# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """PDU1 is mounted on the X2 slot of the P60 dock @author J. Meier @date 17.12.2020 """ import gomspace.gomspace_common as gs from pus_tc.devs.common_power import pdu1_cmds, pdu1_req_hk_cmds from tmtccmd.tc import DefaultPusQueueHelper from tmtccmd.tc.pus_3_fsfw_hk import ( generate_one_hk_command, make_sid, generate_one_diag_command, ) from gomspace.gomspace_common import * from gomspace.gomspace_pdu_definitions import * from config.object_ids import PDU_1_HANDLER_ID class PDU1TestProcedure: """ @brief Use this class to define the tests to perform for the PDU2. @details Setting all to True will run all tests. Setting all to False will only run the tests set to True. """ all = False reboot = False ping = False read_temperature = False turn_channel_2_on = False # Star Tracker connected to this channel (5V) turn_channel_2_off = False turn_channel_3_on = False # MTQ connected to this channel (5V) turn_channel_3_off = False def pack_pdu1_commands(object_id: ObjectIdU32, q: DefaultPusQueueHelper, op_code: str): q.add_log_cmd("Commanding PDU1") objb = object_id.as_bytes pdu1_cmds(q, op_code) pdu1_req_hk_cmds(q, op_code) if op_code in GomspaceOpCodes.PRINT_SWITCH_V_I: q.add_log_cmd("PDU1: Print Switches, Voltages, Currents") q.add_pus_tc( make_fsfw_action_cmd( object_id=objb, action_id=GomspaceDeviceActionIds.PRINT_SWITCH_V_I ) ) if op_code in GomspaceOpCodes.PRINT_LATCHUPS: q.add_log_cmd("PDU1: Print Latchups") q.add_pus_tc( make_fsfw_action_cmd( object_id=objb, action_id=GomspaceDeviceActionIds.PRINT_LATCHUPS ) ) if PDU1TestProcedure.all or PDU1TestProcedure.ping: q.add_log_cmd("PDU1: Ping Test") ping_data = bytearray([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) q.add_pus_tc(pack_ping_command(object_id, ping_data)) if PDU1TestProcedure.all or PDU1TestProcedure.read_temperature: q.add_log_cmd("PDU1: Testing temperature reading") q.add_pus_tc( pack_get_param_command( objb, TableIds.hk, PduHkTable.temperature.parameter_address, PduHkTable.temperature.parameter_size, ) ) if PDU1TestProcedure.all or PDU1TestProcedure.turn_channel_2_on: q.add_log_cmd("PDU1: Turn channel 2 on (Star Tracker)") q.add_pus_tc( pack_set_param_command( objb, PduConfigTable.out_en_2.parameter_address, PduConfigTable.out_en_2.parameter_size, Channel.on, ) ) if PDU1TestProcedure.all or PDU1TestProcedure.turn_channel_2_off: q.add_log_cmd("PDU1: Turn channel 2 off (Star Tracker)") q.add_pus_tc( pack_set_param_command( objb, PduConfigTable.out_en_2.parameter_address, PduConfigTable.out_en_2.parameter_size, Channel.off, ) ) if PDU1TestProcedure.all or PDU1TestProcedure.turn_channel_3_on: q.add_log_cmd("PDU1: Turn channel 3 on (MTQ)") q.add_pus_tc( pack_set_param_command( objb, PduConfigTable.out_en_3.parameter_address, PduConfigTable.out_en_3.parameter_size, Channel.on, ) ) if PDU1TestProcedure.all or PDU1TestProcedure.turn_channel_3_off: q.add_log_cmd("PDU1: Turn channel 3 off (MTQ)") q.add_pus_tc( pack_set_param_command( objb, PduConfigTable.out_en_3.parameter_address, PduConfigTable.out_en_3.parameter_size, Channel.off, ) ) if op_code in GomspaceOpCodes.SET_PARAM: q.add_log_cmd(f"PDU1: {GsInfo.SET_PARAMETER}") memory_address = int(input("Specify memory address: 0x"), 16) memory_address = struct.pack("!H", memory_address) parameter_size = int(input("Specify parameter size: ")) parameter = int(input("Specify parameter: ")) q.add_pus_tc( gs.pack_set_param_command( object_id.as_bytes, memory_address, parameter_size, parameter ) )