#include "fsfw/platform.h" #include "fsfw/FSFW.h" #include "TcpTmTcServer.h" #include "TcpTmTcBridge.h" #include "tcpipHelpers.h" #include "fsfw/tasks/TaskFactory.h" #include "fsfw/container/SharedRingBuffer.h" #include "fsfw/ipc/MessageQueueSenderIF.h" #include "fsfw/ipc/MutexGuard.h" #include "fsfw/objectmanager/ObjectManager.h" #include "fsfw/serviceinterface/ServiceInterface.h" #include "fsfw/tmtcservices/TmTcMessage.h" #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN #include #include #elif defined(PLATFORM_UNIX) #include #endif #include #ifndef FSFW_TCP_RECV_WIRETAPPING_ENABLED #define FSFW_TCP_RECV_WIRETAPPING_ENABLED 0 #endif const std::string TcpTmTcServer::DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT = tcpip::DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT; TcpTmTcServer::TcpTmTcServer(object_id_t objectId, object_id_t tmtcTcpBridge, size_t receptionBufferSize, size_t ringBufferSize, std::string customTcpServerPort, ReceptionModes receptionMode): SystemObject(objectId), tmtcBridgeId(tmtcTcpBridge), receptionMode(receptionMode), tcpConfig(customTcpServerPort), receptionBuffer(receptionBufferSize), ringBuffer(ringBufferSize, true), validPacketIds() { } ReturnValue_t TcpTmTcServer::initialize() { using namespace tcpip; ReturnValue_t result = TcpIpBase::initialize(); if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { return result; } switch(receptionMode) { case(ReceptionModes::SPACE_PACKETS): { spacePacketParser = new SpacePacketParser(validPacketIds); if(spacePacketParser == nullptr) { return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED; } tcpConfig.tcpFlags |= MSG_DONTWAIT; } } tcStore = ObjectManager::instance()->get(objects::TC_STORE); if (tcStore == nullptr) { #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::error << "TcpTmTcServer::initialize: TC store uninitialized!" << std::endl; #else sif::printError("TcpTmTcServer::initialize: TC store uninitialized!\n"); #endif return ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED; } tmtcBridge = ObjectManager::instance()->get(tmtcBridgeId); int retval = 0; struct addrinfo *addrResult = nullptr; struct addrinfo hints = {}; hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; // Listen to all addresses ( by using AI_PASSIVE in the hint flags retval = getaddrinfo(nullptr, tcpConfig.tcpPort.c_str(), &hints, &addrResult); if (retval != 0) { handleError(Protocol::TCP, ErrorSources::GETADDRINFO_CALL); return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED; } // Open TCP (stream) socket listenerTcpSocket = socket(addrResult->ai_family, addrResult->ai_socktype, addrResult->ai_protocol); if(listenerTcpSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { freeaddrinfo(addrResult); handleError(Protocol::TCP, ErrorSources::SOCKET_CALL); return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED; } // Bind to the address found by getaddrinfo retval = bind(listenerTcpSocket, addrResult->ai_addr, static_cast(addrResult->ai_addrlen)); if(retval == SOCKET_ERROR) { freeaddrinfo(addrResult); handleError(Protocol::TCP, ErrorSources::BIND_CALL); return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED; } freeaddrinfo(addrResult); return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } TcpTmTcServer::~TcpTmTcServer() { closeSocket(listenerTcpSocket); } ReturnValue_t TcpTmTcServer::performOperation(uint8_t opCode) { using namespace tcpip; // If a connection is accepted, the corresponding socket will be assigned to the new socket socket_t connSocket = 0; // sockaddr clientSockAddr = {}; // socklen_t connectorSockAddrLen = 0; int retval = 0; // Listen for connection requests permanently for lifetime of program while(true) { retval = listen(listenerTcpSocket, tcpConfig.tcpBacklog); if(retval == SOCKET_ERROR) { handleError(Protocol::TCP, ErrorSources::LISTEN_CALL, 500); continue; } //connSocket = accept(listenerTcpSocket, &clientSockAddr, &connectorSockAddrLen); connSocket = accept(listenerTcpSocket, nullptr, nullptr); if(connSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { handleError(Protocol::TCP, ErrorSources::ACCEPT_CALL, 500); closeSocket(connSocket); continue; }; handleServerOperation(connSocket); // Done, shut down connection and go back to listening for client requests retval = shutdown(connSocket, SHUT_BOTH); if(retval != 0) { handleError(Protocol::TCP, ErrorSources::SHUTDOWN_CALL); } closeSocket(connSocket); connSocket = 0; } return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t TcpTmTcServer::initializeAfterTaskCreation() { if(tmtcBridge == nullptr) { return ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED; } /* Initialize the destination after task creation. This ensures that the destination has already been set in the TMTC bridge. */ targetTcDestination = tmtcBridge->getRequestQueue(); tcStore = tmtcBridge->tcStore; tmStore = tmtcBridge->tmStore; return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } void TcpTmTcServer::handleServerOperation(socket_t& connSocket) { while (true) { int retval = recv( connSocket, reinterpret_cast(receptionBuffer.data()), receptionBuffer.capacity(), tcpConfig.tcpFlags ); if(retval == 0) { // Client closed connection return; } else if(retval > 0) { // The ring buffer was configured for overwrite, so the returnvalue does not need to // be checked for now ringBuffer.writeData(receptionBuffer.data(), retval); } else if(retval < 0) { if(errno == EAGAIN) { // No data available. Check whether any packets have been read, then send back // telemetry if available bool tcAvailable = false; bool tmSent = false; size_t availableReadData = ringBuffer.getAvailableReadData(); if(availableReadData > lastRingBufferSize) { tcAvailable = true; handleTcRingBufferData(availableReadData); } ReturnValue_t result = handleTmSending(connSocket, tmSent); if(result == CONN_BROKEN) { return; } if(not tcAvailable and not tmSent) { TaskFactory::delayTask(DEFAULT_LOOP_DELAY_MS); } } else { tcpip::handleError(tcpip::Protocol::TCP, tcpip::ErrorSources::RECV_CALL); } } } } ReturnValue_t TcpTmTcServer::handleTcReception(uint8_t* spacePacket, size_t packetSize) { #if FSFW_TCP_RECV_WIRETAPPING_ENABLED == 1 arrayprinter::print(receptionBuffer.data(), bytesRead); #endif if(spacePacket == nullptr or packetSize == 0) { return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED; } store_address_t storeId; ReturnValue_t result = tcStore->addData(&storeId, spacePacket, packetSize); if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { #if FSFW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::warning << "TcpTmTcServer::handleServerOperation: Data storage with packet size" << packetSize << " failed" << std::endl; #else sif::printWarning("TcpTmTcServer::handleServerOperation: Data storage with packet size %d " "failed\n", packetSize); #endif /* FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 */ #endif /* FSFW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 */ return result; } TmTcMessage message(storeId); result = MessageQueueSenderIF::sendMessage(targetTcDestination, &message); if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { #if FSFW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::warning << "TcpTmTcServer::handleServerOperation: " " Sending message to queue failed" << std::endl; #else sif::printWarning("TcpTmTcServer::handleServerOperation: " " Sending message to queue failed\n"); #endif /* FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 */ #endif /* FSFW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 */ tcStore->deleteData(storeId); } return result; } std::string TcpTmTcServer::getTcpPort() const { return tcpConfig.tcpPort; } void TcpTmTcServer::setSpacePacketParsingOptions(std::vector validPacketIds) { this->validPacketIds = validPacketIds; } TcpTmTcServer::TcpConfig& TcpTmTcServer::getTcpConfigStruct() { return tcpConfig; } ReturnValue_t TcpTmTcServer::handleTmSending(socket_t connSocket, bool& tmSent) { // Access to the FIFO is mutex protected because it is filled by the bridge MutexGuard(tmtcBridge->mutex, tmtcBridge->timeoutType, tmtcBridge->mutexTimeoutMs); store_address_t storeId; while((not tmtcBridge->tmFifo->empty()) and (tmtcBridge->packetSentCounter < tmtcBridge->sentPacketsPerCycle)) { // Send can fail, so only peek from the FIFO tmtcBridge->tmFifo->peek(&storeId); // Using the store accessor will take care of deleting TM from the store automatically ConstStorageAccessor storeAccessor(storeId); ReturnValue_t result = tmStore->getData(storeId, storeAccessor); if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { return result; } int retval = send(connSocket, reinterpret_cast(storeAccessor.data()), storeAccessor.size(), tcpConfig.tcpTmFlags); if(retval == static_cast(storeAccessor.size())) { // Packet sent, clear FIFO entry tmtcBridge->tmFifo->pop(); tmSent = true; } else if(retval <= 0) { // Assume that the client has closed the connection here for now handleSocketError(storeAccessor); return CONN_BROKEN; } } return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t TcpTmTcServer::handleTcRingBufferData(size_t availableReadData) { ReturnValue_t status = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; ReturnValue_t result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; size_t readAmount = availableReadData; lastRingBufferSize = availableReadData; if(readAmount >= ringBuffer.getMaxSize()) { #if FSFW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 // Possible configuration error, too much data or/and data coming in too fast, // requiring larger buffers sif::warning << "TcpTmTcServer::handleServerOperation: Ring buffer reached " << "fill count" << std::endl; #else sif::printWarning("TcpTmTcServer::handleServerOperation: Ring buffer reached " "fill count"); #endif #endif } if(readAmount >= receptionBuffer.size()) { #if FSFW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 // Possible configuration error, too much data or/and data coming in too fast, // requiring larger buffers sif::warning << "TcpTmTcServer::handleServerOperation: " "Reception buffer too small " << std::endl; #else sif::printWarning("TcpTmTcServer::handleServerOperation: Reception buffer too small\n"); #endif #endif readAmount = receptionBuffer.size(); } ringBuffer.readData(receptionBuffer.data(), readAmount, true); const uint8_t* bufPtr = receptionBuffer.data(); const uint8_t** bufPtrPtr = &bufPtr; size_t startIdx = 0; size_t foundSize = 0; size_t readLen = 0; while(readLen < readAmount) { result = spacePacketParser->parseSpacePackets(bufPtrPtr, readAmount, startIdx, foundSize, readLen); switch(result) { case(SpacePacketParser::NO_PACKET_FOUND): case(SpacePacketParser::SPLIT_PACKET): { break; } case(HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK): { result = handleTcReception(receptionBuffer.data() + startIdx, foundSize); if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { status = result; } } } ringBuffer.deleteData(foundSize); lastRingBufferSize = ringBuffer.getAvailableReadData(); std::memset(receptionBuffer.data() + startIdx, 0, foundSize); } return status; } void TcpTmTcServer::handleSocketError(ConstStorageAccessor &accessor) { // Don't delete data accessor.release(); auto socketError = getLastSocketError(); switch(socketError) { #if defined PLATFORM_WIN case(WSAECONNRESET): { // See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winsock2/nf-winsock2-send // Remote client might have shut down connection return; } #else case(EPIPE): { // See https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/send.2.html // Remote client might have shut down connection return; } #endif default: { tcpip::handleError(tcpip::Protocol::TCP, tcpip::ErrorSources::SEND_CALL); } } }