#ifndef FSFW_DATAPOOLLOCAL_STATICLOCALDATASET_H_ #define FSFW_DATAPOOLLOCAL_STATICLOCALDATASET_H_ #include "LocalPoolDataSetBase.h" #include "../objectmanager/SystemObjectIF.h" #include <array> /** * @brief This local dataset type is created on the stack. * @details * Size of data set specified as a constructor argument. It is recommended * to use the default LocalDataSet of the dataset is constructed on the heap * and the SharedLocalDataSet if it created on the heap and used by multiple * other software objects. * @tparam capacity */ template <uint8_t NUM_VARIABLES> class StaticLocalDataSet: public LocalPoolDataSetBase { public: StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t sid): LocalPoolDataSetBase(sid, nullptr, NUM_VARIABLES) { this->setContainer(poolVarList.data()); } private: std::array<PoolVariableIF*, NUM_VARIABLES> poolVarList; }; #endif /* FSFW_DATAPOOLLOCAL_STATICLOCALDATASET_H_ */