""" @brief This file transfers control of the custom definitions like modes to the user. @details Template configuration file. Copy this folder to the TMTC commander root and adapt it to your needs. """ import enum from enum import auto # Mode options, set by args parser class ModeList(enum.Enum): Idle = 0 ListenerMode = 1 SingleCommandMode = 2 ServiceTestMode = 3 SoftwareTestMode = 4 PromptMode = 32 class ServiceList(enum.Enum): SERVICE_2 = 0 SERVICE_3 = auto() SERVICE_5 = auto() SERVICE_8 = auto() SERVICE_9 = auto() SERVICE_17 = auto() SERVICE_20 = auto() SERVICE_200 = auto() class SerialConfig(enum.Enum): SERIAL_PORT = auto() SERIAL_BAUD_RATE = auto() SERIAL_TIMEOUT = auto() SERIAL_COMM_TYPE = auto() class EthernetConfig(enum.Enum): SEND_ADDRESS = auto() RECV_ADDRESS = auto()