In the following, the most important classes that are used by the software but not part of the radiation transportation pipeline are explained. Spectral Quantity ----------------- .. figure:: images/SpectralQty.pdf :alt: Class Diagram Class diagram of the Spectral Quantity. All spectral quantities used for calculations, e.g. spectral flux densities, spectral reflectances, etc., are handled as ``SpectralQty``-objects. They can be set up either by providing the two arrays wavelength bins and the corresponding spectral quantity as parameters to the constructor or by reading them from a file using the class method ``fromFile()``. In the latter case, the file must be readable by astropy and the units of the columns may be contained in the column header in square brackets. ``SpectralQty``-objects natively support mathematical operations like addition (``__add__()``), substraction (``__sub__()``), multiplication (``__mul__()``) as well as true division (``__truediv__()``) and comparison (``__eq__()``). Additionally, the two methods ``rebin()`` and ``integrate()`` allow to change the spectral grid or integrate the quantity on the grid. .. _configuration: Configuration ------------- .. figure:: images/Configuration.pdf :alt: Class Diagram Class diagram of the Configuration. The class ``Configuration`` contains all methods necessary to parse the XML-configuration file and convert it into a tree of :ref:`entry`-objects. This conversion is triggered in the beginning of the program flow. Additionally, the check of the parsed configuration is preformed by this class (``check_config()``, ``check_optical_components()``). In detail, the static ``checkConfig()``-method of the corresponding class is called on each Entry-object to perform the checks. Finally, this class also computes some meta options like the array containing the wavelength bins. .. _entry: Entry ----- .. figure:: images/Entry.pdf :alt: Class Diagram Class diagram of the Entry. The class ``Entry`` is used to represent the tags of the XML-configuration file and provide basic test mechanisms. Each XML-tag is parsed by the :ref:`configuration` and converted into an ``Entry``-object. Thereby each attribute of the XML-tag is converted into an attribute of the corresponding ``Entry``-object. In case another attribute with the same name and the postfix *_unit* exists, both attributes are converted to an Astropy-Quantity object. In case a parameter is called ``val``, this parameter is returned if the ``Entry``-object is called. In order to allow checks on the attributes of an ``Entry``-object, the methods ``check_quantity()``, ``check_selection()``, ``check_file()``, ``check_path()`` and ``check_float()`` take the attribute name and possible a default value and return a string as check result. If the check is passed, ``None`` will be returned.