# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @file imtq.py @brief Tests for the ISIS IMTQ (Magnettorquer) device handler @author J. Meier @date 25.03.2021 """ import struct from spacepackets.ecss.tc import PusTelecommand from tmtccmd.tc import QueueHelper from tmtccmd.tc.pus_3_fsfw_hk import ( make_sid, generate_one_diag_command, generate_one_hk_command, ) from tmtccmd.tc.pus_200_fsfw_modes import pack_mode_data, Modes from tmtccmd.utility import ObjectIdU32 class ImtqSetIds: ENG_HK_SET = 1 CAL_MTM_SET = 2 RAW_MTM_SET = 3 POSITIVE_X_TEST = 4 NEGATIVE_X_TEST = 5 POSITIVE_Y_TEST = 6 NEGATIVE_Y_TEST = 7 POSITIVE_Z_TEST = 8 NEGATIVE_Z_TEST = 9 class ImtqActionIds: start_actuation_dipole = bytearray([0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x02]) get_commanded_dipole = bytearray([0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x03]) perform_positive_x_test = bytearray([0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x07]) perform_negative_x_test = bytearray([0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x08]) perform_positive_y_test = bytearray([0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x09]) perform_negative_y_test = bytearray([0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0A]) perform_positive_z_test = bytearray([0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0B]) perform_negative_z_test = bytearray([0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0C]) # Initiates the reading of the last performed self test. After sending this command the results # can be downlinked via the housekeeping service by using the appropriate set ids listed above. read_self_test_results = bytearray([0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0D]) def pack_imtq_test_into(object_id: ObjectIdU32, q: QueueHelper, op_code: str): q.add_log_cmd( f"Testing ISIS IMTQ handler with object id: {object_id.as_hex_string}" ) if op_code == "0": q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Set mode off") command = pack_mode_data(object_id.as_bytes, Modes.OFF, 0) q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=200, subservice=1, app_data=command)) if op_code == "1": q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Set mode on") command = pack_mode_data(object_id.as_bytes, Modes.ON, 0) q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=200, subservice=1, app_data=command)) if op_code == "2": q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Mode Normal") command = pack_mode_data(object_id.as_bytes, Modes.NORMAL, 0) q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=200, subservice=1, app_data=command)) if op_code == "3": q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Perform positive x self test") command = object_id.as_bytes + ImtqActionIds.perform_positive_x_test q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Initiate reading of positive x self test results") command = object_id.as_bytes + ImtqActionIds.read_self_test_results q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Request dataset with positive x self test results") sid = make_sid(object_id.as_bytes, ImtqSetIds.POSITIVE_X_TEST) q.add_pus_tc(generate_one_hk_command(sid)) if op_code == "4": q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Perform negative x self test") command = object_id.as_bytes + ImtqActionIds.perform_negative_x_test q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Initiate reading of negative x self test results") command = object_id.as_bytes + ImtqActionIds.read_self_test_results q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Request dataset with negative x self test results") sid = make_sid(object_id.as_bytes, ImtqSetIds.NEGATIVE_X_TEST) q.add_pus_tc(generate_one_hk_command(sid)) if op_code == "5": q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Perform positive y self test") command = object_id.as_bytes + ImtqActionIds.perform_positive_y_test q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Initiate reading of positive y self test results") command = object_id.as_bytes + ImtqActionIds.read_self_test_results q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Request dataset with positive y self test results") sid = make_sid(object_id.as_bytes, ImtqSetIds.POSITIVE_Y_TEST) q.add_pus_tc(generate_one_hk_command(sid)) if op_code == "6": q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Perform negative y self test") command = object_id.as_bytes + ImtqActionIds.perform_negative_y_test q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Initiate reading of negative y self test results") command = object_id.as_bytes + ImtqActionIds.read_self_test_results q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Request dataset with negative y self test results") sid = make_sid(object_id.as_bytes, ImtqSetIds.NEGATIVE_Y_TEST) q.add_pus_tc(generate_one_hk_command(sid)) if op_code == "7": q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Perform positive z self test") command = object_id.as_bytes + ImtqActionIds.perform_positive_z_test q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Initiate reading of positive z self test results") command = object_id.as_bytes + ImtqActionIds.read_self_test_results q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Request dataset with positive z self test results") sid = make_sid(object_id.as_bytes, ImtqSetIds.POSITIVE_Y_TEST) q.add_pus_tc(generate_one_hk_command(sid)) if op_code == "8": q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Perform negative z self test") command = object_id.as_bytes + ImtqActionIds.perform_negative_z_test q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Initiate reading of negative z self test results") command = object_id.as_bytes + ImtqActionIds.read_self_test_results q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Request dataset with negative z self test results") sid = make_sid(object_id.as_bytes, ImtqSetIds.NEGATIVE_Z_TEST) q.add_pus_tc(generate_one_hk_command(sid)) if op_code == "9": q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Commanding dipole") x_dipole = 0 y_dipole = 0 z_dipole = 0 duration = 0 # ms q.add_pus_tc( pack_dipole_command( object_id.as_bytes, x_dipole, y_dipole, z_dipole, duration ) ) if op_code == "10": q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Get commanded dipole") command = object_id.as_bytes + ImtqActionIds.get_commanded_dipole q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) if op_code == "11": q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Get engineering hk set") q.add_pus_tc( generate_one_diag_command( sid=make_sid(object_id=object_id.as_bytes, set_id=ImtqSetIds.ENG_HK_SET) ) ) if op_code == "12": q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Get calibrated MTM hk set") q.add_pus_tc( generate_one_diag_command( sid=make_sid( object_id=object_id.as_bytes, set_id=ImtqSetIds.CAL_MTM_SET ) ) ) if op_code == "13": q.add_log_cmd("IMTQ: Get raw MTM hk set") q.add_pus_tc( generate_one_diag_command( sid=make_sid( object_id=object_id.as_bytes, set_id=ImtqSetIds.RAW_MTM_SET ) ) ) def pack_dipole_command( object_id: bytes, x_dipole: int, y_dipole: int, z_dipole: int, duration: int ) -> PusTelecommand: """This function packs the command causing the ISIS IMTQ to generate a dipole. @param object_id The object id of the IMTQ handler. @param x_dipole The dipole of the x coil in 10^-4*Am^2 (max. 2000) @param y_dipole The dipole of the y coil in 10^-4*Am^2 (max. 2000) @param z_dipole The dipole of the z coil in 10^-4*Am^2 (max. 2000) @param duration The duration in milliseconds the dipole will be generated by the coils. When set to 0, the dipole will be generated until a new dipole actuation command is sent. """ action_id = ImtqActionIds.start_actuation_dipole command = object_id + action_id command += struct.pack("!h", x_dipole) command += struct.pack("!h", y_dipole) command += struct.pack("!h", z_dipole) command += struct.pack("!h", duration) command = PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command) return command