diff --git a/osal/FreeRTOS/PeriodicTask.cpp b/osal/FreeRTOS/PeriodicTask.cpp
index deab2dc1..3075be79 100644
--- a/osal/FreeRTOS/PeriodicTask.cpp
+++ b/osal/FreeRTOS/PeriodicTask.cpp
@@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ PeriodicTask::PeriodicTask(const char *name, TaskPriority setPriority,
 		TaskStackSize setStack, TaskPeriod setPeriod,
 		void (*setDeadlineMissedFunc)()) :
 		started(false), handle(NULL), period(setPeriod), deadlineMissedFunc(
-				setDeadlineMissedFunc) {
-	BaseType_t status = xTaskCreate(taskEntryPoint, name, setStack, this, setPriority, &handle);
+		setDeadlineMissedFunc)
+	BaseType_t status = xTaskCreate(taskEntryPoint, name,
+			setStack, this, setPriority, &handle);
 	if(status != pdPASS){
 		sif::debug << "PeriodicTask Insufficient heap memory remaining. Status: "
 		           << status << std::endl;
diff --git a/osal/FreeRTOS/PeriodicTask.h b/osal/FreeRTOS/PeriodicTask.h
index 4cbffd5a..02ab7148 100644
--- a/osal/FreeRTOS/PeriodicTask.h
+++ b/osal/FreeRTOS/PeriodicTask.h
@@ -13,11 +13,9 @@
 class ExecutableObjectIF;
- * @brief This class represents a specialized task for periodic activities of multiple objects.
- *
- * @details MultiObjectTask is an extension to ObjectTask in the way that it is able to execute
- * 			multiple objects that implement the ExecutableObjectIF interface. The objects must be
- * 			added prior to starting the task.
+ * @brief 	This class represents a specialized task for
+ * 			periodic activities of multiple objects.
+ * @details
  * @ingroup task_handling
@@ -25,21 +23,22 @@ class PeriodicTask: public PeriodicTaskIF {
 	 * @brief	Standard constructor of the class.
-	 * @details	The class is initialized without allocated objects. These need to be added
-	 * 			with #addObject.
-	 * 			In the underlying TaskBase class, a new operating system task is created.
-	 * 			In addition to the TaskBase parameters, the period, the pointer to the
-	 * 			aforementioned initialization function and an optional "deadline-missed"
-	 * 			function pointer is passed.
-	 * @param priority		Sets the priority of a task. Values range from a low 0 to a high 99.
+	 * @details
+	 * The class is initialized without allocated objects. These need to be added
+	 * with #addComponent. In the underlying TaskBase class, a new operating
+	 * system task is created. In addition to the TaskBase parameters,
+	 * the period, the pointer to the aforementioned initialization function and
+	 * an optional "deadline-missed" function pointer is passed.
+	 * @param priority		Sets the priority of a task. Values depend on
+	 * freeRTOS configuration, high number means high priority.
 	 * @param stack_size	The stack size reserved by the operating system for the task.
-	 * @param setPeriod 	The length of the period with which the task's functionality will be
-	 * 						executed. It is expressed in clock ticks.
-	 * @param setDeadlineMissedFunc	The function pointer to the deadline missed function
-	 * 								that shall be assigned.
+	 * @param setPeriod The length of the period with which the task's
+	 * functionality will be executed. It is expressed in clock ticks.
+	 * @param setDeadlineMissedFunc
+	 * The function pointer to the deadline missed function that shall be assigned.
-	PeriodicTask(const char *name, TaskPriority setPriority, TaskStackSize setStack, TaskPeriod setPeriod,
-			void (*setDeadlineMissedFunc)());
+	PeriodicTask(const char *name, TaskPriority setPriority, TaskStackSize setStack,
+			TaskPeriod setPeriod,void (*setDeadlineMissedFunc)());
 	 * @brief	Currently, the executed object's lifetime is not coupled with the task object's
 	 * 			lifetime, so the destructor is empty.
diff --git a/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskFactory.cpp b/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskFactory.cpp
index 6b18d7a8..62015a4c 100644
--- a/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskFactory.cpp
+++ b/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskFactory.cpp
@@ -44,10 +44,6 @@ ReturnValue_t TaskFactory::deleteTask(PeriodicTaskIF* task) {
-ReturnValue_t TaskFactory::delayTask(uint32_t delayMs) {
-	vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(delayMs));
-	return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
 TaskFactory::TaskFactory() {
diff --git a/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskManagement.cpp b/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskManagement.cpp
index 3e22021a..bda43d8b 100644
--- a/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskManagement.cpp
+++ b/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskManagement.cpp
@@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
 #include <framework/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskManagement.h>
-extern "C" {
-#include "FreeRTOS.h"
-#include "task.h"
 void TaskManagement::requestContextSwitchFromTask() {
@@ -18,5 +13,16 @@ void TaskManagement::requestContextSwitch(CallContext callContext = CallContext:
+TaskHandle_t TaskManagement::getCurrentTaskHandle() {
+	return xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
+configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE TaskManagement::getTaskStackHighWatermark() {
+	return uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(TaskManagement::getCurrentTaskHandle());
+ReturnValue_t TaskManagement::delayTask(uint32_t delayMs) {
+	vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(delayMs));
+	return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
diff --git a/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskManagement.h b/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskManagement.h
index 4c148ca5..11c4c9dc 100644
--- a/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskManagement.h
+++ b/osal/FreeRTOS/TaskManagement.h
@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
-// maybe this can be part of the TaskFactory.cpp
+#include <framework/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h>
+extern "C" {
+#include "FreeRTOS.h"
+#include "task.h"
+#include <cstdint>
  * Architecture dependant portmacro.h function call.
  * Should be implemented in bsp.
@@ -35,6 +42,29 @@ public:
 	 * can be requested manually by calling this function.
 	static void requestContextSwitchFromTask(void);
+	/**
+	 * @return The current task handle
+	 */
+	static TaskHandle_t getCurrentTaskHandle();
+	/**
+	 * Get returns the minimum amount of remaining stack space in words
+	 * that was a available to the task since the task started executing.
+	 * Please note that the actual value in bytes depends
+	 * on the stack depth type.
+	 * E.g. on a 32 bit machine, a value of 200 means 800 bytes.
+	 * @return Smallest value of stack remaining since the task was started in
+	 * 		   words.
+	 */
+	static configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE getTaskStackHighWatermark();
+	/**
+	 * Function to be called to delay current task
+	 * @param delay The delay in milliseconds
+	 * @return Success of deletion
+	 */
+	static ReturnValue_t delayTask(uint32_t delayMs);
diff --git a/tasks/TaskFactory.h b/tasks/TaskFactory.h
index 6716f7ff..31b8b135 100644
--- a/tasks/TaskFactory.h
+++ b/tasks/TaskFactory.h
@@ -60,13 +60,6 @@ public:
 	static ReturnValue_t deleteTask(PeriodicTaskIF* task = NULL);
-	/**
-	 * Function to be called to delay current task
-	 * @param delay The delay in milliseconds
-	 * @return Success of deletion
-	 */
-	static ReturnValue_t delayTask(uint32_t delayMs);
 	 * External instantiation is not allowed.