import xml.etree.ElementTree as eT import numpy as np import astropy.units as u import os import logging from ..lib.helpers import error from typing import Union import re class Entry(object): """ A class used to represent a configuration entry. Taken from ExoSim ( """ val: Union[str, bool, u.Quantity] def __init__(self, **kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.items(): self.__setattr__(key, value) def __call__(self): return self.val if hasattr(self, "val") else None def parse(self, xml: eT.Element): """ Parse attributes of a XML element Parameters ---------- xml : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element XML element to parse the attributes from """ # Copy the XML attributes to object attributes for attrib in xml.attrib.keys(): setattr(self, attrib, xml.attrib[attrib]) # parse units attribs = list(xml.attrib.keys()) units = list(filter(re.compile(".*_unit$").match, attribs)) for unit in units: var = unit.replace("_unit", "") if hasattr(self, var): try: val = u.Quantity(list(map(float, getattr(self, var).split(','))), getattr(self, unit)) if len(val) == 1: val = val[0] setattr(self, var, val) except (ValueError, LookupError): error("unable to convert units in entry '" + xml.tag + "': " + getattr(self, var) + " " + getattr(self, unit), exit_=False) # Convert boolean values if hasattr(self, "val") and type(self.val) == str and self.val.lower() in ["false", "true"]: self.val = (self.val.lower() == "true") class Configuration(object): """ A Class to parse the XML configuration file. Adapted from ExoSim ( Attributes ---------- conf : Entry Parsed configuration file as Entry-tree """ conf = None def __init__(self, file="esbo-etc_defaults.xml"): """ Parse a XML configuration file. Parameters ---------- file : str configuration file to parse """ # Check if configuration file exists if not os.path.exists(file): error("Configuration file '" + file + "' doesn't exist.") # Read configuration file"Reading configuration from file '" + file + "'.") self.conf = self.parser(eT.parse(file).getroot()) self.calc_metaoptions() def parser(self, parent: eT.Element): """ Parse a XML element tree to an Entry-tree Parameters ---------- parent : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element The parent XML tree to be parsed Returns ------- obj : Entry The parsed XML tree """ # Initialize empty Entry object obj = Entry() for child in parent: # recursively parse children of child element parsed_child = self.parser(child) # parse attributes of child element parsed_child.parse(child) # Add or append the parsed child to the prepared Entry object if hasattr(obj, child.tag): if isinstance(getattr(obj, child.tag), list): getattr(obj, child.tag).append(parsed_child) else: setattr(obj, child.tag, [getattr(obj, child.tag), parsed_child]) else: setattr(obj, child.tag, parsed_child) return obj def calc_metaoptions(self): """ Calculate additional attributes e.g. the wavelength grid """ self.calc_metaoption_wl_delta() def calc_metaoption_wl_delta(self): """ Calculate the wavelength grid used for the calculations. """ if hasattr(self.conf.common, "wl_delta"): wl_delta = self.conf.common.wl_delta() else: wl_delta = self.conf.common.wl_min() / self.conf.common.res() setattr(self.conf.common, 'wl_bins', Entry(val=np.append(np.arange(self.conf.common.wl_min().to(u.nm).value, self.conf.common.wl_max().to(u.nm).value,, self.conf.common.wl_max().to(u.nm).value) << u.nm))