#ifndef FSFW_HOUSEKEEPING_HOUSEKEEPINGPACKETDOWNLINK_H_ #define FSFW_HOUSEKEEPING_HOUSEKEEPINGPACKETDOWNLINK_H_ #include "../datapoollocal/LocalPoolDataSetBase.h" #include "../serialize/SerialLinkedListAdapter.h" #include "../storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h" /** * @brief This class will be used to serialize general housekeeping packets * which are destined to be downlinked into the store. * @details * The housekeeping packets are stored into the IPC store and forwarded * to the designated housekeeping handler. The packet will consist of the following fields * - SID (8 byte): Structure ID, with the first 4 bytes being the object ID and the last four * bytes being the set ID * - Housekeeping Data: The rest of the packet will be the serialized housekeeping data. A validity * buffer might be appended at the end, depending on the set configuration. */ class HousekeepingPacketDownlink: public SerialLinkedListAdapter<SerializeIF> { public: HousekeepingPacketDownlink(sid_t sid, LocalPoolDataSetBase* dataSetPtr): sourceId(sid.objectId), setId(sid.ownerSetId), hkData(dataSetPtr) { setLinks(); } private: void setLinks() { setStart(&sourceId); sourceId.setNext(&setId); setId.setNext(&hkData); } SerializeElement<object_id_t> sourceId; SerializeElement<uint32_t> setId; LinkedElement<SerializeIF> hkData; }; #endif /* FRAMEWORK_HOUSEKEEPING_HOUSEKEEPINGPACKETDOWNLINK_H_ */