pipeline { agent { dockerfile { filename "Dockerfile" args "-u root" //needed to get around permission issues } } environment { SPHINX_DIR = 'docs' BUILD_DIR = 'docs/build' SOURCE_DIR = 'docs/source' DEPLOY_HOST = 'deployer@www.example.com:/path/to/docs/' } stages { stage('Install Dependencies') { steps { // virtualenv may not be necessary with root, // but I still think it's a good idea. sh ''' virtualenv pyenv . pyenv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt ''' } } stage('Build') { steps { // clear out old files sh 'rm -rf ${BUILD_DIR}' sh 'rm -f ${SPHINX_DIR}/sphinx-build.log' sh ''' ${WORKSPACE}/pyenv/bin/sphinx-build \ -q -w ${SPHINX_DIR}/sphinx-build.log \ -b html \ -d ${BUILD_DIR}/doctrees ${SOURCE_DIR} ${BUILD_DIR} ''' archiveArtifacts 'docs/build' } post { failure { sh 'cat ${SPHINX_DIR}/sphinx-build.log' } } } /* stage('Deploy') { steps { sshagent(credentials: ['deployer']) { sh '''#!/bin/bash rm -f ${SPHINX_DIR}/rsync.log RSYNCOPT=(-aze 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no') rsync "${RSYNCOPT[@]}" \ --exclude-from=${SPHINX_DIR}/rsync-exclude.txt \ --log-file=${SPHINX_DIR}/rsync.log \ --delete \ ${BUILD_DIR}/ ${DEPLOY_HOST} ''' } } post { failure { sh 'cat ${SPHINX_DIR}/rsync.log' } } } */ } }