/** * @file OSAL.h * @brief This file defines the OSAL class. * @date 19.12.2012 * @author baetz */ #ifndef OSAL_H_ #define OSAL_H_ #include <framework/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h> #define RTEMS_API 1 #ifndef API #error Please specify Operating System API. Supported: API=RTEMS_API #elif API == RTEMS_API #include <rtems/endian.h> #include <rtems.h> #include <rtems/libio.h> #include <rtems/error.h> #include <rtems/stackchk.h> #include <stdint.h> //include RMAP #define opus_main Init2 #define opus_main_arguments rtems_task_argument //Typedefs for RTEMS: //TODO: these are global, shouldn't they have some prefix? /** * A typedef to pass options to RTEMS elements. */ typedef rtems_option Option_t; /** * A typedef to pass attributes to RTEMS elements. */ typedef rtems_attribute Attribute_t; /** * A typedef for RTEMS task modes. */ typedef rtems_mode OpusMode_t; /** * A typedef for time intervals. In clock ticks. */ typedef rtems_interval Interval_t; typedef rtems_time_of_day TimeOfDay_t; typedef rtems_id TaskId_t; typedef rtems_id PeriodId_t; typedef rtems_id MutexId_t; typedef rtems_id MessageQueueId_t; typedef rtems_name Name_t; typedef rtems_task_argument TaskArgument_t; typedef rtems_task_entry TaskEntry_t; typedef rtems_task TaskReturn_t; typedef rtems_task_priority TaskPriority_t; typedef rtems_isr_entry IsrHandler_t; typedef rtems_isr IsrReturn_t; typedef rtems_vector_number InterruptNumber_t; /** * This class contains encapsulates all System Calls to the Operating System. * It is currently tailored to the RTEMS Operating system, but should in general * support different OS. * For more detailed information on the Operating System calls, please refer to the * RTEMS documentation at www.rtems.org . */ class OSAL: public HasReturnvaluesIF { private: /** * A method to convert an OS-specific return code to the frameworks return value concept. * @param inValue The return code coming from the OS. * @return The converted return value. */ static ReturnValue_t convertReturnCode(uint8_t inValue); public: static const uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = OPERATING_SYSTEM_ABSTRACTION; //Interrupts: static const uint32_t INTERRUPT_MASK_REGISTER_ADDRESS = 0x80000240; //API Status codes: static const ReturnValue_t SUCCESSFUL = RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL; static const ReturnValue_t TASK_EXITTED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_TASK_EXITTED ); static const ReturnValue_t MP_NOT_CONFIGURED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_MP_NOT_CONFIGURED ); static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_NAME = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_INVALID_NAME ); static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_ID = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_INVALID_ID ); static const ReturnValue_t TOO_MANY = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_TOO_MANY ); static const ReturnValue_t TIMEOUT = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_TIMEOUT ); static const ReturnValue_t OBJECT_WAS_DELETED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_OBJECT_WAS_DELETED ); static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_SIZE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_INVALID_SIZE ); static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_ADDRESS = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS ); static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_NUMBER = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER ); static const ReturnValue_t NOT_DEFINED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED ); static const ReturnValue_t RESOURCE_IN_USE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_RESOURCE_IN_USE ); static const ReturnValue_t UNSATISFIED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_UNSATISFIED ); static const ReturnValue_t QUEUE_EMPTY = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_UNSATISFIED ); static const ReturnValue_t INCORRECT_STATE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE ); static const ReturnValue_t ALREADY_SUSPENDED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_ALREADY_SUSPENDED ); static const ReturnValue_t ILLEGAL_ON_SELF = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_ILLEGAL_ON_SELF ); static const ReturnValue_t ILLEGAL_ON_REMOTE_OBJECT = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_ILLEGAL_ON_REMOTE_OBJECT ); static const ReturnValue_t CALLED_FROM_ISR = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_CALLED_FROM_ISR ); static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_PRIORITY = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_INVALID_PRIORITY ); static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_CLOCK = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK ); static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_NODE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_INVALID_NODE ); static const ReturnValue_t NOT_CONFIGURED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_NOT_CONFIGURED ); static const ReturnValue_t NOT_OWNER_OF_RESOURCE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_NOT_OWNER_OF_RESOURCE ); static const ReturnValue_t NOT_IMPLEMENTED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ); static const ReturnValue_t INTERNAL_ERROR = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_INTERNAL_ERROR ); static const ReturnValue_t NO_MEMORY = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_NO_MEMORY ); static const ReturnValue_t IO_ERROR = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( RTEMS_IO_ERROR ); //API options: static const Option_t DEFAULT_OPTIONS = RTEMS_DEFAULT_OPTIONS; static const Option_t WAIT = RTEMS_WAIT; static const Option_t NO_WAIT = RTEMS_NO_WAIT; static const Option_t EVENT_ALL = RTEMS_EVENT_ALL; static const Option_t EVENT_ANY = RTEMS_EVENT_ANY; //API Attributes: static const Attribute_t DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES = RTEMS_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES; static const Attribute_t LOCAL = RTEMS_LOCAL; static const Attribute_t GLOBAL = RTEMS_GLOBAL; static const Attribute_t FIFO = RTEMS_FIFO; static const Attribute_t PRIORITY = RTEMS_PRIORITY; static const Attribute_t NO_FLOATING_POINT = RTEMS_NO_FLOATING_POINT; static const Attribute_t FLOATING_POINT = RTEMS_FLOATING_POINT; //API Modes: static const OpusMode_t ALL_MODE_MASKS = RTEMS_ALL_MODE_MASKS; static const OpusMode_t DEFAULT_MODES = RTEMS_DEFAULT_MODES; static const OpusMode_t CURRENT_MODE = RTEMS_CURRENT_MODE; static const OpusMode_t PREEMPT = RTEMS_PREEMPT; static const OpusMode_t NO_PREEMPT = RTEMS_NO_PREEMPT; static const OpusMode_t NO_TIMESLICE = RTEMS_NO_TIMESLICE; static const OpusMode_t TIMESLICE = RTEMS_TIMESLICE; static const OpusMode_t ASR = RTEMS_ASR; static const OpusMode_t NO_ASR = RTEMS_NO_ASR; //API Time and Timing static const Interval_t MILISECOND_WAIT = 1; static const Interval_t NO_TIMEOUT = RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT; static const TaskId_t TASK_MYSELF = RTEMS_SELF; static const size_t MINIMUM_STACK_SIZE = RTEMS_MINIMUM_STACK_SIZE; /** * This is a helper method to build a qualified name out of single characters * @param c1 The first character * @param c2 The second character * @param c3 The third character * @param c4 The fourth character * @return A name suitable for use for the Operating System */ static Name_t buildName(uint8_t c1, uint8_t c2, uint8_t c3, uint8_t c4); /** * This method returns the number of clock ticks per second. * In RTEMS, this is typically 1000. * @return The number of ticks. */ static Interval_t getTicksPerSecond(void); /** * This system call sets the system time. * To set the time, it uses a TimeOfDay_t struct. * @param time The struct with the time settings to set. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t setClock(TimeOfDay_t* time); /** * This system call sets the system time. * To set the time, it uses a timeval struct. * @param time The struct with the time settings to set. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t setClock(timeval* time); /** * This system call returns the current system clock in timeval format. * The timval format has the fields \c tv_sec with seconds and \c tv_usec with * microseconds since an OS-defined epoch. * @param time A pointer to a timeval struct where the current time is stored. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t getClock_timeval(timeval* time); /** * Get the time since boot in a timeval struct * * @param[out] time A pointer to a timeval struct where the uptime is stored. * @return\c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t getUptime(timeval* uptime); /** * Get the time since boot in milliseconds * * This value can overflow! Still, it can be used to calculate time intervalls * between two calls up to 49 days by always using uint32_t in the calculation * * @param ms uptime in ms * @return RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t getUptime(uint32_t* uptimeMs); /** * Returns the time in microseconds since an OS-defined epoch. * The time is returned in a 64 bit unsigned integer. * @param time A pointer to a 64 bit unisigned integer where the data is stored. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t getClock_usecs(uint64_t* time); /** * Returns the time in a TimeOfDay_t struct. * @param time A pointer to a TimeOfDay_t struct. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t getDateAndTime(TimeOfDay_t* time); /** * Converts a time of day struct to POSIX seconds. * @param time The time of day as input * @param timeval The corresponding seconds since the epoch. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t convertTimeOfDayToTimeval(const TimeOfDay_t* from, timeval* to); /** * Commands the calling task to sleep for a certain number of clock ticks. * Typically other tasks are executed then. * @param ticks The number of clock ticks to sleep. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t sleepFor(Interval_t ticks); /** * With this call, a new task is created. * The task is created (its resources are acquired), but it is not started. * @param name A name as specified in the OS. * @param initial_priority The task's priority. Ranging from 0 (lowest) to 99 (highest). * @param stack_size The stack size reserved for this task. * @param initial_modes Options for the task's mode (preemptible, time slicing, etc..) * @param attribute_set Options for the task's attributes (floating point, local/global) * @param id The OS returns the task id, that uniquely identifies the task. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t createTask(Name_t name, TaskPriority_t initial_priority, size_t stack_size, OpusMode_t initial_modes, Attribute_t attribute_set, TaskId_t *id); /** * Finds a task with the help of its name. * @param name Name of the task to find * @param id The OS returns the task id, that uniquely identifies the task. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t findTask(Name_t name, TaskId_t *id); /** * Starts a task. * The task immediately starts running. * @param id The task id. * @param entry_point A pointer to the (static) method that is executed by the task. * @param argument One argument (a void* pointer) may be passed to the task. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t startTask(TaskId_t *id, TaskEntry_t entry_point, TaskArgument_t argument); /** * With this call, tasks are deleted from the system * @param id The task id. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t deleteTask(TaskId_t *id); /** * Checks if the current executing context is an ISR. * @return true if handling an interrupt, false else. */ static bool isInterruptInProgress(); /** * An task is not executed periodically by default. * This is activated with this call. This is managed internally. * @param period The task's period in clock ticks. * @param[out] periodId The newly created period's id * @param name optional name for the period * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t setAndStartPeriod(Interval_t period, PeriodId_t *periodId, Name_t name = (('P' << 24) + ('e' << 16) + ('r' << 8) + 'd')); /** * This call must be made in a periodic task, when activities of one cycle are finished. * This is managed internally. * @param periodId Id of the period as returned by setAndStartPeriod() * @param period The period duration for the next cycle. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t checkAndRestartPeriod(PeriodId_t periodId, Interval_t period); /** * This call deletes the period. * This is managed internally. * @param id Pointer to the task identifier the period belongs to. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t deletePeriod(TaskId_t *id); /** * With this call the period statistics (and therefore the periodic task * statistics) are printed to the screen. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t reportPeriodStatistics(); /** * With this call, a new message queue is created. * @param name A qualified name for the message queue. * @param count Number of messages the queue can store before it rejects new messages. * @param max_message_size Maximum size of a single message. * @param attribute_set Attributes for the message queue (fifo/priority, local/global) * @param id A unique message queue identifier returned by the OS. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t createMessageQueue(Name_t name, uint32_t count, size_t max_message_size, Attribute_t attribute_set, MessageQueueId_t *id); /** * Returns a message queue id by its name. * @param name The queue's name. * @param id A pointer to the queue id to return to. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t findMessageQueue(Name_t name, MessageQueueId_t *id); /** * Sends a message to the queue given by id. * @param id Id of the queue to send to * @param buffer A pointer to any kind of data to send over the queue. * @param size Size of the data to send. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t sendMessage(MessageQueueId_t id, const void *buffer, size_t size); /** * Checks, if a message was received by a queue with identifier id. * @param id The id of the checked task. * @param buffer Pointer to the buffer to store to. * @param bufSize Maximum size of the buffer. * @param recSize The actual message size is returned here. * @param option_set Specifies, if the task waits for a message (WAIT/ NO_WAIT). * @param timeout If the task waits, this interval specifies how long (in clock ticks). * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t receiveMessage(MessageQueueId_t id, void *buffer, size_t bufSize, size_t *recSize, Option_t option_set, Interval_t timeout); /** * Deletes all pending messages in a certain queue. * @param id Id of the queue to flush * @param count Number of flushed messages. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t flushMessageQueue( MessageQueueId_t id, uint32_t* count ); /** * Deletes a message queue from the system. * @param id Id of the queue to delete. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t deleteMessageQueue(MessageQueueId_t *id); /** * Creates a new mutual exclusive lock (or semaphore). * With these locks, concurrent access to system resources (data pool, ...) can be * controlled. * @param name A qualified name for the mutex. * @param id The mutex's id as returned by the OS. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t createMutex(Name_t name, MutexId_t *id); /** * Deletes the mutex identified by id. * @param id Id of the mutex to delete. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t deleteMutex(MutexId_t *id); /** * With this call, a task tries to acquire the mutex. * Must be used in conjunction with unlockMutex. * @param id Id of the mutex to acquire. * @param timeout Specifies how long a task waits for the mutex. Default is NO_TIMEOUT. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t lockMutex(MutexId_t *id, Interval_t timeout); /** * Releases a mutex. * Must be used in conjunction with lockMutex. * @param id Id of the mutex to release. * @return \c RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t unlockMutex(MutexId_t *id); /** * Establishes a new interrupt service routine. * @param handler The service routine to establish * @param interrupt The interrupt (NOT trap type) the routine shall react to. * @return RETURN_OK on success. Otherwise, the OS failure code is returned. */ static ReturnValue_t setInterruptServiceRoutine(IsrHandler_t handler, InterruptNumber_t interrupt, IsrHandler_t *oldHandler = NULL ); /** * Enables the interrupt given. * The function tests, if the InterruptMask register was written successfully. * @param interrupt The interrupt to enable. * @return RETURN_OK if the interrupt was set successfully. RETURN_FAILED else. */ static ReturnValue_t enableInterrupt( InterruptNumber_t interrupt ); /** * Disables the interrupt given. * @param interrupt The interrupt to disable. * @return RETURN_OK if the interrupt was set successfully. RETURN_FAILED else. */ static ReturnValue_t disableInterrupt( InterruptNumber_t interrupt ); }; #endif /* API */ #endif /* OSAL_H_ */