779 lines
35 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import sys
import warnings
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import as ccrs
import astropy.units as unit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from dask import delayed
from datetime import datetime
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from astropy.time import Time
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
from input.user_input import *
from input.natural_constants import *
from models.gravity import grav
from models.valving import valving
from models.ballasting import ballasting
from models.sun import sun_angles_analytical, tau
from models.drag import drag, cd_PalumboLow, cd_Palumbo, cd_PalumboHigh, cd_sphere
from models.transformation import visible_cells, transform, radii
starttime =
if not sys.warnoptions:
data = pd.read_excel(r'C:\Users\marcel\PycharmProjects\MasterThesis\Data_PoGo2016.xls', sheet_name='Tabelle3') # Tabelle3
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
comp_time = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Time']).to_numpy().squeeze()
comp_height = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Height']).to_numpy().squeeze()
comp_lat = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Latitude']).to_numpy().squeeze()
comp_lon = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Longitude']).to_numpy().squeeze()
print("Initialising simulation...")
print("Launch location : longitude %.4f, latitude: %.4f" % (start_lon, start_lat))
print("Launch time: " + str(start_utc) + " (UTC)")
print("Reading ERA5-datasets, please wait.")
ascend_data = xr.open_dataset("")
#float_data = xr.open_dataset("")
df = xr.open_mfdataset(['', '', '', ''], combine='by_coords', concat_dim="time", parallel=True)
startNC = Dataset('')
endNC = Dataset('')
start = int(startNC.variables['time'][0])
end = int(endNC.variables['time'][-1])
float_data = df.assign_coords(time=np.linspace(start, end, (end - start) + 1))
single_data = xr.open_dataset("")
ERAtime = float_data.variables['time'][:] # time
ERAlat0 = ascend_data.variables['latitude'][:].values # latitude [deg]
ERAlon0 = ascend_data.variables['longitude'][:].values # longitude [deg]
ERAz_ascend = ascend_data.variables['z'][:].values / g # geopotential [m^-2/s^-2] to geopotential height [m]
ERApress_ascend = ascend_data.variables['level'][:].values # pressure level [-]
ERAtemp_ascend = ascend_data.variables['t'][:].values # air temperature in K
vw_x_ascend = ascend_data.variables['u'][:].values # v_x in [m/s]
vw_y_ascend = ascend_data.variables['v'][:].values # v_y in [m/s]
vw_z_ascend = ascend_data.variables['w'][:].values # v_z in [m/s]
ERAlat1 = float_data.variables['latitude'][:].values # latitude [deg]
ERAlon1 = float_data.variables['longitude'][:].values # longitude [deg]
ERAz_float = float_data.variables['z'][:].values / g # geopotential [m^-2/s^-2] to geopotential height [m]
ERApress_float = float_data.variables['level'][:].values # pressure level [-]
ERAtemp_float = float_data.variables['t'][:].values # air temperature in [K]
vw_x_float = float_data.variables['u'][:].values # v_x in [m/s]
vw_y_float = float_data.variables['v'][:].values # v_y in [m/s]
vw_z_float = float_data.variables['w'][:].values # v_z in [m/s]
ERAlat2 = single_data.variables['latitude'][:].values # latitude [deg]
ERAlon2 = single_data.variables['longitude'][:].values # longitude [deg]
ERAtcc = single_data.variables['tcc'][:].values # total cloud cover [-]
ERAskt = single_data.variables['skt'][:].values # skin (ground) temperature in [K]
ERAcbh = single_data.variables['cbh'][:].values # cloud base height in [m]
ERAlcc = single_data.variables['lcc'][:].values # low cloud cover [-]
ERAmcc = single_data.variables['mcc'][:].values # medium cloud cover [-]
ERAhcc = single_data.variables['hcc'][:].values # high cloud cover [-]
ERAssr = single_data.variables['ssr'][:].values # hourly accumulated surface net solar radiation [J/m^2]
ERAstrn = single_data.variables['str'][:].values # hourly accumulated surface net thermal radiation [J/m^2]
ERAstrd = single_data.variables['strd'][:].values # hourly accumulated surface thermal radiation downwards [J/m^2]
ERAssrd = single_data.variables['ssrd'][:].values # hourly accumulated surface solar radiation downwards [J/m^2]
ERAtsr = single_data.variables['tsr'][:].values # hourly accumulated top net solar radiation [J/m^2]
ERAttr = single_data.variables['ttr'][:].values # hourly accumulated top net thermal radiation [J/m^2]
ERAtisr = single_data.variables['tisr'][:].values # hourly accumulated TOA incident solar radiation [J/m^2]
ERAstrdc = single_data.variables['strdc'][:].values # hourly accumulated surface thermal radiation downward clear-sky [J/m^2]
ERAsp = single_data.variables['sp'][:].values # surface pressure in [Pa]
print("Finished reading ERA5-datasets.")
lon_era2d0, lat_era2d0 = np.meshgrid(ERAlon0, ERAlat0)
lon_era2d1, lat_era2d1 = np.meshgrid(ERAlon1, ERAlat1)
lon_era2d2, lat_era2d2 = np.meshgrid(ERAlon2, ERAlat2)
xs0, ys0, zs0 = transform(lon_era2d0.flatten(), lat_era2d0.flatten())
xs1, ys1, zs1 = transform(lon_era2d1.flatten(), lat_era2d1.flatten())
xs2, ys2, zs2 = transform(lon_era2d2.flatten(), lat_era2d2.flatten())
tree0 = cKDTree(np.column_stack((xs0, ys0, zs0)))
tree1 = cKDTree(np.column_stack((xs1, ys1, zs1)))
tree2 = cKDTree(np.column_stack((xs2, ys2, zs2)))
print("Built kd-trees")
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
def ERA5Data(lon, lat, h, t, deltaT_ERA):
t_epoch = deltaT_ERA + t / 3600
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
t_pre = int(t_epoch)
t_pre_ind = t_pre - int(ERAtime[0])
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
t_post_ind = t_pre_ind + 1
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
xt, yt, zt = transform(lon, lat) # current coordinates
d0, inds0 = tree0.query(np.column_stack((xt, yt, zt)), k=4)
d1, inds1 = tree1.query(np.column_stack((xt, yt, zt)), k=4) # longitude, latitude
d2, inds2 = tree2.query(np.column_stack((xt, yt, zt)), k=visible_cells(h)) # longitude, latitude visible_cells(h)
w0 = 1.0 / d0[0]
w1 = 1.0 / d1[0]
w2 = 1.0 / d2[0] ** 2
lat_ind0 = np.unravel_index(inds0[0], lon_era2d0.shape)[0]
lon_ind0 = np.unravel_index(inds0[0], lon_era2d0.shape)[1]
lat_ind1 = np.unravel_index(inds1[0], lon_era2d1.shape)[0]
lon_ind1 = np.unravel_index(inds1[0], lon_era2d1.shape)[1]
lat_ind2 = np.unravel_index(inds2[0], lon_era2d2.shape)[0]
lon_ind2 = np.unravel_index(inds2[0], lon_era2d2.shape)[1]
if h >= 30000:
interp4d_temp_pre =, ERAtemp_float[t_pre_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_temp_post =, ERAtemp_float[t_post_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_temp = (interp4d_temp_post - interp4d_temp_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + interp4d_temp_pre
interp4d_height_pre =, ERAz_float[t_pre_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_height_post =, ERAz_float[t_post_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_height = (interp4d_height_post - interp4d_height_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + interp4d_height_pre
interp4d_vw_x_pre =, vw_x_float[t_pre_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_vw_x_post =, vw_x_float[t_post_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_vw_x = (interp4d_vw_x_post - interp4d_vw_x_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + interp4d_vw_x_pre
interp4d_vw_y_pre =, vw_y_float[t_pre_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_vw_y_post =, vw_y_float[t_post_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_vw_y = (interp4d_vw_y_post - interp4d_vw_y_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + interp4d_vw_y_pre
interp4d_vw_z_pre =, vw_z_float[t_pre_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_vw_z_post =, vw_z_float[t_post_ind, :, lat_ind1, lon_ind1]) / np.sum(w1)
interp4d_vw_z = (interp4d_vw_z_post - interp4d_vw_z_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + interp4d_vw_z_pre
pressure_hPa = np.array([1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20])
pressure = 100 * pressure_hPa
temp_interp1d = interpolate.interp1d(interp4d_height, interp4d_temp)
press_interp1d = interpolate.interp1d(interp4d_height, pressure)
vw_x_interp1d = interpolate.interp1d(interp4d_height, interp4d_vw_x)
vw_y_interp1d = interpolate.interp1d(interp4d_height, interp4d_vw_y)
vw_z_interp1d = interpolate.interp1d(interp4d_height, interp4d_vw_z)
except IndexError:
print("Error: Please check time range of ERA5 data!")
elif np.abs(lat - start_lat) <= 10.0 and np.abs(lon - start_lon) <= 10.0:
interp4d_temp_pre =, ERAtemp_ascend[t_pre_ind, :, lat_ind0, lon_ind0]) / np.sum(w0)
interp4d_temp_post =, ERAtemp_ascend[t_post_ind, :, lat_ind0, lon_ind0]) / np.sum(w0)
interp4d_temp = (interp4d_temp_post - interp4d_temp_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + interp4d_temp_pre
interp4d_height_pre =, ERAz_ascend[t_pre_ind, :, lat_ind0, lon_ind0]) / np.sum(w0)
interp4d_height_post =, ERAz_ascend[t_post_ind, :, lat_ind0, lon_ind0]) / np.sum(w0)
interp4d_height = (interp4d_height_post - interp4d_height_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + interp4d_height_pre
interp4d_vw_x_pre =, vw_x_ascend[t_pre_ind, :, lat_ind0, lon_ind0]) / np.sum(w0)
interp4d_vw_x_post =, vw_x_ascend[t_post_ind, :, lat_ind0, lon_ind0]) / np.sum(w0)
interp4d_vw_x = (interp4d_vw_x_post - interp4d_vw_x_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + interp4d_vw_x_pre
interp4d_vw_y_pre =, vw_y_ascend[t_pre_ind, :, lat_ind0, lon_ind0]) / np.sum(w0)
interp4d_vw_y_post =, vw_y_ascend[t_post_ind, :, lat_ind0, lon_ind0]) / np.sum(w0)
interp4d_vw_y = (interp4d_vw_y_post - interp4d_vw_y_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + interp4d_vw_y_pre
interp4d_vw_z_pre =, vw_z_ascend[t_pre_ind, :, lat_ind0, lon_ind0]) / np.sum(w0)
interp4d_vw_z_post =, vw_z_ascend[t_post_ind, :, lat_ind0, lon_ind0]) / np.sum(w0)
interp4d_vw_z = (interp4d_vw_z_post - interp4d_vw_z_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + interp4d_vw_z_pre
pressure_hPa = np.array(
[1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 300, 350, 400,
450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 775, 800, 825, 850, 875, 900, 925, 950, 975, 1000])
pressure = 100 * pressure_hPa
temp_interp1d = interpolate.interp1d(interp4d_height, interp4d_temp)
press_interp1d = interpolate.interp1d(interp4d_height, pressure)
vw_x_interp1d = interpolate.interp1d(interp4d_height, interp4d_vw_x)
vw_y_interp1d = interpolate.interp1d(interp4d_height, interp4d_vw_y)
vw_z_interp1d = interpolate.interp1d(interp4d_height, interp4d_vw_z)
except IndexError:
print("Error: Check time range of ERA5 data!")
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
tcc_pre =, ERAtcc[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
tcc_post =, ERAtcc[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
tcc = (tcc_post - tcc_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + tcc_pre
if isinstance(tcc, float) != True:
print("WARNING: Corrupt ERA5 Data for parameter \"tcc\"!")
print("Assuming simplified value for parameter \"tcc\".")
tcc = cc
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
cbh_pre =, ERAcbh[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
cbh_post =, ERAcbh[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
cbh = (cbh_post - cbh_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + cbh_pre
if isinstance(tcc, float) != True:
print("WARNING: Corrupt ERA5 Data for parameter \"cbh\"!")
print("Assuming simplified value for parameter \"cbh\".")
cbh = 2000
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
lcc_pre =, ERAlcc[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
lcc_post =, ERAlcc[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
lcc = (lcc_post - lcc_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + lcc_pre
if isinstance(lcc, float) != True:
print("WARNING: Corrupt ERA5 Data for parameter \"lcc\"!")
print("Assuming simplified value for parameter \"lcc\".")
lcc = cc/3
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
mcc_pre =, ERAmcc[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
mcc_post =, ERAmcc[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
mcc = (mcc_post - mcc_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + mcc_pre
if isinstance(mcc, float) != True:
print("WARNING: Corrupt ERA5 Data for parameter \"mcc\"!")
print("Assuming simplified value for parameter \"mcc\".")
mcc = cc/3
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
hcc_pre =, ERAhcc[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
hcc_post =, ERAhcc[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
hcc = (hcc_post - hcc_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + hcc_pre
if isinstance(hcc, float) != True:
print("WARNING: Corrupt ERA5 Data for parameter \"hcc\"!")
print("Assuming simplified value for parameter \"hcc\".")
hcc = cc/3
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
ssr_pre =, ERAssr[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
ssr_post =, ERAssr[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
ssr = ((ssr_post - ssr_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + ssr_pre) / 3600
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
strn_pre =, ERAstrn[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
strn_post =, ERAstrn[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
strn = ((strn_post - strn_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + strn_pre) / 3600
if isinstance(strn, float) != True:
print("WARNING: Corrupt ERA5 Data for parameter \"strn\"!")
print("Assuming simplified value for parameter \"strn\".")
strn = 0
skt_pre =, ERAskt[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
skt_post =, ERAskt[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
skt = ((skt_post - skt_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + skt_pre)
if isinstance(skt, float) != True:
print("WARNING: Corrupt ERA5 Data for parameter \"skt\"!")
print("Assuming simplified value for parameter \"skt\".")
skt = T_ground
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
strd_pre =, ERAstrd[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
strd_post =, ERAstrd[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
strd = ((strd_post - strd_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + strd_pre) / 3600
if isinstance(strd, float) != True:
print("WARNING: Corrupt ERA5 Data for parameter \"strd\"!")
print("Assuming simplified value for parameter \"strd\".")
strd = epsilon_ground * sigma * T_ground ** 4
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
strdc_pre =, ERAstrdc[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
strdc_post =, ERAstrdc[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
strdc = ((strdc_post - strdc_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + strdc_pre) / 3600
if isinstance(strdc, float) != True:
print("WARNING: Corrupt ERA5 Data for parameter \"strdc\"!")
print("Assuming simplified value for parameter \"strdc\".")
strdc = epsilon_ground * sigma * T_ground ** 4
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
ssrd_pre =, ERAssrd[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
ssrd_post =, ERAssrd[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
ssrd = ((ssrd_post - ssrd_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + ssrd_pre) / 3600
if isinstance(ssrd, float) != True:
print("WARNING: Corrupt ERA5 Data for parameter \"ssrd\"!")
print("Assuming simplified value for parameter \"ssrd\".")
ssrd = 1
ssr = 1 - Albedo
if isinstance(ssr, float) != True:
print("WARNING: Corrupt ERA5 Data for parameter \"ssr\"!")
print("Assuming simplified value for parameter \"ssr\".")
ssrd = 1
ssr = 1 - Albedo
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
tsr_pre =, ERAtsr[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
tsr_post =, ERAtsr[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
tsr = ((tsr_post - tsr_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + tsr_pre) / 3600
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
tisr_pre =, ERAtisr[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
tisr_post =, ERAtisr[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
tisr = ((tisr_post - tisr_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + tisr_pre) / 3600
if isinstance(tisr, float) != True:
print("WARNING: Corrupt ERA5 Data for parameter \"tisr\"!")
print("Assuming simplified value for parameter \"tisr\".")
AZ, ELV = sun_angles_analytical(lat, lon, h, utc)
MA = (357.52911 + 0.98560028 * (utc.jd - 2451545)) % 360 # in degree, reference: see folder "literature"
TA = MA + 2 * e * np.sin(np.deg2rad(MA)) + 5 / 4 * e ** 2 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * MA))
I_Sun = 1367.5 * ((1 + e * np.cos(np.deg2rad(TA))) / (1 - e ** 2)) ** 2
tisr = I_Sun * np.sin(np.deg2rad(ELV))
if isinstance(tsr, float) != True:
print("WARNING: Corrupt ERA5 Data for parameter \"tsr\"!")
print("Assuming simplified value for parameter \"tsr\".")
tsr = (1 - Albedo) * tisr
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
ttr_pre =, ERAttr[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
ttr_post =, ERAttr[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
ttr = ((ttr_post - ttr_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + ttr_pre) / 3600
p0_pre =, ERAsp[t_pre_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
p0_post =, ERAsp[t_post_ind, lat_ind2, lon_ind2]) / np.sum(w2)
p0 = (p0_post - p0_pre) * (t_epoch - t_pre) + p0_pre
if isinstance(p0, float) != True:
print("WARNING: Corrupt ERA5 Data for parameter \"sp\"!")
print("Assuming simplified value for parameter \"sp\".")
p0 = 101325.0
if isinstance(ttr, float) != True:
print("WARNING: Corrupt ERA5 Data for parameter \"ttr\"!")
print("Assuming simplified value for parameter \"ttr\".")
AZ, ELV = sun_angles_analytical(lat, lon, h, utc)
tau_atm, tau_atmIR = tau(ELV, h, p_air, p0)
HalfConeAngle = np.arcsin(R_E / (R_E + h))
ViewFactor = (1 - np.cos(HalfConeAngle)) / 2
ttr = epsilon_ground * sigma * T_ground ** 4 * tau_atmIR * ViewFactor * 2
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
if h > interp4d_height[0]:
p_air = press_interp1d(interp4d_height[0])
T_air = temp_interp1d(interp4d_height[0])
u = vw_x_interp1d(interp4d_height[0])
v = vw_y_interp1d(interp4d_height[0])
w = -1 / grav(lat, h) * vw_z_interp1d(interp4d_height[0]) * R_air * T_air / p_air
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
elif h < interp4d_height[-1]:
p_air = press_interp1d(interp4d_height[-1])
T_air = temp_interp1d(interp4d_height[-1])
u = vw_x_interp1d(interp4d_height[-1])
v = vw_y_interp1d(interp4d_height[-1])
w = -1 / grav(lat, h) * vw_z_interp1d(interp4d_height[-1]) * R_air * T_air / p_air
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
p_air = press_interp1d(h)
T_air = temp_interp1d(h)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
u = vw_x_interp1d(h)
v = vw_y_interp1d(h)
w = -1 / grav(lat, h) * vw_z_interp1d(h) * R_air * T_air / p_air
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
rho_air = p_air / (R_air * T_air)
return p_air, p0, T_air, rho_air, u, v, w, cbh, tcc, lcc, mcc, hcc, ssr, strn, strd, strdc, ssrd, tsr, ttr, tisr, skt
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
deltaT_ERA = (Time(start_utc).jd - Time('1900-01-01 00:00:00.0').jd) * 24.000000
p_air0, p00, T_air0, rho_air0, u0, v0, w0, cbh0, tcc0, lcc0, mcc0, hcc0, ssr0, strn0, strd0, strdc0, ssrd0, tsr0, ttr0, tisr0, skt0 = ERA5Data(
start_lon, start_lat, start_height, 0, deltaT_ERA)
y0 = [
start_lon, # start longitude [deg]
start_lat, # start latitude [deg]
start_height, # start altitude [m]
0, # initial v_x [m/s]
0, # initial v_y [m/s]
0, # initial v_z [m/s]
T_air0, # initial gas temperature [K] = initial air temperature [K]
T_air0, # initial film temperature [K] = initial air temperature [K]
m_gas_init, # initial lifting gas mass [kg]
0, # initial factor c2 [-]
m_bal_init # initial ballast mass [kg]
def model(t, y, m_pl, m_film, c_virt):
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
utc = Time(start_utc) + t * unit.second
lon = y[0] # 1
lat = y[1] # 2
h = y[2] # 3
v_x = y[3] # 4
v_y = y[4] # 5
v_z = y[5] # 6
T_gas = y[6] # 7
T_film = y[7] # 8
m_gas = y[8] # 9
c2 = y[9] # 10
m_bal = y[10] # 11
if (lon % 360) > 180: # convert longitude to value in standard interval [-180, 180]
lon = (lon % 360) - 360
lon = (lon % 360)
if lat > 90: # set plausible limits for latitudes
lat = 90
elif lat < -90:
lat = -90
lat = lat
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
r_lon, r_lat = radii(lat, h) # calculate radii for velocity conversion between cartesian and Earth reference frame
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
deltaT_ERA = (Time(start_utc).jd - Time('1900-01-01 00:00:00.0').jd) * 24.000000 # conversion to ERA5 time format
p_air, p0, T_air, rho_air, u, v, w, cbh, tcc, lcc, mcc, hcc, ssr, strn, strd, strdc, ssrd, tsr, ttr, tisr, skt = ERA5Data(lon, lat, h, t, deltaT_ERA)
# in case of solver (temporarily) exceeding interpolation area (with subsequent correction)
# or permanent drift out of interpolation area
if h >= 30000 or (np.abs(lat - start_lat) <= 10.0 and np.abs(lon - start_lon) <= 10.0):
print("solver exceeds definition area")
p_air, p0, T_air, rho_air, u, v, w, cbh, tcc, lcc, mcc, hcc, ssr, strn, strd, strdc, ssrd, tsr, ttr, tisr, skt = 0, 101325, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
print("instable trajectory!")
p_air, p0, T_air, rho_air, u, v, w, cbh, tcc, lcc, mcc, hcc, ssr, strn, strd, strdc, ssrd, tsr, ttr, tisr, skt = 0, 101325, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
p_gas = p_air
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
h_valve = 1.034 * V_design ** (1 / 3)
h_duct = 0.47 * h_valve
v_relx = u - v_x # relative wind velocity x-dir (balloon frame)
v_rely = v - v_y # relative wind velocity y-dir (balloon frame)
v_relz = w - v_z # relative wind velocity z-dir (balloon frame)
v_rel = np.sqrt(v_relx ** 2 + v_rely ** 2 + v_relz ** 2) # total relative wind velocity (balloon frame)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
alpha = np.arcsin(v_relz / v_rel) # "angle of attack": angle between longitudinal axis and rel. wind (in [rad])
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
rho_gas = p_gas / (R_gas * T_gas) # calculate gas density through *ideal* gas equation
dP_valve = grav(lat, h) * (rho_air - rho_gas) * h_valve
dP_duct = grav(lat, h) * (rho_air - rho_gas) * h_duct
if m_gas > m_gas_init: # limit gas mass to plausible value
m_gas = m_gas_init #
elif m_gas < 0:
m_gas = 0
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
V_b = m_gas / rho_gas # calculate balloon volume from current gas mass and gas density
if V_b > V_design:
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
c_duct = c_ducts
elif V_b < 0:
c_duct = 0
V_b = 0
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
c_duct = 0
if ballasting(utc) == True:
if m_bal >= 0:
mdot = m_baldot
mdot = 0
mdot = 0
if valving(utc) == True: # opening valve process
if c2 == 0:
c2 = 1.0
c2dot = 0
elif c_valve < c2 <= 1.0:
c2dot = (c_valve - 1.0) / t_open
c2dot = 0
c2 = c_valve
if valving(utc) == False: # closing valve process
if c2 == 0:
c2dot = 0
elif c_valve <= c2 < 1.0:
c2dot = (1.0 - c_valve) / t_close
c2dot = 0
c2 = 0
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
m_gross = m_pl + m_film + m_bal
m_tot = m_pl + m_film + m_gas
m_virt = m_tot + c_virt * rho_air * V_b
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
d_b = 1.383 * V_b ** (1 / 3) # calculate diameter of balloon from its volume
L_goreB = 1.914 * V_b ** (1 / 3)
A_surf = 4.94 * V_b ** (2 / 3)
A_surf1 = 4.94 * V_design ** (2 / 3) * (1 - np.cos(np.pi * L_goreB / L_goreDesign))
A_eff = 0.65 * A_surf + 0.35 * A_surf1
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
A_top = np.pi / 4 * d_b ** 2
AZ, ELV = sun_angles_analytical(lat, lon, h, utc)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
A_proj = A_top * (0.9125 + 0.0875 * np.cos(np.pi - 2 * np.deg2rad(ELV))) # projected area for sun radiation
A_drag = A_top * (0.9125 + 0.0875 * np.cos(np.pi - 2 * alpha)) # projected area for drag
tau_atm, tau_atmIR = tau(ELV, h, p_air, p0)
tau_atm0, tau_atmIR0 = tau(ELV, 0, p0, p0)
MA = (357.52911 + 0.98560028 * (utc.jd - 2451545)) % 360 # in degree, reference: see folder "literature"
TA = MA + 2 * e * np.sin(np.deg2rad(MA)) + 5 / 4 * e ** 2 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * MA))
I_Sun = 1367.5 * ((1 + e * np.cos(np.deg2rad(TA))) / (1 - e ** 2)) ** 2
I_SunZ = I_Sun * tau_atm
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
I_Sun0 = I_Sun * tau_atm0
HalfConeAngle = np.arcsin(R_E / (R_E + h))
ViewFactor = (1 - np.cos(HalfConeAngle)) / 2
if simple == True:
q_IREarth = epsilon_ground * sigma * T_ground ** 4 * tau_atmIR
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
if ELV <= 0:
q_Albedo = 0
q_Albedo = Albedo * I_Sun * np.sin(np.deg2rad(ELV))
Q_Albedo = alpha_VIS * A_surf * q_Albedo * ViewFactor * (1 + tau_VIS / (1 - r_VIS))
Q_IREarth = alpha_IR * A_surf * q_IREarth * ViewFactor * (1 + tau_IR / (1 - r_IR))
q_sun = I_SunZ
if tcc <= 0.01:
q_IREarth1 = alpha_IR * A_surf * (strd - strn) * tau_atmIR * ViewFactor * (1 + tau_VIS / (1 - r_VIS))
q_IREarth2 = alpha_IR * A_surf * np.abs(ttr) * 0.5 * (1 + tau_IR / (1 - r_IR))
# q_IREarth2 = alpha_IR * A_surf * (0.04321906 * np.abs(ttr) + 84.67820281) * (1 + tau_IR / (1 - r_IR))
if h > 40000:
Q_IREarth = q_IREarth2
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
Q_IREarth = (q_IREarth2 - q_IREarth1) / 40000 * h + q_IREarth1
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
if ELV <= 0:
q_Albedo1 = 0
q_Albedo2 = 0
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
if ssrd == 0:
q_Albedo1 = 0
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
q_Albedo1 = alpha_VIS * A_surf * (1 - ssr / ssrd) * I_Sun0 * tau_atmIR * np.sin(
np.deg2rad(ELV)) * ViewFactor * (1 + tau_VIS / (1 - r_VIS)) # !
if tisr == 0:
q_Albedo2 = 0
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
q_Albedo2 = alpha_VIS * A_surf * (1 - tsr / tisr) * I_Sun * np.sin(np.deg2rad(ELV)) * 0.5 * (
1 + tau_VIS / (1 - r_VIS)) # !
if h > 40000:
Q_Albedo = q_Albedo2
Q_Albedo = (q_Albedo2 - q_Albedo1) / 40000 * h + q_Albedo1
q_sun = I_SunZ
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
q_IRground_bc = (strd - strn) + (strd - strdc)
q_IREarth_bc = alpha_IR * A_surf * q_IRground_bc * tau_atmIR * ViewFactor * (1 + tau_VIS / (1 - r_VIS))
q_sun_bc = I_SunZ * (1 - tcc)
q_Albedo_bc = alpha_VIS * A_surf * (1 - ssr / ssrd) * I_Sun0 * tau_atmIR * np.sin(
np.deg2rad(ELV)) * ViewFactor * (1 + tau_VIS / (1 - r_VIS))
# q_IREarth_ac = alpha_IR * A_surf * (0.04321906 * np.abs(ttr) + 84.67820281) * (1 + tau_IR / (1 - r_IR))
q_IREarth_ac = alpha_IR * A_surf * np.abs(ttr) * 0.5 * (1 + tau_VIS / (1 - r_VIS))
q_sun_ac = I_SunZ
q_Albedo_ac = alpha_VIS * A_surf * (1 - tsr / tisr) * I_Sun * np.sin(np.deg2rad(ELV)) * ViewFactor * (
1 + tau_VIS / (1 - r_VIS))
if h <= cbh: # "below clouds"
Q_IREarth = q_IREarth_bc
q_sun = q_sun_bc
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
if ELV <= 0:
Q_Albedo = 0
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
Q_Albedo = q_Albedo_bc
elif h >= 12000: # "above clouds"
Q_IREarth = q_IREarth_ac
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
q_sun = q_sun_ac
if ELV <= 0:
Q_Albedo = 0
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
Q_Albedo = q_Albedo_ac
elif h >= 6000:
if hcc >= 0.01:
Q_IREarth = ((h - 6000) / 6000 * hcc + mcc + lcc) / (hcc + mcc + lcc) * (
q_IREarth_ac - q_IREarth_bc) + q_IREarth_bc
q_sun = ((h - 6000) / 6000 * hcc + mcc + lcc) / (hcc + mcc + lcc) * (q_sun_ac - q_sun_bc) + q_sun_bc
if ELV <= 0:
Q_Albedo = 0
Q_Albedo = ((h - 6000) / 6000 * hcc + mcc + lcc) / (hcc + mcc + lcc) * (
q_Albedo_ac - q_Albedo_bc) + q_Albedo_bc
Q_IREarth = q_IREarth_ac
q_sun = q_sun_ac
if ELV <= 0:
Q_Albedo = 0
Q_Albedo = q_Albedo_ac
elif h >= 2000:
if mcc > 0.01 or hcc > 0.01:
Q_IREarth = ((h - 2000) / 4000 * mcc + lcc) / (hcc + mcc + lcc) * (
q_IREarth_ac - q_IREarth_bc) + q_IREarth_bc
q_sun = ((h - 2000) / 4000 * mcc + lcc) / (hcc + mcc + lcc) * (q_sun_ac - q_sun_bc) + q_sun_bc
if ELV <= 0:
Q_Albedo = 0
Q_Albedo = ((h - 2000) / 4000 * mcc + lcc) / (hcc + mcc + lcc) * (
q_Albedo_ac - q_Albedo_bc) + q_Albedo_bc
Q_IREarth = q_IREarth_ac
q_sun = q_sun_ac
if ELV <= 0:
Q_Albedo = 0
Q_Albedo = q_Albedo_ac
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
Q_IREarth = (h / 2000 * lcc) / (hcc + mcc + lcc) * (q_IREarth_ac - q_IREarth_bc) + q_IREarth_bc
q_sun = (h / 2000 * lcc) / (hcc + mcc + lcc) * (q_sun_ac - q_sun_bc) + q_sun_bc
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
if ELV <= 0:
Q_Albedo = 0
Q_Albedo = (h / 2000 * lcc) / (hcc + mcc + lcc) * (q_Albedo_ac - q_Albedo_bc) + q_Albedo_bc
my_air = (1.458 * 10 ** -6 * T_air ** 1.5) / (T_air + 110.4)
k_air = 0.0241 * (T_air / 273.15) ** 0.9
k_gas = 0.144 * (T_gas / 273.15) ** 0.7
Pr_air = 0.804 - 3.25 * 10 ** (-4) * T_air
Pr_gas = 0.729 - 1.6 * 10 ** (-4) * T_gas
Gr_air = (rho_air ** 2 * grav(lat, h) * np.abs(T_film - T_air) * d_b ** 3) / (T_air * my_air ** 2)
Nu_air = 2 + 0.45 * (Gr_air * Pr_air) ** 0.25
HC_free = Nu_air * k_air / d_b
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
Re = np.abs(v_rel) * d_b * rho_air / my_air
Fr = np.abs(v_rel) / np.sqrt(grav(lat, h) * d_b)
HC_forced = k_air / d_b * (2 + 0.41 * Re ** 0.55)
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
HC_internal = 0.13 * k_gas * (
(rho_gas ** 2 * grav(lat, h) * np.abs(T_film - T_gas) * Pr_gas) / (T_gas * my_air ** 2)) ** (
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
1 / 3)
HC_external = np.maximum(HC_free, HC_forced)
Q_Sun = alpha_VIS * A_proj * q_sun * (1 + tau_VIS / (1 - r_VIS))
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
Q_IRFilm = sigma * epsilon * alpha_IR * A_surf * T_film ** 4 * 1 / (1 - r_IR)
Q_IRout = sigma * epsilon * A_surf * T_film ** 4 * (1 + tau_IR / (1 - r_IR))
Q_ConvExt = HC_external * A_eff * (T_air - T_film)
Q_ConvInt = HC_internal * A_eff * (T_film - T_gas)
if simple == True:
c_d = 0.47 # sphere
c_d = cd_PalumboHigh(Fr, Re, A_top) # Ref. xx
#c_d = 0.47 # cd_PalumboHigh(Fr, Re, A_top) #cd_sphere(Re) #0.47 # cd_Palumbo(Fr, Re, A_top) # 0.8 #cd_sphere(Re) # cd_palumbo(Fr, Re, A_top) # cd_sphere(Re) / 0.8 / 0.47
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
D = drag(c_d, rho_air, A_drag, v_rel) # calculate drag force
if v_rel == 0:
Drag_x, Drag_y, Drag_z = 0, 0, 0
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
Drag_x, Drag_y, Drag_z = D * v_relx / v_rel, D * v_rely / v_rel, D * v_relz / v_rel
F = grav(lat, h) * V_b * (rho_air - rho_gas) - grav(lat, h) * m_gross + Drag_z # gross inflation - weight + drag
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
a_x, a_y, a_z = Drag_x / m_virt, Drag_y / m_virt, F / m_virt
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
eqn1 = np.rad2deg(y[3] / r_lon)
eqn2 = np.rad2deg(y[4] / r_lat)
eqn3 = v_z
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
eqn4 = a_x
eqn5 = a_y
eqn6 = a_z
eqn7 = Q_ConvInt / (gamma * c_v * m_gas) - (gamma - 1) / gamma * (rho_air * grav(lat, h)) / (rho_gas * R_gas) * v_z
2021-04-09 20:34:38 +09:00
eqn8 = (Q_Sun + Q_Albedo + Q_IREarth + Q_IRFilm + Q_ConvExt - Q_ConvInt - Q_IRout) / (c_f * m_film)
eqn9 = -(A_ducts * c_duct * np.sqrt(np.abs(2 * dP_duct * rho_gas))) - (A_valve * c2 * np.sqrt(np.abs(2 * dP_valve * rho_gas)))
eqn10 = c2dot
if m_bal > 0:
eqn11 = -mdot
eqn11 = 0
return [eqn1, eqn2, eqn3, eqn4, eqn5, eqn6, eqn7, eqn8, eqn9, eqn10, eqn11]
def at_ground(t, y, m_pl, m_film, c_virt):
return y[2]