#include #include "PollingTask.h" uint32_t PollingTask::deadlineMissedCount = 0; PollingTask::PollingTask(const char *name, rtems_task_priority setPriority, size_t setStack, uint32_t setOverallPeriod, void (*setDeadlineMissedFunc)()) : TaskBase(setPriority, setStack, name), periodId(0), pst( setOverallPeriod) { // All additional attributes are applied to the object. this->deadlineMissedFunc = setDeadlineMissedFunc; rtems_name periodName = (('P' << 24) + ('e' << 16) + ('r' << 8) + 'd'); rtems_status_code status = rtems_rate_monotonic_create(periodName, &periodId); if (status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { error << "PollingTask::period create failed with status " << status << std::endl; } } PollingTask::~PollingTask() { } rtems_task PollingTask::taskEntryPoint(rtems_task_argument argument) { //The argument is re-interpreted as PollingTask. PollingTask *originalTask(reinterpret_cast(argument)); //The task's functionality is called. originalTask->taskFunctionality(); debug << "Polling task " << originalTask->getId() << " returned from taskFunctionality." << std::endl; } void PollingTask::missedDeadlineCounter() { PollingTask::deadlineMissedCount++; if (PollingTask::deadlineMissedCount % 10 == 0) { error << "PST missed " << PollingTask::deadlineMissedCount << " deadlines." << std::endl; } } ReturnValue_t PollingTask::startTask() { rtems_status_code status = rtems_task_start(id, PollingTask::taskEntryPoint, rtems_task_argument((void *) this)); if (status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { error << "PollingTask::startTask for " << std::hex << this->getId() << std::dec << " failed." << std::endl; } return RtemsBasic::convertReturnCode(status); } ReturnValue_t PollingTask::addSlot(object_id_t componentId, uint32_t slotTimeMs, int8_t executionStep) { pst.addSlot(componentId, slotTimeMs, executionStep, this); return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } uint32_t PollingTask::getPeriodMs() const { return pst.getLengthMs(); } ReturnValue_t PollingTask::checkSequence() const { return pst.checkSequence(); } void PollingTask::taskFunctionality() { // A local iterator for the Polling Sequence Table is created to find the start time for the first entry. std::list::iterator it = pst.current; //The start time for the first entry is read. rtems_interval interval = RtemsBasic::convertMsToTicks( (*it)->pollingTimeMs); //The period is set up and started with the system call. //The +1 is necessary to avoid a call with period = 0, which does not start the period. rtems_status_code status = rtems_rate_monotonic_period(periodId, interval + 1); if (status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { error << "PollingTask::period start failed with status " << status << std::endl; return; } //The task's "infinite" inner loop is entered. while (1) { if (pst.slotFollowsImmediately()) { //Do nothing } else { //The interval for the next polling slot is selected. interval = this->pst.getIntervalMs(); //The period is checked and restarted with the new interval. //If the deadline was missed, the deadlineMissedFunc is called. status = rtems_rate_monotonic_period(periodId, interval); if (status == RTEMS_TIMEOUT) { if (this->deadlineMissedFunc != NULL) { this->deadlineMissedFunc(); } } } //The device handler for this slot is executed and the next one is chosen. this->pst.executeAndAdvance(); } } ReturnValue_t PollingTask::sleepFor(uint32_t ms){ return TaskBase::sleepFor(ms); };