from input.natural_constants import * import numpy as np # ATMOSPHERE MODEL: def T_air(h): if h >= 0 and h <= 11000: res = 288.15 - 0.0065 * h return res elif h > 11000 and h <= 20000: res = 216.65 return res elif h >= 20000: res = 216.65 + 0.0010 * (h - 20000) return res def p_air(h): if h >= 0 and h <= 11000: res = 101325 * ((288.15 - 0.0065 * h)/288.15) ** 5.25577 return res elif h > 11000 and h <= 20000: res = 22632 * np.exp(-(h - 11000)/6341.62) return res elif h > 20000: res = 5474.87 * ((216.65 + 0.0010 * (h - 20000))/216.65) ** (-34.163) return res def rho_air(h): res = p_air(h)/(R_air * T_air(h)) return res