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#ifndef FUSE_H_
#define FUSE_H_
#include <framework/datapool/DataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PIDReader.h>
#include <framework/devicehandlers/HealthDevice.h>
#include <framework/monitoring/AbsLimitMonitor.h>
#include <framework/power/PowerComponentIF.h>
#include <framework/power/PowerSwitchIF.h>
#include <framework/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h>
#include <framework/parameters/ParameterHelper.h>
#include <list>
namespace Factory{
void setStaticFrameworkObjectIds();
class Fuse: public SystemObject,
public HasHealthIF,
public HasReturnvaluesIF,
public ReceivesParameterMessagesIF {
friend void (Factory::setStaticFrameworkObjectIds)();
2018-07-13 15:56:37 +02:00
static constexpr float RESIDUAL_POWER = 0.005 * 28.5; //!< This is the upper limit of residual power lost by fuses and switches. Worst case is Fuse and one of two switches on. See PCDU ICD 1.9 p29 bottom
struct VariableIds {
uint32_t pidVoltage;
uint32_t pidCurrent;
uint32_t pidState;
uint32_t poolIdPower;
static const uint8_t SUBSYSTEM_ID = SUBSYSTEM_ID::PCDU_1;
static const Event FUSE_CURRENT_HIGH = MAKE_EVENT(1, SEVERITY::LOW); //!< PSS detected that current on a fuse is totally out of bounds.
static const Event FUSE_WENT_OFF = MAKE_EVENT(2, SEVERITY::LOW); //!< PSS detected a fuse that went off.
static const Event POWER_ABOVE_HIGH_LIMIT = MAKE_EVENT(4, SEVERITY::LOW); //!< PSS detected a fuse that violates its limits.
static const Event POWER_BELOW_LOW_LIMIT = MAKE_EVENT(5, SEVERITY::LOW); //!< PSS detected a fuse that violates its limits.
typedef std::list<PowerComponentIF*> DeviceList;
Fuse(object_id_t fuseObjectId, uint8_t fuseId, VariableIds ids,
float maxCurrent, uint16_t confirmationCount = 2);
virtual ~Fuse();
void addDevice(PowerComponentIF* set);
float getPower();
bool isPowerValid();
ReturnValue_t check();
uint8_t getFuseId() const;
ReturnValue_t initialize();
DeviceList devices;
ReturnValue_t serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
const size_t max_size, bool bigEndian) const;
uint32_t getSerializedSize() const;
ReturnValue_t deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
bool bigEndian);
void setAllMonitorsToUnchecked();
ReturnValue_t performOperation(uint8_t opCode);
MessageQueueId_t getCommandQueue() const;
void setDataPoolEntriesInvalid();
ReturnValue_t setHealth(HealthState health);
HasHealthIF::HealthState getHealth();
ReturnValue_t getParameter(uint8_t domainId, uint16_t parameterId,
ParameterWrapper *parameterWrapper,
const ParameterWrapper *newValues, uint16_t startAtIndex);
uint8_t oldFuseState;
uint8_t fuseId;
PowerSwitchIF* powerIF; //could be static in our case.
AbsLimitMonitor<float> currentLimit;
class PowerMonitor: public MonitorReporter<float> {
template<typename ... Args>
PowerMonitor(Args ... args) :
MonitorReporter<float>(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {
ReturnValue_t checkPower(float sample, float lowerLimit,
float upperLimit);
void sendTransitionEvent(float currentValue, ReturnValue_t state) {
PowerMonitor powerMonitor;
DataSet set;
PIDReader<float> voltage;
PIDReader<float> current;
PIDReader<uint8_t> state;
db_float_t power;
MessageQueueIF* commandQueue;
ParameterHelper parameterHelper;
HealthHelper healthHelper;
static object_id_t powerSwitchId;
void calculatePowerLimits(float* low, float* high);
void calculateFusePower();
void checkFuseState();
void reportEvents(Event event);
void checkCommandQueue();
bool areSwitchesOfComponentOn(DeviceList::iterator iter);
#endif /* FUSE_H_ */