#include <fsfw/container/ArrayList.h> #include <fsfw/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h> #include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp> #include "CatchDefinitions.h" /** * @brief Array List test */ TEST_CASE("Array List", "[ArrayListTest]") { // perform set-up here ArrayList<uint16_t> list(20); struct TestClass { public: TestClass(){}; TestClass(uint32_t number1, uint64_t number2) : number1(number1), number2(number2){}; uint32_t number1 = -1; uint64_t number2 = -1; bool operator==(const TestClass& other) { return ((this->number1 == other.number1) and (this->number2 == other.number2)); }; }; ArrayList<TestClass> complexList(20); SECTION("SimpleTest") { REQUIRE(list.maxSize() == 20); REQUIRE(list.size == 0); REQUIRE(list.insert(10) == static_cast<int>(HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK)); REQUIRE(list[0] == 10); REQUIRE(list.front() != nullptr); REQUIRE((*list.front()) == 10); REQUIRE(list.back() != nullptr); REQUIRE((*list.back()) == 10); // Need to test the const version of back as well const uint16_t* number = const_cast<const ArrayList<uint16_t>*>(&list)->back(); REQUIRE(*number == 10); list.clear(); REQUIRE(list.size == 0); } SECTION("Fill and check") { // This is an invalid element but its not a nullptr REQUIRE(list.back() != nullptr); for (auto i = 0; i < 20; i++) { REQUIRE(list.insert(i) == static_cast<int>(HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK)); } REQUIRE(list.insert(20) == static_cast<int>(ArrayList<uint16_t>::FULL)); ArrayList<uint16_t>::Iterator it = list.begin(); REQUIRE((*it) == 0); it++; REQUIRE((*it) == 1); it--; REQUIRE((*it) == 0); it++; for (auto it2 = list.begin(); it2 != list.end(); it2++) { if (it == it2) { REQUIRE((*it) == (*it2)); break; } else { REQUIRE((*it2) == 0); REQUIRE(it2 != it); } } } SECTION("Const Iterator") { ArrayList<uint16_t>::Iterator it = list.begin(); for (auto i = 0; i < 10; i++) { REQUIRE(list.insert(i) == static_cast<int>(HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK)); } it++; const uint16_t* number = it.value; REQUIRE(*number == 1); } SECTION("Const Iterator") { ArrayList<TestClass>::Iterator it = complexList.begin(); for (auto i = 0; i < 10; i++) { REQUIRE(complexList.insert(TestClass(i, i + 1)) == static_cast<int>(HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK)); } it++; const TestClass* secondTest = it.value; bool compare = TestClass(1, 2) == *secondTest; REQUIRE(compare); it++; REQUIRE(it->number1 == 2); REQUIRE(it->number2 == 3); const ArrayList<TestClass>::Iterator it4(&(complexList[2])); REQUIRE(it4->number1 == 2); REQUIRE((*it4).number2 == 3); REQUIRE(complexList.remaining() == 10); } }