import logging import sys import traceback import astropy.units as u from astropy.modeling.models import BlackBody from typing import Union def error(msg: str, exit_: bool = True): """ Handle errors Parameters ---------- msg : str Error message to show exit_ : bool Exit program Returns ------- """ logging.error(msg) if exit_: traceback.print_stack() sys.exit(1) @u.quantity_input(temp=[u.Kelvin, u.Celsius]) def gb_factory(temp: u.Quantity, em: Union[int, float] = 1): """ Factory for a grey body lambda-function. Parameters ---------- temp : Quantity in Kelvin / Celsius The temperature fo the grey body. em : Union[int, float] Emissivity of the the grey body Returns ------- bb : Callable The lambda function for the grey body. """ bb = BlackBody(temperature=temp * u.K, scale=em * u.W / (u.m ** 2 * u.nm * return lambda wl: bb(wl) def isLambda(v: object): """ Check if a object is of type lambda Parameters ---------- v : object The object to check. Returns ------- res : bool Result of the check """ LAMBDA = lambda: 0 return isinstance(v, type(LAMBDA)) and v.__name__ == LAMBDA.__name__