from .ASensor import ASensor from ..IRadiant import IRadiant from ..Entry import Entry from ...lib.logger import logger from ..SpectralQty import SpectralQty import numpy as np from astropy import units as u from astropy.constants import k_B from astropy.table import QTable from typing import Union import os class Heterodyne(ASensor): """ A class for modelling the behaviour of a superheterodyne spectrometer. """ def __init__(self, parent: IRadiant, aperture_efficiency: float, main_beam_efficiency: float, receiver_temp: u.Quantity, eta_fss: float, lambda_line: u.Quantity, kappa: float, common_conf: Entry, n_on: float = None, lambda_local_oscillator: u.Quantity = None): """ Initialize a new heterodyne detector Parameters ---------- parent : IRadiant The parent element of the optical component from which the electromagnetic radiation is received. aperture_efficiency : float The aperture efficiency of the antenna. main_beam_efficiency : float The main beam efficiency of the telescope. receiver_temp : u.Quantity in Kelvins The intrinsic noise temperature of all receiver components. eta_fss : float The forward scattering efficiency of the antenna. lambda_line : u.Quantity The wavelength to be used for calculating the SNR. kappa : float The backend degradation factor. common_conf : Entry The common-Entry of the configuration. n_on : float The number of on source observations. """ self.__aperture_efficiency = aperture_efficiency self.__main_beam_efficiency = main_beam_efficiency self.__receiver_temp = receiver_temp self.__eta_fss = eta_fss self.__lambda_line = lambda_line self.__lambda_local_oscillator = lambda_local_oscillator self.__kappa = kappa self.__common_conf = common_conf self.__n_on = n_on super().__init__(parent) @u.quantity_input(exp_time="time") def calcSNR(self, background: SpectralQty, signal: SpectralQty, obstruction: float, exp_time: u.Quantity) -> u.dimensionless_unscaled: """ Calculate the signal to background ratio (SNR) for the given exposure time using the CCD-equation. Parameters ---------- background : SpectralQty The received background radiation signal : SpectralQty The received signal radiation obstruction : float The obstruction factor of the aperture as ratio A_ob / A_ap exp_time : time-Quantity The exposure time to calculate the SNR for. Returns ------- snr : Quantity The calculated SNR as dimensionless quantity """ # Calculate the signal and background temperatures t_signal, t_background = self.calcTemperatures(background, signal, obstruction) line_ind = np.where(t_signal.wl == self.__lambda_line)[0][0] t_sys = t_background + 2 * self.__receiver_temp + t_signal # Calculate the noise bandwidth delta_nu =, equivalencies=u.spectral()) / (t_signal.wl / self.__common_conf.wl_delta() + 1) snr = [] for exp_time_ in exp_time if exp_time.size > 1 else [exp_time]: # Calculate the RMS background temperature if self.__n_on is None: t_rms = 2 * t_sys * self.__kappa / np.sqrt(exp_time_ * delta_nu) else: t_rms = t_sys * self.__kappa * np.sqrt(1 + 1 / np.sqrt(self.__n_on)) / np.sqrt(exp_time_ * delta_nu) # Calculate the SNR snr_ = t_signal / t_rms snr.append(snr_.qty[line_ind]) # Print details self.__printDetails(t_sys.qty[line_ind], delta_nu[line_ind], t_rms.qty[line_ind], t_signal.qty[line_ind], "t_exp=%.2f s: " % exp_time_.value) self.__output(t_signal, t_background, t_rms, "texp_%.2f" % exp_time_.value, snr=snr_) return u.Quantity(snr) if len(snr) > 1 else u.Quantity(snr[0]) @u.quantity_input(snr=u.dimensionless_unscaled) def calcExpTime(self, background: SpectralQty, signal: SpectralQty, obstruction: float, snr: u.Quantity) -> u.s: """ Calculate the necessary exposure time in order to achieve the given SNR. Parameters ---------- background : SpectralQty The received background radiation signal : SpectralQty The received signal radiation obstruction : float The obstruction factor of the aperture as ratio A_ob / A_ap snr : Quantity The SNR for which the necessary exposure time shall be calculated as dimensionless quantity. Returns ------- exp_time : Quantity The necessary exposure time in seconds. """ # Calculate the signal and background temperatures t_signal, t_background = self.calcTemperatures(background, signal, obstruction) line_ind = np.where(t_signal.wl == self.__lambda_line)[0][0] t_sys = t_background + 2 * self.__receiver_temp + t_signal # Calculate the noise bandwidth delta_nu =, equivalencies=u.spectral()) / (t_signal.wl / self.__common_conf.wl_delta() + 1) exp_time = [] for snr_ in snr if snr.size > 1 else [snr]: # Calculate the RMS background temperature t_rms = t_signal / snr_ # Calculate the exposure time if self.__n_on is None: exp_time_ = ((2 * t_sys * self.__kappa / t_rms) ** 2 / delta_nu) else: exp_time_ = ((t_sys * self.__kappa / t_rms) ** 2 * (1 + 1 / np.sqrt(self.__n_on)) / delta_nu) exp_time_ = SpectralQty(exp_time_.wl, exp_time_.qty.decompose()) exp_time.append(exp_time_.qty[line_ind]) # Print details self.__printDetails(t_sys.qty[line_ind], delta_nu[line_ind], t_rms.qty[line_ind], t_signal.qty[line_ind], "SNR=%.2f: " % snr_.value) self.__output(t_signal, t_background, t_rms, "snr_%.2f" % snr_.value, exp_time=exp_time_) return u.Quantity(exp_time) if len(exp_time) > 1 else u.Quantity(exp_time[0]) # @u.quantity_input(exp_time="time", snr=u.dimensionless_unscaled, # target_brightness=[u.mag, u.mag /]) def calcSensitivity(self, background: SpectralQty, signal: SpectralQty, obstruction: float, exp_time: u.Quantity, snr: u.Quantity, target_brightness: u.Quantity) -> [u.mag, u.mag /]: """ Calculate the sensitivity of the telescope detector combination. Parameters ---------- background : SpectralQty The received background radiation signal : SpectralQty The received signal radiation obstruction : float The obstruction factor of the aperture as ratio A_ob / A_ap exp_time : Quantity The exposure time in seconds. snr : Quantity The SNR for which the sensitivity time shall be calculated. target_brightness : Quantity The target brightness in mag or mag / sr. Returns ------- sensitivity: Quantity The sensitivity as limiting apparent star magnitude in mag. """ # Calculate the signal and background temperatures t_signal, t_background = self.calcTemperatures(background, signal, obstruction) line_ind = np.where(t_signal.wl == self.__lambda_line)[0][0] t_sys = t_background + 2 * self.__receiver_temp + t_signal # Calculate the noise bandwidth delta_nu =, equivalencies=u.spectral()) / (t_signal.wl / self.__common_conf.wl_delta() + 1) sensitivity = [] for snr_, exp_time_ in zip(snr, exp_time) if snr.size > 1 else zip([snr], [exp_time]): # Calculate the RMS background temperature if self.__n_on is None: t_rms = 2 * t_sys * self.__kappa / np.sqrt(exp_time_ * delta_nu) else: t_rms = t_sys * self.__kappa * np.sqrt(1 + 1 / np.sqrt(self.__n_on)) / np.sqrt(exp_time_ * delta_nu) # Calculate the limiting signal temperature t_signal_lim = t_rms * snr_ # Calculate the sensitivity signal_ratio = t_signal_lim / t_signal sensitivity_ = SpectralQty(signal_ratio.wl, target_brightness - 2.5 * np.log10(signal_ratio.qty) * target_brightness.unit) sensitivity.append(sensitivity_.qty[line_ind]) # Print details self.__printDetails(t_sys.qty[line_ind], delta_nu[line_ind], t_rms.qty[line_ind], t_signal_lim.qty[line_ind], "SNR=%.2f t_exp=%.2f s: " % (snr_.value, exp_time_.value)) self.__output(t_signal, t_background, t_rms, "snr_%.2f_texp_%.2f" % (snr_.value, exp_time_.value), sensitivity=sensitivity_) return u.Quantity(sensitivity) if len(sensitivity) > 1 else u.Quantity(sensitivity[0]) @u.quantity_input(t_sys=u.K, delta_nu=u.Hz, t_rms=u.K, t_signal=u.K) def __printDetails(self, t_sys: u.Quantity, delta_nu: u.Quantity, t_rms: u.Quantity, t_signal: u.Quantity, prefix: str = ""): """ Print details on the signal and noise composition. Parameters ---------- t_sys : Quantity The system temperature. delta_nu : Quantity The noise bandwidth. t_rms : Quantity The RMS antenna temperature. t_signal : Quantity The antenna temperature. prefix : str The prefix to be used for printing. Returns ------- """"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") + "System temperature: %1.2e K" % t_sys.value) + "Noise bandwidth: %1.2e K" % delta_nu.value) + "RMS antenna temperature: %1.2e K" % t_rms.value) + "Antenna temperature: %1.2e K" % t_signal.value)"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") @u.quantity_input(signal=u.electron, background=u.electron, read_noise=u.electron ** 0.5, dark=u.electron) def __output(self, t_signal: SpectralQty, t_background: SpectralQty, t_rms: SpectralQty, name: str, snr: SpectralQty = None, exp_time: SpectralQty = None, sensitivity: SpectralQty = None): """ Write the signal and the noise in electrons to files. Parameters ---------- t_signal : SpectralQty The signal temperature in Kelvins. t_background : SpectralQty The background temperature in Kelvins. t_rms : SpectralQty The RMS noise temperature in Kelvins. name : str The name of the configuration. snr : SpectralQty The calculated signal-to-noise ratio per wavelength. exp_time : SpectralQty The calculated exposure time per wavelength. sensitivity : SpectralQty The calculated sensitivity per wavelength. Returns ------- """ # Concatenate the paths path = os.path.join(self.__common_conf.output.path, name) try: os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) except FileExistsError: logger.warning("Output directory '" + path + "' already exists.") res = QTable([t_signal.wl, t_signal.qty, t_background.qty, t_rms.qty], names=('Wavelength [' + t_signal.wl.unit.to_string() + ']', 'Signal Temperature [' + t_signal.qty.unit.to_string() + ']', 'Background Temperature [' + t_background.qty.unit.to_string() + ']', 'RMS Noise Temperature [' + t_rms.qty.unit.to_string() + ']'), meta={'name': 'first table'}) if snr is not None: res['SNR [-]'] = snr.qty if exp_time is not None: res['Exposure Time [' + exp_time.qty.unit.to_string() + ']'] = exp_time.qty if sensitivity is not None: res['Sensitivity [' + sensitivity.qty.unit.to_string() + ']'] = sensitivity.qty res.write(os.path.join(path, "result.csv"), format='ascii.csv', overwrite=True) def calcTemperatures(self, background: SpectralQty, signal: SpectralQty, obstruction: float): """ Calculate the noise temperatures of the signal and the background radiation. Parameters ---------- background : SpectralQty The received background radiation signal : SpectralQty The received signal radiation obstruction : float The obstruction factor of the aperture as ratio A_ob / A_ap Returns ------- t_signal : SpectralQty The spectral signal temperature in Kelvins. t_background : SpectralQty The spectral signal temperature in Kelvins. """"Calculating the system temperature.") # Add desired wavelength to wavelength bins wl_bins = np.sort(np.append(self.__common_conf.wl_bins(), self.__lambda_line)).view(u.Quantity) signal = signal.rebin(wl_bins) background = background.rebin(wl_bins) background = SpectralQty(background.wl, / (u.m ** 2 * u.Hz *, equivalencies=u.spectral_density( background.wl))) t_background = background * ( self.__main_beam_efficiency * background.wl ** 2 / (2 * k_B) * self.__eta_fss * t_background = SpectralQty(t_background.wl, t_background.qty.decompose()) # Calculate the incoming photon current of the target"Calculating the signal temperature.") size = "extended" if signal.qty.unit.is_equivalent(u.W / (u.m ** 2 * u.nm * else "point" if size == "point": signal = SpectralQty(signal.wl, / (u.m ** 2 * u.Hz), equivalencies=u.spectral_density(signal.wl))) t_signal = signal * (self.__aperture_efficiency * self.__common_conf.d_aperture() ** 2 * np.pi / 4 / (2 * k_B) * self.__eta_fss) t_signal = SpectralQty(t_signal.wl, t_signal.qty.decompose()) else: signal = SpectralQty(signal.wl, / (u.m ** 2 * u.Hz *, equivalencies=u.spectral_density(signal.wl))) t_signal = signal * (self.__main_beam_efficiency * signal.wl ** 2 / ( 2 * k_B) * self.__eta_fss * t_signal = SpectralQty(t_signal.wl, t_signal.qty.decompose()) if self.__lambda_local_oscillator is None: t_signal = t_signal * 2 t_background = t_background * 2 else: t_signal = t_signal + t_signal.rebin(2 * self.__lambda_local_oscillator - t_signal.wl) t_background = t_background + t_background.rebin(2 * self.__lambda_local_oscillator - t_background.wl) logger.debug("Spectral signal temperature") logger.debug(t_signal) logger.debug("Target size: " + size) logger.debug("Obstruction: %.2f" % obstruction) logger.debug("Spectral background temperature") logger.debug(t_background) return t_signal, t_background @staticmethod def check_config(sensor: Entry, conf: Entry) -> Union[None, str]: """ Check the configuration for this class Parameters ---------- sensor : Entry The configuration entry to be checked. conf: Entry The complete configuration. Returns ------- mes : Union[None, str] The error message of the check. This will be None if the check was successful. """ if not hasattr(sensor, "aperture_efficiency"): return "Missing container 'aperture_efficiency'." mes = sensor.aperture_efficiency.check_float("val") if mes is not None: return "aperture_efficiency: " + mes if not hasattr(sensor, "main_beam_efficiency"): return "Missing container 'main_beam_efficiency'." mes = sensor.main_beam_efficiency.check_float("val") if mes is not None: return "main_beam_efficiency: " + mes if not hasattr(sensor, "receiver_temp"): return "Missing container 'receiver_temp'." mes = sensor.receiver_temp.check_quantity("val", u.K) if mes is not None: return "receiver_temp: " + mes if not hasattr(sensor, "eta_fss"): return "Missing container 'eta_fss'." mes = sensor.eta_fss.check_float("val") if mes is not None: return "eta_fss: " + mes if not hasattr(sensor, "lambda_line"): return "Missing container 'lambda_line'." mes = sensor.lambda_line.check_quantity("val", u.nm) if mes is not None: return "lambda_line: " + mes if hasattr(sensor, "lambda_local_oscillator"): mes = sensor.lambda_local_oscillator.check_quantity("val", u.nm) if mes is not None: return "lambda_local_oscillator: " + mes if not hasattr(sensor, "kappa"): return "Missing container 'kappa'." mes = sensor.kappa.check_float("val") if mes is not None: return "kappa: " + mes if hasattr(sensor, "n_on") and isinstance(sensor.n_on, Entry): mes = sensor.n_on.check_float("val") if mes is not None: return "n_on: " + mes