 * @file	FixedSequenceSlot.h
 * @brief	This file defines the PollingSlot class.
 * @date	19.12.2012
 * @author	baetz


#include <framework/objectmanager/ObjectManagerIF.h>
#include <framework/tasks/ExecutableObjectIF.h>
class PeriodicTaskIF;

 * \brief	This class is the representation of a single polling sequence table entry.
 * \details	The PollingSlot class is the representation of a single polling sequence table entry.
class FixedSequenceSlot {
			FixedSequenceSlot( object_id_t handlerId, uint32_t setTimeMs, int8_t setSequenceId, PeriodicTaskIF* executingTask );
	virtual ~FixedSequenceSlot();

	 * \brief	\c handler identifies which device handler object is executed in this slot.
	ExecutableObjectIF*	handler;

	 * \brief	This attribute defines when a device handler object is executed.
	 * \details	The pollingTime attribute identifies the time the handler is executed in ms. It must be
	 * 			smaller than the period length of the polling sequence, what is ensured by automated calculation
	 * 			from a database.
	uint32_t	pollingTimeMs;

	 * \brief	This value defines the type of device communication.
	 * \details	The state of this value decides what communication routine is called in the PST executable or the device handler object.
	uint8_t			opcode;