#include "../../returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h"
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <unistd.h>

class PosixThread {
    static constexpr uint8_t PTHREAD_MAX_NAMELEN = 16;
    PosixThread(const char* name_, int priority_, size_t stackSize_);
    virtual ~PosixThread();
     * Set the Thread to sleep state
     * @param ns Nanosecond sleep time
     * @return Returns Failed if sleep fails
    static ReturnValue_t sleep(uint64_t ns);
     * @brief Function to suspend the task until SIGUSR1 was received
     *  @details Will be called in the beginning to suspend execution until startTask() is called explicitly.
    void suspend();

     * @brief Function to allow a other thread to start the thread again from suspend state
     * @details Restarts the Thread after suspend call
    void resume();

     * Delay function similar to FreeRtos delayUntil function
     * @param prevoiusWakeTime_ms Needs the previous wake time and returns the next wakeup time
     * @param delayTime_ms Time period to delay
     * @return False If deadline was missed; True if task was delayed
    static bool delayUntil(uint64_t* const prevoiusWakeTime_ms, const uint64_t delayTime_ms);

     * Returns the current time in milliseconds from CLOCK_MONOTONIC
     * @return current time in milliseconds from CLOCK_MONOTONIC
    static uint64_t getCurrentMonotonicTimeMs();

    pthread_t thread;

     * @brief 	Function that has to be called by derived class because the
     *  		derived class pointer has to be valid as argument.
     * @details
     * This function creates a pthread with the given parameters. As the
     * function requires a pointer to the derived object it has to be called
     * after the this pointer of the derived object is valid.
     * Sets the taskEntryPoint as function to be called by new a thread.
     * @param fnc_ Function which will be executed by the thread.
     * @param arg_
     * argument of the taskEntryPoint function, needs to be this pointer
     * of derived class
    void createTask(void* (*fnc_)(void*),void* arg_);

    char name[PTHREAD_MAX_NAMELEN];
    int priority;
    size_t stackSize = 0;

    static constexpr const char* CLASS_NAME = "PosixThread";