#ifndef FSFW_OSAL_FREERTOS_FREERTOSTASKIF_H_ #define FSFW_OSAL_FREERTOS_FREERTOSTASKIF_H_ #include <freertos/FreeRTOS.h> #include <freertos/task.h> class FreeRTOSTaskIF { public: virtual~ FreeRTOSTaskIF() {} virtual TaskHandle_t getTaskHandle() = 0; protected: bool checkMissedDeadline(const TickType_t xLastWakeTime, const TickType_t interval) { /* Check whether deadline was missed while also taking overflows * into account. Drawing this on paper with a timeline helps to understand * it. */ TickType_t currentTickCount = xTaskGetTickCount(); TickType_t timeToWake = xLastWakeTime + interval; // Time to wake has not overflown. if(timeToWake > xLastWakeTime) { /* If the current time has overflown exclusively or the current * tick count is simply larger than the time to wake, a deadline was * missed */ if((currentTickCount < xLastWakeTime) or (currentTickCount > timeToWake)) { return true; } } /* Time to wake has overflown. A deadline was missed if the current time * is larger than the time to wake */ else if((timeToWake < xLastWakeTime) and (currentTickCount > timeToWake)) { return true; } return false; } }; #endif /* FSFW_OSAL_FREERTOS_FREERTOSTASKIF_H_ */