from typing import Union import numpy as np from astropy import units as u from .IPSF import IPSF from scipy.optimize import newton from scipy.special import j0, j1 from ...lib.helpers import error class Airy(IPSF): """ A class for modelling the PSF using an airy disk. """ @u.quantity_input(wl="length", d_aperture="length") def __init__(self, wl: u.Quantity, d_aperture: u.Quantity): self.__wl = wl self.__d_aperture = d_aperture def calcReducedObservationAngle(self, contained_energy: Union[str, int, float, u.Quantity]) -> u.Quantity: """ Calculate the reduced observation angle in lambda / d_ap for the given contained energy. Parameters ---------- contained_energy : Union[str, int, float, u.Quantity] The percentage of energy to be contained within a circle with the diameter reduced observation angle. Returns ------- reduced_observation_angle: Quantity The reduced observation angle in lambda / d_ap """ # Calculate the reduced observation angle in lambda / D for the given encircled energy if type(contained_energy) == str: # Encircled energy is of type string if contained_energy.lower() == "peak": # For the peak value of the PSF, the observation angle becomes zero which leads to one exposed # pixel later in the code reduced_observation_angle = 0 elif contained_energy.lower() == "fwhm": # Width of the FWHM of the airy disk reduced_observation_angle = 1.028 elif contained_energy.lower() == "min": # Width of the first minimum of the airy disk reduced_observation_angle = 1.22 * 2 else: # Try to parse the encircled energy to float reduced_observation_angle = 0 try: contained_energy = float(contained_energy) / 100.0 * u.dimensionless_unscaled # Calculate the width numerically from the integral of the airy disk # See also reduced_observation_angle = 2 * newton(lambda x: 1 - j0(np.pi * x) ** 2 - j1(np.pi * x) ** 2 - contained_energy, 1, tol=1e-6) except ValueError: error("Could not convert encircled energy to float.") else: # Calculate the width numerically from the integral of the airy disk reduced_observation_angle = 2 * newton(lambda x: 1 - j0(np.pi * x) ** 2 - j1(np.pi * x) ** 2 - contained_energy.value, 1, tol=1e-6) return reduced_observation_angle * u.dimensionless_unscaled def mapToGrid(self, grid: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Map the integrated PSF values to a sensor grid. Parameters ---------- grid : ndarray The grid to map the values to. The values will only be mapped onto entries with the value 1. Returns ------- grid : ndarray The grid with the mapped values. """ pass