import logging import struct from eive_tmtc.config.definitions import CustomServiceList from eive_tmtc.pus_tm.defs import PrintWrapper from tmtccmd.config import TmtcDefinitionWrapper, OpCodeEntry from tmtccmd.config.tmtc import tmtc_definitions_provider from import DefaultPusQueueHelper from import make_sid, generate_one_hk_command from tmtccmd.util.tmtc_printer import FsfwTmTcPrinter _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class OpCode: REQ_OS_HK = ["0", "hk-os"] RESET_GNSS = ["5", "reset"] class Info: REQ_OS_HK = "Request One-Shot HK" RESET_GNSS = "Reset GNSS using reset pin" class SetId: HK = 0 @tmtc_definitions_provider def add_gps_cmds(defs: TmtcDefinitionWrapper): oce = OpCodeEntry() oce.add(keys=OpCode.RESET_GNSS, info=Info.RESET_GNSS) oce.add(keys=OpCode.REQ_OS_HK, info=Info.REQ_OS_HK) defs.add_service( name=CustomServiceList.GPS_CTRL.value, info="GPS/GNSS Controller", op_code_entry=oce, ) def pack_gps_command(object_id: bytes, q: DefaultPusQueueHelper, op_code: str): if op_code in OpCode.RESET_GNSS: # TODO: This needs to be re-implemented _LOGGER.warning("Reset pin handling needs to be re-implemented") if op_code in OpCode.REQ_OS_HK: q.add_log_cmd(f"GMSS: {Info.REQ_OS_HK}") q.add_pus_tc( generate_one_hk_command(sid=make_sid(object_id=object_id, set_id=SetId.HK)) ) def handle_gps_data(printer: FsfwTmTcPrinter, hk_data: bytes): pw = PrintWrapper(printer) pw.dlog(f"Received GPS data, HK data length {len(hk_data)}") current_idx = 0 fmt_str = "!ddddBBBHBBBBBI" inc_len = struct.calcsize(fmt_str) ( lat, long, alt, speed, fix, sats_in_use, sats_in_view, year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, unix_seconds, ) = struct.unpack(fmt_str, hk_data[current_idx : current_idx + inc_len]) current_idx += inc_len date_string = f"{day}.{month}.{year} {hours}:{minutes}:{seconds}" pw.dlog(f"Lat: {lat} deg") pw.dlog(f"Long: {long} deg") pw.dlog(f"Altitude: {alt} m | Speed: {speed} m/s") pw.dlog( f"Fix Type: {fix} | Sats in View {sats_in_view} | Sats in Use {sats_in_use}" ) pw.dlog(f"GNSS Date: {date_string}") pw.dlog(f"Unix seconds {unix_seconds}") printer.print_validity_buffer(validity_buffer=hk_data[current_idx:], num_vars=14)