# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @file ccsds_handler.py @brief Test commanding of CCSDS Handler @author J. Meier @date 20.11.2021 """ import enum import struct from eive_tmtc.config.definitions import CustomServiceList from spacepackets.ecss.tc import PusTelecommand from tmtccmd.config.tmtc import ( tmtc_definitions_provider, OpCodeEntry, TmtcDefinitionWrapper, ) from tmtccmd.tc import DefaultPusQueueHelper from tmtccmd.tc.pus_200_fsfw_modes import create_mode_command, Mode from tmtccmd.util import ObjectIdU32 from eive_tmtc.config.object_ids import CCSDS_HANDLER_ID class ActionId(enum.IntEnum): # Configures input rate of syrlinks to 400 Khz (results in downlink rate of 200 kbps) # SET_LOW_RATE = 0 # Configures input rate of syrlinks to 2000 Khz (results in downlink rate of 1000 kbps) # SET_HIGH_RATE = 1 # Enables the syrlinks transmitter (by using RS485 enables lines). Please note that this # is a legacy command. It is recommended to use mode commands instead EN_TRANSMITTER = 2 # Disables the syrlinks transmitter (by using RS485 enables lines). Please note that this is # a legacy command. It is recommended to use mode commands instead. DIS_TRANSMITTER = 3 # Sets an arbitrary bitrate. Normally only set low and set high rate commands should be # required ARBITRARY_BITRATE = 4 ENABLE_TX_CLK_MANIPULATOR = 5 DISABLE_TX_CLK_MANIPULATOR = 6 # Tx data will be updated on rising edge of tx clock UPDATE_ON_RISING_EDGE = 7 # Tx data will be updated on falling edge of tx clock UPDATE_ON_FALLING_EDGE = 8 class Submode(enum.IntEnum): # Informative, do not command this. UNSET = 0 DATARATE_LOW = 1 DATARATE_HIGH = 2 class OpCode: ENABLE_WITH_LOW_DATARATE = ["enable_low_datarate"] ENABLE_WITH_HIGH_DATARATE = ["enable_high_datarate"] DISABLE = ["disable"] ENABLE_ACTION = ["legacy_enable_tx"] DISABLE_ACTION = ["legacy_disable_tx"] class Info: ENABLE_WITH_LOW_DATARATE = "Enable TX with low datarate" ENABLE_WITH_HIGH_DATARATE = "Enable TX with high datarate" DISABLE = "Disable TX" ENABLE_ACTION = "Enable TX (legacy)" DISABLE_ACTION = "Disable TX (legacy)" def pack_ccsds_handler_test( object_id: ObjectIdU32, q: DefaultPusQueueHelper, op_code: str ): obyt = object_id.as_bytes prefix = "CCSDS Handler" q.add_log_cmd(f"Testing CCSDS handler with object id: {object_id.as_hex_string}") if op_code in OpCode.ENABLE_WITH_LOW_DATARATE: q.add_log_cmd(f"{prefix}: {Info.ENABLE_WITH_LOW_DATARATE}") q.add_pus_tc(create_mode_command(obyt, Mode.ON, Submode.DATARATE_LOW)) if op_code in OpCode.ENABLE_WITH_HIGH_DATARATE: q.add_log_cmd(f"{prefix}: {Info.ENABLE_WITH_HIGH_DATARATE}") q.add_pus_tc(create_mode_command(obyt, Mode.ON, Submode.DATARATE_HIGH)) if op_code in OpCode.DISABLE: q.add_log_cmd(f"{prefix}: {Info.DISABLE}") q.add_pus_tc(create_mode_command(obyt, Mode.OFF, 0)) if op_code in OpCode.ENABLE_ACTION: q.add_log_cmd(f"{prefix}: {Info.ENABLE_ACTION}") command = obyt + struct.pack("!I", ActionId.EN_TRANSMITTER) q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) if op_code in OpCode.DISABLE_ACTION: q.add_log_cmd(f"{prefix}: {Info.DISABLE_ACTION}") command = obyt + struct.pack("!I", ActionId.DIS_TRANSMITTER) q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) if op_code == "4": q.add_log_cmd("CCSDS Handler: Set arbitrary bitrate") bitrate = int(input("Specify bit rate (bps): ")) command = ( obyt + struct.pack("!I", ActionId.ARBITRARY_BITRATE) + struct.pack("!I", bitrate) ) q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) if op_code == "5": q.add_log_cmd("CCSDS Handler: Enable tx clock manipulator") command = obyt + struct.pack("!I", ActionId.ENABLE_TX_CLK_MANIPULATOR) q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) if op_code == "6": q.add_log_cmd("CCSDS Handler: Disable tx clock manipulator") command = obyt + struct.pack("!I", ActionId.DISABLE_TX_CLK_MANIPULATOR) q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) if op_code == "7": q.add_log_cmd("CCSDS Handler: Update tx data on rising edge of tx clock") command = obyt + struct.pack("!I", ActionId.UPDATE_ON_RISING_EDGE) q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) if op_code == "8": q.add_log_cmd("CCSDS Handler: Update tx data on falling edge of tx clock") command = obyt + struct.pack("!I", ActionId.UPDATE_ON_FALLING_EDGE) q.add_pus_tc(PusTelecommand(service=8, subservice=128, app_data=command)) @tmtc_definitions_provider def add_ccsds_cmds(defs: TmtcDefinitionWrapper): oce = OpCodeEntry() oce.add(OpCode.ENABLE_WITH_LOW_DATARATE, Info.ENABLE_WITH_LOW_DATARATE) oce.add(OpCode.ENABLE_WITH_HIGH_DATARATE, Info.ENABLE_WITH_HIGH_DATARATE) oce.add(OpCode.DISABLE, Info.DISABLE) oce.add(OpCode.ENABLE_ACTION, Info.ENABLE_ACTION) oce.add(OpCode.DISABLE_ACTION, Info.DISABLE_ACTION) oce.add("4", "CCSDS Handler: Set arbitrary bitrate") oce.add("5", "CCSDS Handler: Enable tx clock manipulator") oce.add("6", "CCSDS Handler: Disable tx clock manipulator") oce.add("7", "CCSDS Handler: Update tx data on rising edge") oce.add("8", "CCSDS Handler: Update tx data on falling edge") defs.add_service(CustomServiceList.CCSDS_HANDLER.value, "CCSDS Handler", oce)