from typing import Tuple
from config.tmtcc_object_ids import ObjectIds

def user_analyze_service_8_data(
        object_id: ObjectIds, action_id: int, custom_data: bytearray) -> Tuple[list, list]:
    This function is called by the TMTC core if a Service 8 data reply (subservice 130)
    is received. The user can return a tuple of two lists, where the first list
    is a list of header strings to print and the second list is a list of values to print.
    The TMTC core will take care of printing both lists and logging them.

    Please note that the object IDs should be compared by value because direct comparison of
    enumerations does not work in Python. For example use:

        if object_id.value == ObjectIds.TEST_OBJECT.value

    to test equality based on the object ID list.

    @param object_id:
    @param action_id:
    @param custom_data:
    if object_id.value == ObjectIds.PDU2_HANDLER_ID.value:
        header_list = ['PDU2 Service 8 Reply']

        data_string = str()
        for index in range(len(custom_data)):
            data_string += str(hex(custom_data[index])) + " , "
        data_string = data_string.rstrip()
        data_string = data_string.rstrip(',')
        data_string = data_string.rstrip()
        content_list = [data_string]
        header_list = []
        content_list = []
    return header_list, content_list