#include "FixedSlotSequence.h" #include "../serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h" #include <cstdlib> FixedSlotSequence::FixedSlotSequence(uint32_t setLengthMs) : lengthMs(setLengthMs) { current = slotList.begin(); } FixedSlotSequence::~FixedSlotSequence() { // Call the destructor on each list entry. slotList.clear(); } void FixedSlotSequence::executeAndAdvance() { current->executableObject->performOperation(current->opcode); // if (returnValue != RETURN_OK) { // this->sendErrorMessage( returnValue ); // } //Increment the polling Sequence iterator this->current++; //Set it to the beginning, if the list's end is reached. if (this->current == this->slotList.end()) { this->current = this->slotList.begin(); } } uint32_t FixedSlotSequence::getIntervalToNextSlotMs() { uint32_t oldTime; SlotListIter slotListIter = current; // Get the pollingTimeMs of the current slot object. oldTime = slotListIter->pollingTimeMs; // Advance to the next object. slotListIter++; // Find the next interval which is not 0. while (slotListIter != slotList.end()) { if (oldTime != slotListIter->pollingTimeMs) { return slotListIter->pollingTimeMs - oldTime; } else { slotListIter++; } } // If the list end is reached (this is definitely an interval != 0), // the interval is calculated by subtracting the remaining time of the PST // and adding the start time of the first handler in the list. slotListIter = slotList.begin(); return lengthMs - oldTime + slotListIter->pollingTimeMs; } uint32_t FixedSlotSequence::getIntervalToPreviousSlotMs() { uint32_t currentTime; SlotListIter slotListIter = current; // Get the pollingTimeMs of the current slot object. currentTime = slotListIter->pollingTimeMs; //if it is the first slot, calculate difference to last slot if (slotListIter == slotList.begin()){ return lengthMs - (--slotList.end())->pollingTimeMs + currentTime; } // get previous slot slotListIter--; return currentTime - slotListIter->pollingTimeMs; } bool FixedSlotSequence::slotFollowsImmediately() { uint32_t currentTime = current->pollingTimeMs; SlotListIter fixedSequenceIter = this->current; // Get the pollingTimeMs of the current slot object. if (fixedSequenceIter == slotList.begin()) return false; fixedSequenceIter--; if (fixedSequenceIter->pollingTimeMs == currentTime) { return true; } else { return false; } } uint32_t FixedSlotSequence::getLengthMs() const { return this->lengthMs; } void FixedSlotSequence::addSlot(object_id_t componentId, uint32_t slotTimeMs, int8_t executionStep, ExecutableObjectIF* executableObject, PeriodicTaskIF* executingTask) { this->slotList.insert(FixedSequenceSlot(componentId, slotTimeMs, executionStep, executableObject, executingTask)); this->current = slotList.begin(); } ReturnValue_t FixedSlotSequence::checkSequence() const { if(slotList.empty()) { sif::error << "FixedSlotSequence::checkSequence:" << " Slot list is empty!" << std::endl; return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED; } if(customCheckFunction != nullptr) { ReturnValue_t result = customCheckFunction(slotList); if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { // Continue for now but print error output. sif::error << "FixedSlotSequence::checkSequence:" << " Custom check failed!" << std::endl; } } uint32_t errorCount = 0; uint32_t time = 0; for(const auto& slot: slotList) { if (slot.executableObject == nullptr) { errorCount++; } else if (slot.pollingTimeMs < time) { sif::error << "FixedSlotSequence::checkSequence: Time: " << slot.pollingTimeMs << " is smaller than previous with " << time << std::endl; errorCount++; } else { // All ok, print slot. //sif::info << "Current slot polling time: " << std::endl; //sif::info << std::dec << slotIt->pollingTimeMs << std::endl; } time = slot.pollingTimeMs; } //sif::info << "Number of elements in slot list: " // << slotList.size() << std::endl; if (errorCount > 0) { return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED; } return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t FixedSlotSequence::intializeSequenceAfterTaskCreation() const { std::set<ExecutableObjectIF*> uniqueObjects; uint32_t count = 0; for(const auto& slot: slotList) { // Ensure that each unique object is initialized once. if(uniqueObjects.find(slot.executableObject) == uniqueObjects.end()) { ReturnValue_t result = slot.executableObject->initializeAfterTaskCreation(); if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { count++; } uniqueObjects.emplace(slot.executableObject); } } if (count > 0) { sif::error << "FixedSlotSequence::intializeSequenceAfterTaskCreation:" "Counted " << count << " failed initializations!" << std::endl; return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED; } return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } void FixedSlotSequence::addCustomCheck(ReturnValue_t (*customCheckFunction)(const SlotList&)) { this->customCheckFunction = customCheckFunction; }