#ifndef FSFW_OSAL_COMMON_TCP_TMTC_SERVER_H_ #define FSFW_OSAL_COMMON_TCP_TMTC_SERVER_H_ #include "TcpIpBase.h" #include "../../platform.h" #include "../../ipc/messageQueueDefinitions.h" #include "../../ipc/MessageQueueIF.h" #include "../../objectmanager/frameworkObjects.h" #include "../../objectmanager/SystemObject.h" #include "../../storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h" #include "../../tasks/ExecutableObjectIF.h" #ifdef PLATFORM_UNIX #include <sys/socket.h> #endif #include <string> #include <vector> class TcpTmTcBridge; /** * @brief TCP server implementation * @details * This server will run for the whole program lifetime and will take care of serving client * requests on a specified TCP server port. This server was written in a generic way and * can be used on Unix and on Windows systems. * * If a connection is accepted, the server will read all telecommands sent by a client and then * send all telemetry currently found in the TMTC bridge FIFO. * * Reading telemetry without sending telecommands is possible by connecting, shutting down the * send operation immediately and then reading the telemetry. It is therefore recommended to * connect to the server regularly, even if no telecommands need to be sent. * * The server will listen to a specific port on all addresses ( */ class TcpTmTcServer: public SystemObject, public TcpIpBase, public ExecutableObjectIF { public: /* The ports chosen here should not be used by any other process. */ static const std::string DEFAULT_TCP_SERVER_PORT; static constexpr size_t ETHERNET_MTU_SIZE = 1500; /** * TCP Server Constructor * @param objectId Object ID of the TCP Server * @param tmtcTcpBridge Object ID of the TCP TMTC Bridge object * @param receptionBufferSize This will be the size of the reception buffer. Default buffer * size will be the Ethernet MTU size * @param customTcpServerPort The user can specify another port than the default (7301) here. */ TcpTmTcServer(object_id_t objectId, object_id_t tmtcTcpBridge, size_t receptionBufferSize = ETHERNET_MTU_SIZE + 1, std::string customTcpServerPort = ""); virtual~ TcpTmTcServer(); void setTcpBacklog(uint8_t tcpBacklog); ReturnValue_t initialize() override; ReturnValue_t performOperation(uint8_t opCode) override; ReturnValue_t initializeAfterTaskCreation() override; protected: StorageManagerIF* tcStore = nullptr; StorageManagerIF* tmStore = nullptr; private: //! TMTC bridge is cached. object_id_t tmtcBridgeId = objects::NO_OBJECT; TcpTmTcBridge* tmtcBridge = nullptr; std::string tcpPort; int tcpFlags = 0; socket_t listenerTcpSocket = 0; struct sockaddr tcpAddress; MessageQueueId_t targetTcDestination = MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE; int tcpAddrLen = sizeof(tcpAddress); int tcpBacklog = 3; std::vector<uint8_t> receptionBuffer; int tcpSockOpt = 0; int tcpTmFlags = 0; void handleServerOperation(socket_t connSocket); ReturnValue_t handleTcReception(size_t bytesRecvd); ReturnValue_t handleTmSending(socket_t connSocket); }; #endif /* FSFW_OSAL_COMMON_TCP_TMTC_SERVER_H_ */