiveType
from tmtccmd.cfdp.handler import CfdpInCcsdsHandler
from import SpecificApidHandlerBase

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class CfdpInCcsdsWrapper(SpecificApidHandlerBase):
    def __init__(self, cfdp_in_ccsds_handler: CfdpInCcsdsHandler):
        super().__init__(CFDP_APID, None)
        self.handler = cfdp_in_ccsds_handler

    def handle_tm(self, packet: bytes, _user_args: any):
        # Ignore the space packet header. Its only purpose is to use the same protocol and
        # have a seaprate APID for space packets. If this function is called, the APID is correct.
        pdu = packet[SPACE_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE:]
        pdu_base = PduFactory.from_raw(pdu)
        if pdu_base.pdu_type == PduType.FILE_DATA:
  "Received File Data PDU")
            directive_type = DirectiveType(pdu_base.directive_type)
  "Received File Directive PDU with type {directive_type!r}")