# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @file gomspace_common.py @brief PDU2 tests @details All functions and classes common for all gomspace devices are defined in this file. @author J. Meier @date 17.12.2020 """ import enum import struct from typing import Union from spacepackets.ecss import PusTelecommand from tmtccmd.tc.pus_8_funccmd import generate_action_command from tmtccmd.util import ObjectIdU32 class GomspaceDeviceActionIds(enum.IntEnum): PING = 1 REBOOT = 4 PARAM_GET = 0 PARAM_SET = 255 WDT_RESET = 9 REQUEST_HK_TABLE = 16 PRINT_SWITCH_V_I = 32 PRINT_LATCHUPS = 33 class GomspaceOpCodes: # Request HK REQUEST_CORE_HK_ONCE = ["hk-core", "128"] REQUEST_AUX_HK_ONCE = ["hk-aux", "129"] PRINT_SWITCH_V_I = ["print-switch-vi", "130"] PRINT_LATCHUPS = ["print-latchups", "131"] GET_PARAM = ["get-param", "132"] SET_PARAM = ["set-param", "133"] class Info: REQUEST_CORE_HK_ONCE = "Requesting Core HK once" REQUEST_AUX_HK_ONCE = "Requesting Aux HK once" GET_PARAMETER = "Get parameter" SET_PARAMETER = "Set parameter" class SetIds: PDU_1_CORE = 1 PDU_1_AUX = 2 PDU_2_CORE = 3 PDU_2_AUX = 4 P60_CORE = 5 P60_AUX = 6 ACU_CORE = 7 ACU_AUX = 8 class TableIds: config = 1 hk = 4 class TableEntry: uint8_size = 1 uint16_size = 2 uint32_size = 4 def __init__(self, parameter_address: bytearray, parameter_size): self.parameter_address = parameter_address self.parameter_size = parameter_size class Channel: on = 1 off = 0 def pack_get_param_command( object_id: bytes, table_id: int, memory_address: Union[int, bytes], parameter_size: int, ) -> PusTelecommand: """Function to generate a command to retrieve parameters like the temperature from a gomspace device. @param object_id: The object id of the gomspace device handler. @param table_id: The table id of the gomspace device @param memory_address: Address offset within table of the value to read. @param parameter_size: Size of the value to read. E.g. temperature is uint16_t and thus parameter_size is 2 @return: The command as bytearray. """ app_data = struct.pack("!B", table_id) if isinstance(memory_address, int): app_data += struct.pack("!H", memory_address) else: app_data += memory_address app_data += struct.pack("!B", parameter_size) return generate_action_command( object_id=object_id, action_id=GomspaceDeviceActionIds.PARAM_GET, app_data=app_data, ) def pack_set_param_command( object_id: bytes, memory_address: bytes, parameter_size: int, parameter: int, ssc: int = 0, ) -> PusTelecommand: """Function to generate a command to set a parameter :param object_id: The object id of the gomspace device handler. :param memory_address: Address offset within table of the value to set. :param parameter: The parameter value to set. :param parameter_size: Size of the value to set. There are uint8_t, uint16_t and uint32_t in the device tables. :param ssc: :return: The command as bytearray. """ action_id = GomspaceDeviceActionIds.PARAM_SET app_data = bytearray() app_data += memory_address app_data.append(parameter_size) if parameter_size == 1: app_data.append(parameter) elif parameter_size == 2: app_data += struct.pack("!H", parameter) elif parameter_size == 4: byte_one = 0xFF000000 & parameter >> 24 byte_two = 0xFF0000 & parameter >> 16 byte_three = 0xFF00 & parameter >> 8 byte_four = 0xFF & parameter app_data.append(byte_one) app_data.append(byte_two) app_data.append(byte_three) app_data.append(byte_four) return generate_action_command( object_id=object_id, action_id=action_id, app_data=app_data, ssc=ssc ) def pack_ping_command(object_id: ObjectIdU32, data: bytearray) -> PusTelecommand: """ " Function to generate the command to ping a gomspace device @param object_id Object Id of the gomspace device handler. @param data Bytearray containing the bytes to send to the gomspace device. For now the on board software supports only the handling of up to 33 bytes. @note The ping request sends the specified data to a gompsace device. These data are simply copied by the device and then sent back. """ return generate_action_command( object_id=object_id.as_bytes, action_id=GomspaceDeviceActionIds.PING, app_data=data, ) def pack_gnd_wdt_reset_command(object_id: ObjectIdU32) -> PusTelecommand: """ " Function to generate the command to reset the watchdog of a gomspace device. @param object_id Object Id of the gomspace device handler. """ return generate_action_command( object_id=object_id.as_bytes, action_id=GomspaceDeviceActionIds.WDT_RESET ) def pack_reboot_command(object_id: ObjectIdU32) -> PusTelecommand: """Function to generate the command which triggers a reboot of a gomspace device @param object_id The object id of the gomspace device handler. """ return generate_action_command( object_id=object_id.as_bytes, action_id=GomspaceDeviceActionIds.REBOOT ) def pack_request_full_hk_table_command(object_id: ObjectIdU32) -> PusTelecommand: """Function to generate the command to request the full housekeeping table from a gomspace device. @param object_id The object id of the gomspace device handler. """ return generate_action_command( object_id=object_id.as_bytes, action_id=GomspaceDeviceActionIds.REQUEST_HK_TABLE )