/** * @file VirtualChannelReception.cpp * @brief This file defines the VirtualChannelReception class. * @date 26.03.2013 * @author baetz */ #include "BCFrame.h" #include "VirtualChannelReception.h" #include "../serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h" VirtualChannelReception::VirtualChannelReception(uint8_t setChannelId, uint8_t setSlidingWindowWidth) : channelId(setChannelId), slidingWindowWidth(setSlidingWindowWidth), positiveWindow( setSlidingWindowWidth / 2), negativeWindow(setSlidingWindowWidth / 2), currentState( &openState), openState(this), waitState(this), lockoutState(this), vR(0), farmBCounter( 0) { internalClcw.setVirtualChannel(channelId); } ReturnValue_t VirtualChannelReception::mapDemultiplexing(TcTransferFrame* frame) { uint8_t mapId = frame->getMAPId(); mapChannelIterator iter = mapChannels.find(mapId); if (iter == mapChannels.end()) { // error << "VirtualChannelReception::mapDemultiplexing on VC " << std::hex << (int) channelId // << ": MapChannel " << (int) mapId << std::dec << " not found." << std::endl; return VC_NOT_FOUND; } else { return (iter->second)->extractPackets(frame); } } ReturnValue_t VirtualChannelReception::doFARM(TcTransferFrame* frame, ClcwIF* clcw) { uint8_t bypass = frame->bypassFlagSet(); uint8_t controlCommand = frame->controlCommandFlagSet(); uint8_t typeValue = (bypass << 1) + controlCommand; switch (typeValue) { case AD_FRAME: return currentState->handleADFrame(frame, clcw); case BD_FRAME: return handleBDFrame(frame, clcw); case BC_FRAME: return handleBCFrame(frame, clcw); default: return ILLEGAL_FLAG_COMBINATION; } } ReturnValue_t VirtualChannelReception::frameAcceptanceAndReportingMechanism(TcTransferFrame* frame, ClcwIF* clcw) { ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK; result = doFARM(frame, &internalClcw); internalClcw.setReceiverFrameSequenceNumber(vR); internalClcw.setFarmBCount(farmBCounter); clcw->setWhole(internalClcw.getAsWhole()); switch (result) { case RETURN_OK: return mapDemultiplexing(frame); case BC_IS_SET_VR_COMMAND: case BC_IS_UNLOCK_COMMAND: //Need to catch these codes to avoid error reporting later. return RETURN_OK; default: break; } return result; } ReturnValue_t VirtualChannelReception::addMapChannel(uint8_t mapId, MapPacketExtractionIF* object) { std::pair<mapChannelIterator, bool> returnValue = mapChannels.insert( std::pair<uint8_t, MapPacketExtractionIF*>(mapId, object)); if (returnValue.second == true) { return RETURN_OK; } else { return RETURN_FAILED; } } ReturnValue_t VirtualChannelReception::handleBDFrame(TcTransferFrame* frame, ClcwIF* clcw) { farmBCounter++; return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t VirtualChannelReception::handleBCFrame(TcTransferFrame* frame, ClcwIF* clcw) { BcFrame content; ReturnValue_t returnValue = content.initialize(frame->getFullDataField(), frame->getFullDataLength()); if (returnValue == BC_IS_UNLOCK_COMMAND) { returnValue = currentState->handleBCUnlockCommand(clcw); } else if (returnValue == BC_IS_SET_VR_COMMAND) { returnValue = currentState->handleBCSetVrCommand(clcw, content.vR); } else { //Do nothing } return returnValue; } uint8_t VirtualChannelReception::getChannelId() const { return channelId; } ReturnValue_t VirtualChannelReception::initialize() { ReturnValue_t returnValue = RETURN_FAILED; if ((slidingWindowWidth > 254) || (slidingWindowWidth % 2 != 0)) { #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::error << "VirtualChannelReception::initialize: Illegal sliding window width: " << (int) slidingWindowWidth << std::endl; #endif return RETURN_FAILED; } for (mapChannelIterator iterator = mapChannels.begin(); iterator != mapChannels.end(); iterator++) { returnValue = iterator->second->initialize(); if (returnValue != RETURN_OK) break; } return returnValue; } void VirtualChannelReception::setToWaitState() { internalClcw.setWaitFlag(true); this->currentState = &waitState; }