# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@file   input_helper.py
@brief  This class can be used to get user input. A dictionary must be provided which describes the input options.
@author J. Meier
@date   13.02.2021

from tmtccmd.logging import get_console_logger

LOGGER = get_console_logger()

class InputHelper:
    def __init__(self, menu: dict):
        @brief  Constructor
        @param menu The menu describing the input options
        self.menu = menu

    def get_key(self) -> str:
        @brief  Asks the user for input and returns the chosen key
        key = self.menu_handler()
        while key not in self.menu:
            LOGGER.info("Invalid key specified, try again.")
            key = self.menu_handler()
        return key

    def menu_handler(self) -> str:
        key_column_width = 10
        description_column_width = 50
        separator_width = key_column_width + description_column_width + 3
        separator_string = separator_width * "-"
        key_string = "Key".ljust(key_column_width)
        description_string = "Description".ljust(description_column_width)
        LOGGER.info(f"{key_string} | {description_string}")
        for key in self.menu:
            key_string = key.ljust(key_column_width)
            description_string = self.menu[key][0].ljust(description_column_width)
            LOGGER.info(f"{key_string} | {description_string}")
        key = input("Specify key: ")
        return key