#ifndef FSFW_CFDP_CFDPDESTHANDLER_H #define FSFW_CFDP_CFDPDESTHANDLER_H #include #include #include #include "RemoteConfigTableIF.h" #include "UserBase.h" #include "defs.h" #include "fsfw/cfdp/handler/mib.h" #include "fsfw/cfdp/pdu/MetadataPduReader.h" #include "fsfw/cfdp/pdu/PduConfig.h" #include "fsfw/container/DynamicFIFO.h" #include "fsfw/storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h" #include "fsfw/storagemanager/storeAddress.h" #include "fsfw/tmtcservices/AcceptsTelemetryIF.h" namespace cfdp { struct PacketInfo { PacketInfo(PduType type, FileDirectives directive, store_address_t storeId) : pduType(type), directiveType(directive), storeId(storeId) {} PduType pduType = PduType::FILE_DATA; FileDirectives directiveType = FileDirectives::INVALID_DIRECTIVE; store_address_t storeId = store_address_t::invalid(); PacketInfo() = default; }; struct DestHandlerParams { DestHandlerParams(LocalEntityCfg cfg, UserBase& user, RemoteConfigTableIF& remoteCfgTable, etl::ilist& packetList, // TODO: This container can potentially take tons of space. For a better // memory efficient implementation, an additional abstraction could be // be used so users can use uint32_t as the pair type etl::iset>& lostSegmentsContainer) : cfg(std::move(cfg)), user(user), remoteCfgTable(remoteCfgTable), packetListRef(packetList), lostSegmentsContainer(lostSegmentsContainer) {} LocalEntityCfg cfg; UserBase& user; RemoteConfigTableIF& remoteCfgTable; etl::ilist& packetListRef; etl::iset>& lostSegmentsContainer; uint8_t maxTlvsInOnePdu = 10; size_t maxFilenameLen = 255; }; struct FsfwParams { FsfwParams(AcceptsTelemetryIF& packetDest, MessageQueueIF& msgQueue, EventReportingProxyIF& eventReporter) : packetDest(packetDest), msgQueue(msgQueue), eventReporter(eventReporter) {} AcceptsTelemetryIF& packetDest; MessageQueueIF& msgQueue; EventReportingProxyIF& eventReporter; StorageManagerIF* tcStore = nullptr; StorageManagerIF* tmStore = nullptr; }; class DestHandler { public: /** * Will be returned if it is advisable to call the state machine operation call again */ ReturnValue_t CALL_FSM_AGAIN = returnvalue::makeCode(1, 0); explicit DestHandler(DestHandlerParams handlerParams, FsfwParams fsfwParams); /** * * @return * - @c returnvalue::OK State machine OK for this execution cycle * - @c CALL_FSM_AGAIN State machine should be called again. */ ReturnValue_t performStateMachine(); ReturnValue_t passPacket(PacketInfo packet); ReturnValue_t initialize(); [[nodiscard]] CfdpStates getCfdpState() const; private: enum class TransactionStep { IDLE = 0, TRANSACTION_START = 1, RECEIVING_FILE_DATA_PDUS = 2, SENDING_ACK_PDU = 3, TRANSFER_COMPLETION = 4, SENDING_FINISHED_PDU = 5 }; struct TransactionParams { explicit TransactionParams(size_t maxFileNameLen) : sourceName(maxFileNameLen), destName(maxFileNameLen) {} ChecksumType checksumType = ChecksumType::NULL_CHECKSUM; bool closureRequested = false; std::vector sourceName; std::vector destName; cfdp::FileSize fileSize; TransactionId transactionId; PduConfig pduConf; uint32_t crc = 0; uint64_t progress = 0; RemoteEntityCfg* remoteCfg = nullptr; }; TransactionStep step = TransactionStep::IDLE; CfdpStates cfdpState = CfdpStates::IDLE; std::vector tlvVec; std::vector userTlvVec; DestHandlerParams dp; FsfwParams fp; TransactionParams tp; ReturnValue_t startTransaction(MetadataPduReader& reader, MetadataInfo& info); ReturnValue_t handleMetadataPdu(const PacketInfo& info); ReturnValue_t handleFileDataPdu(const PacketInfo& info); ReturnValue_t handleEofPdu(const PacketInfo& info); ReturnValue_t handleMetadataParseError(const uint8_t* rawData, size_t maxSize); ReturnValue_t handleTransferCompletion(); void finish(); }; } // namespace cfdp #endif // FSFW_CFDP_CFDPDESTHANDLER_H