 * @file	MapPacketExtractionIF.h
 * @brief	This file defines the MapPacketExtractionIF class.
 * @date	25.03.2013
 * @author	baetz


#include <framework/datalinklayer/CCSDSReturnValuesIF.h>
#include <framework/datalinklayer/TcTransferFrame.h>

 * This is the interface for MAP Packet Extraction classes.
 * All classes implementing this interface shall be able to extract blocked or segmented Space
 * Packets on a certain MAP channel. This is done in accordance with the CCSDS TC Space Data Link
 * Protocol.
class MapPacketExtractionIF : public CCSDSReturnValuesIF {
	static const uint8_t FIRST_PORTION = 0b01;		//!< Identification of the first part of a segmented Packet.
	static const uint8_t CONTINUING_PORTION = 0b00;	//!< Identification of a continuing part of segmented Packets.
	static const uint8_t LAST_PORTION = 0b10;		//!< The last portion of a segmented Packet.
	static const uint8_t NO_SEGMENTATION = 0b11;	//!< A Frame without segmentation but maybe with blocking.
	 * Empty virtual destructor.
	virtual ~MapPacketExtractionIF() {
	 * Method to call to handle a single Transfer Frame.
	 * The method tries to extract Packets from the frame as stated in the Standard.
	 * @param frame
	 * @return
	virtual ReturnValue_t extractPackets( TcTransferFrame* frame ) = 0;
	 * Any post-instantiation initialization shall be done in this method.
	 * @return
	virtual ReturnValue_t initialize() = 0;