#include "CoordinateTransformations.h"
#include "Sgp4Propagator.h"
#include "../globalfunctions/constants.h"
#include "../globalfunctions/math/MatrixOperations.h"
#include "../globalfunctions/math/VectorOperations.h"
#include "../globalfunctions/timevalOperations.h"
#include <cstring>
Sgp4Propagator::Sgp4Propagator() :
		initialized(false), epoch({0, 0}), whichconst(wgs84) {


Sgp4Propagator::~Sgp4Propagator() {


void jday(int year, int mon, int day, int hr, int minute, double sec,
		double& jd) {
	jd = 367.0 * year - floor((7 * (year + floor((mon + 9) / 12.0))) * 0.25)
			+ floor(275 * mon / 9.0) + day + 1721013.5
			+ ((sec / 60.0 + minute) / 60.0 + hr) / 24.0;  // ut in days
			// - 0.5*sgn(100.0*year + mon - 190002.5) + 0.5;

void days2mdhms(int year, double days, int& mon, int& day, int& hr, int& minute,
		double& sec) {
	int i, inttemp, dayofyr;
	double temp;
	int lmonth[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };

	dayofyr = (int) floor(days);
	/* ----------------- find month and day of month ---------------- */
	if ((year % 4) == 0)
		lmonth[1] = 29;

	i = 1;
	inttemp = 0;
	while ((dayofyr > inttemp + lmonth[i - 1]) && (i < 12)) {
		inttemp = inttemp + lmonth[i - 1];
	mon = i;
	day = dayofyr - inttemp;

	/* ----------------- find hours minutes and seconds ------------- */
	temp = (days - dayofyr) * 24.0;
	hr = (int) floor(temp);
	temp = (temp - hr) * 60.0;
	minute = (int) floor(temp);
	sec = (temp - minute) * 60.0;

ReturnValue_t Sgp4Propagator::initialize(const uint8_t* line1,
		const uint8_t* line2) {

	char longstr1[130];
	char longstr2[130];

	//need some space for decimal points
	memcpy(longstr1, line1, 69);
	memcpy(longstr2, line2, 69);

	const double deg2rad = Math::PI / 180.0;    //   0.0174532925199433
	const double xpdotp = 1440.0 / (2.0 * Math::PI); // 229.1831180523293

	double sec, mu, radiusearthkm, tumin, xke, j2, j3, j4, j3oj2;
	int cardnumb, numb, j;
	long revnum = 0, elnum = 0;
	char classification, intldesg[11];
	int year = 0;
	int mon, day, hr, minute, nexp, ibexp;

	getgravconst(whichconst, tumin, mu, radiusearthkm, xke, j2, j3, j4, j3oj2);

	satrec.error = 0;

	// set the implied decimal points since doing a formated read
	// fixes for bad input data values (missing, ...)
	for (j = 10; j <= 15; j++)
		if (longstr1[j] == ' ')
			longstr1[j] = '_';

	if (longstr1[44] != ' ')
		longstr1[43] = longstr1[44];
	longstr1[44] = '.';
	if (longstr1[7] == ' ')
		longstr1[7] = 'U';
	if (longstr1[9] == ' ')
		longstr1[9] = '.';
	for (j = 45; j <= 49; j++)
		if (longstr1[j] == ' ')
			longstr1[j] = '0';
	if (longstr1[51] == ' ')
		longstr1[51] = '0';
	if (longstr1[53] != ' ')
		longstr1[52] = longstr1[53];
	longstr1[53] = '.';
	longstr2[25] = '.';
	for (j = 26; j <= 32; j++)
		if (longstr2[j] == ' ')
			longstr2[j] = '0';
	if (longstr1[62] == ' ')
		longstr1[62] = '0';
	if (longstr1[68] == ' ')
		longstr1[68] = '0';

			"%2d %5ld %1c %10s %2d %12lf %11lf %7lf %2d %7lf %2d %2d %6ld ",
			&cardnumb, &satrec.satnum, &classification, intldesg,
			&satrec.epochyr, &satrec.epochdays, &satrec.ndot, &satrec.nddot,
			&nexp, &satrec.bstar, &ibexp, &numb, &elnum);

	if (longstr2[52] == ' ') {
		sscanf(longstr2, "%2d %5ld %9lf %9lf %8lf %9lf %9lf %10lf %6ld \n",
				&cardnumb, &satrec.satnum, &satrec.inclo, &satrec.nodeo,
				&satrec.ecco, &satrec.argpo, &satrec.mo, &satrec.no, &revnum);
	} else {
		sscanf(longstr2, "%2d %5ld %9lf %9lf %8lf %9lf %9lf %11lf %6ld \n",
				&cardnumb, &satrec.satnum, &satrec.inclo, &satrec.nodeo,
				&satrec.ecco, &satrec.argpo, &satrec.mo, &satrec.no, &revnum);

	// ---- find no, ndot, nddot ----
	satrec.no = satrec.no / xpdotp; //* rad/min
	satrec.nddot = satrec.nddot * pow(10.0, nexp);
	satrec.bstar = satrec.bstar * pow(10.0, ibexp);

	// ---- convert to sgp4 units ----
	satrec.a = pow(satrec.no * tumin, (-2.0 / 3.0));
	satrec.ndot = satrec.ndot / (xpdotp * 1440.0);  //* ? * minperday
	satrec.nddot = satrec.nddot / (xpdotp * 1440.0 * 1440);

	// ---- find standard orbital elements ----
	satrec.inclo = satrec.inclo * deg2rad;
	satrec.nodeo = satrec.nodeo * deg2rad;
	satrec.argpo = satrec.argpo * deg2rad;
	satrec.mo = satrec.mo * deg2rad;

	satrec.alta = satrec.a * (1.0 + satrec.ecco) - 1.0;
	satrec.altp = satrec.a * (1.0 - satrec.ecco) - 1.0;

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------
	// find sgp4epoch time of element set
	// remember that sgp4 uses units of days from 0 jan 1950 (sgp4epoch)
	// and minutes from the epoch (time)
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------

	// ---------------- temp fix for years from 1957-2056 -------------------
	// --------- correct fix will occur when year is 4-digit in tle ---------
	if (satrec.epochyr < 57) {
		year = satrec.epochyr + 2000;
	} else {
		year = satrec.epochyr + 1900;

	days2mdhms(year, satrec.epochdays, mon, day, hr, minute, sec);
	jday(year, mon, day, hr, minute, sec, satrec.jdsatepoch);

	double unixSeconds = (satrec.jdsatepoch - 2451544.5) * 24 * 3600
			+ 946684800;

	epoch.tv_sec = unixSeconds;
	double subseconds = unixSeconds - epoch.tv_sec;
	epoch.tv_usec = subseconds * 1000000;

	// ---------------- initialize the orbit at sgp4epoch -------------------
	uint8_t result = sgp4init(whichconst, satrec.satnum,
			satrec.jdsatepoch - 2433281.5, satrec.bstar, satrec.ecco,
			satrec.argpo, satrec.inclo, satrec.mo, satrec.no, satrec.nodeo,

	if (result != 00) {
		return MAKE_RETURN_CODE(result);
	} else {
		initialized = true;
		return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;


ReturnValue_t Sgp4Propagator::propagate(double* position, double* velocity,
		timeval time, uint8_t gpsUtcOffset) {

	if (!initialized) {

	//Time since epoch in minutes
	timeval timeSinceEpoch = time - epoch;
	double minutesSinceEpoch = timeSinceEpoch.tv_sec / 60.
			+ timeSinceEpoch.tv_usec / 60000000.;

	double yearsSinceEpoch = minutesSinceEpoch / 60 / 24 / 365;

	if ((yearsSinceEpoch > 1) || (yearsSinceEpoch < -1)) {
		return TLE_TOO_OLD;

	double positionTEME[3];
	double velocityTEME[3];

	uint8_t result = sgp4(whichconst, satrec, minutesSinceEpoch, positionTEME,

	VectorOperations<double>::mulScalar(positionTEME, 1000, positionTEME, 3);
	VectorOperations<double>::mulScalar(velocityTEME, 1000, velocityTEME, 3);

	//Transform to ECF
	double earthRotationMatrix[3][3];

	MatrixOperations<double>::multiply(earthRotationMatrix[0], positionTEME,
			position, 3, 3, 1);
	MatrixOperations<double>::multiply(earthRotationMatrix[0], velocityTEME,
			velocity, 3, 3, 1);

	double omegaEarth[3] = { 0, 0, Earth::OMEGA };
	double velocityCorrection[3];
	VectorOperations<double>::cross(omegaEarth, position, velocityCorrection);
	VectorOperations<double>::subtract(velocity, velocityCorrection, velocity);

	if (result != 0) {
		return MAKE_RETURN_CODE(result || 0xB0);
	} else {
		return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;