 * @file	TcTransferFrameLocal.h
 * @brief	This file defines the TcTransferFrameLocal class.
 * @date	27.04.2013
 * @author	baetz


#include "TcTransferFrame.h"

 * This is a helper class to locally create TC Transfer Frames.
 * This is mainly required for testing purposes and therefore not very sophisticated.
 * @ingroup ccsds_handling
class TcTransferFrameLocal : public TcTransferFrame {
	 * A stuct to locally store the complete data.
	struct frameData {
		TcTransferFramePrimaryHeader header;	//!< The primary header.
		uint8_t data[1019];	//!< The data field.
	frameData localData; //!< The local data in the Frame.
	 * The default Constructor.
	 * All parameters in the Header are passed.
	 * If a BC Frame is detected no segment header is created.
	 * Otherwise (AD and BD), the Segment Header is set.
	 * @param bypass			The bypass flag.
	 * @param controlCommand	The Control Command flag.
	 * @param scid				The SCID.
	 * @param vcId				The VCID.
	 * @param sequenceNumber	The Frame Sequence Number N(s)
	 * @param setSegmentHeader	A value for the Segment Header.
	 * @param data				Data to put into the Frame Data Field.
	 * @param dataSize			Size of the Data.
	 * @param forceCrc			if != 0, the value is used as CRC.
	TcTransferFrameLocal(bool bypass, bool controlCommand, uint16_t scid, uint8_t vcId, uint8_t sequenceNumber,
			uint8_t setSegmentHeader = 0xC0, uint8_t* data = NULL, uint16_t dataSize = 0, uint16_t forceCrc = 0);