 * @file	ObjectManager.h
 * @brief	This file contains the implementation of the ObjectManager class
 * @date	18.09.2012
 * @author	Bastian Baetz


#include "ObjectManagerIF.h"
#include "SystemObjectIF.h"
#include <map>

 * @brief	This class implements a global object manager.
 * @details	This manager handles a list of available objects with system-wide
 * 			relevance, such as device handlers, and TM/TC services. Objects can
 * 			be inserted, removed and retrieved from the list. In addition, the
 * 			class holds a so-called factory, that creates and inserts new
 * 			objects if they are not already in the list. This feature automates
 * 			most of the system initialization.
 * 			As the system is static after initialization, no new objects are
 * 			created or inserted into the list after startup.
 * \ingroup system_objects
class ObjectManager : public ObjectManagerIF {
	 * \brief	This is the map of all initialized objects in the manager.
	 * \details	Objects in the List must inherit the SystemObjectIF.
	std::map<object_id_t, SystemObjectIF*> objectList;
	SystemObjectIF* getSystemObject( object_id_t id );
	 * @brief	This attribute is initialized with the factory function
	 * 			that creates new objects.
	 * @details	The function is called if an object was requested with
	 * 			getSystemObject, but not found in objectList.
	 * @param 	The id of the object to be created.
	 * @return	Returns a pointer to the newly created object or NULL.
	void (*produceObjects)();
	 * @brief	Apart from setting the producer function, nothing special
	 * 			happens in the constructor.
	 * @param setProducer	A pointer to a factory function.
	ObjectManager( void (*produce)() );
	 *	@brief	In the class's destructor, all objects in the list are deleted.
	//SHOULDDO: If, for some reason, deleting an ObjectManager instance is required, check if this works.
	virtual ~ObjectManager( void );
	ReturnValue_t insert( object_id_t id, SystemObjectIF* object );
	ReturnValue_t remove( object_id_t id );
	void initialize();
	void printList();

#endif /* OBJECTMANAGER_H_ */