#include "fsfw/osal/freertos/QueueMapManager.h" #include "fsfw/ipc/MutexFactory.h" #include "fsfw/ipc/MutexGuard.h" QueueMapManager* QueueMapManager::mqManagerInstance = nullptr; QueueMapManager::QueueMapManager() { mapLock = MutexFactory::instance()->createMutex(); } QueueMapManager* QueueMapManager::instance() { if (mqManagerInstance == nullptr){ mqManagerInstance = new QueueMapManager(); } return QueueMapManager::mqManagerInstance; } ReturnValue_t QueueMapManager::addMessageQueue(QueueHandle_t queue, MessageQueueId_t* id) { MutexGuard lock(mapLock); uint32_t currentId = queueCounter; queueCounter++; if(currentId == MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE) { // Skip the NO_QUEUE value currentId = queueCounter; queueCounter++; } auto returnPair = queueMap.emplace(currentId, queue); if(not returnPair.second) { #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::error << "QueueMapManager::addMessageQueue This ID is already " "inside the map!" << std::endl; #else sif::printError("QueueMapManager::addMessageQueue This ID is already " "inside the map!\n"); #endif return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED; } if (id != nullptr) { *id = currentId; } return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } QueueHandle_t QueueMapManager::getMessageQueue(MessageQueueId_t messageQueueId) const { auto queueIter = queueMap.find(messageQueueId); if(queueIter != queueMap.end()) { return queueIter->second; } else { #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::warning << "QueueMapManager::getQueueHandle: The ID " << messageQueueId << " does not exists in the map!" << std::endl; #else sif::printWarning("QueueMapManager::getQueueHandle: The ID %d does not exist in the map!\n", messageQueueId); #endif } return nullptr; } QueueMapManager::~QueueMapManager() { MutexFactory::instance()->deleteMutex(mapLock); }